High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I think it’s an algorithm problem.

They probably would prefer it to, but it might be an issue with the site itself.

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Or the issue because of the forums being designed by someone else… :man_shrugging: who knows.

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Simply due to how it was designed there probably needs to be a limit somewhere. They just didn’t expect us to go over that limit several times now


They’d make money off my significant other and me. Between the two of us we have 14 blood elves… almost all we would switch to alliance and to high elves if they were available…

I’m sure we’re not the only ones either.


I just want to point something out about the silhouette thing. I constantly hear them talking about this as if it isn’t an easy fix. All you have to do is get rid of the ‘lean’ Blood Elves have to differentiate between the two.

We all know if they give us this option it will be attached to the Void Elves. They aren’t going to add an allied race that is very similar to the Void Elves. However, what they could have done and what they could do is make the High Elves like the OP with some changes like their posture. Have them stand straight up like the hair options concepts in the OP.

I mean, when they’re like that, they look like better proportioned Humans and fixing human proportions or giving body type options is another thing I’d like to see. However, I almost guarantee if the next expansion was an announcement to more character creator options like body-type, high elf options for Void Elves, undead elves ala vampire race for undead on Horde, along with more control for customizing our characters – it would go over extremely well.


They will eventually cave. Wasn’t it the art director or one of the developers during a private QA that was asked about High Elves and he said “no plans at the moment but don’t give up. We hear the community”.


I honestly don’t think they will change their stance on this.
They may drop the void parts of void elves however.

Also that guys opinion is only his and not the teams so doesn’t stand as a real point.


I disagree that the devs would ‘cave’. They’ve heard how many of us are against alliance getting high elves. And now especially, after the alliance were given void elves I believe they would never give them high elves.


lol yeah just like QA heard everyone during the Beta that BfA was going to be a disaster. Sure they are listening. LOL

Forget High Elves for a moment, look at the other races. Kul Tiran? Who the heck wanted that? Mechagnomes? People have already started calling them diapergnomes. Lightforged? They have no lore other than being Draenei that want to kill demons, like Draenei loved demons before? What a joke.

It’s like the developers are some of the insane Horde troll posters I see on the forums here that actually get enraged in real life that something good happens to the Alliance.

Blizzard is run by crazy people.


I think we will get high elves. I will not give up hope, and I don’t think antis outnumber the people who want them.


I think you wont, and numbers has nothing to do with it. It has to do with the fact that we have cookies. You dont.
I make desserts, like macarons and the v8.
You have noone who does.

Bow before our greatness

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I make desserts, like raspberry truffles, cheesecakes of all kinds, cookies, and the list goes on. We will get our high elves, and I will never bow before the mediocre desserts of the antis.

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You dare call the 8 layer vanilla cake inferior? Preposterous, this is why helfers shall fall. They do not know good quality desserts if they were shoved down their ugly gullets!


Yes, I dare. And I assure you my gullet is beautiful, you are just jealous. Just like antis are jealous and threatened by the beauty of high elves.

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Only because we already have things the way we want them. There’s little need to engage the problem if your happy. If playable Alliance high elves became a possibility, that’d change.

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Them not being playable is the time to push against it. Once they are announced, people can complain, but it won’t change it.


Wowhead as High and Blood Elf models for WC3 Reforged up.

The eyes for the High Elf Woman and Peasant are clearly green too.


Those models don’t have the glow on them yet.

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And when they have a green glow added?