High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Why do you think we got void elves then?

Because they gave NB to the Horde?


Your timeline is off.
The high elves left the alliance BEFORE the sunwell was defiled.
Your timeline states they left in 22, but the sunwell was defiled in 20.

It is stated after WC2 the high elves left the alliance, ehich is in year 18.

No, it’s not. In your hurry to oppose on its own sake, you didn’t even pay attention to what I wrote. Plus, I took the timeline from both the Ultimate Visual Guide and Wowpedia.

I said when the BLOOD elves left the Alliance, not the high elves.
Because, if you paid attention, you’d know the blood elves joined the Alliance AFTER the Sunwell’s defilement, then left when Garithos abused them and tried to kill them. In the year 22, as I had pointed out previously.


they did not. The blood elves did not join the alliance because of they had, then the alliance would have been helping them at the time and not the Horde which occurred in TBC.
Anasterian died before there were blood elves, and he withdrew the high elves from the alliance. The Blood elves had Kael’thas left to handle things, and he did not have the race join the alliance. An alliance which was gone as well.

So when Kael’thas sunstrider left with his troops to meet with Garithos in cooperation, you consider this as the blood elves joining the alliance, even though it clearly was not.
The blood elves never joined the alliance.
Kael’thas and his troops worked with Garithos, but there was no alliance to speak of during this time.

So your statement makes no sense in two aspects.

  1. They never joined. Kael’thas was working with them. Otherwise, the Forsaken joined the alliance when Sylvanas was working with Garithos.

  2. There was no alliance of Lordaeron. It was gone.

Obviously there are no guaranteed money makers in this game, but with as undeniably popular all elves are in game, the chances are more than likely to be a money maker.

Who knows what all of their reasons are for not implementing them, probably the no plans for now reason.

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Which doesn’t change what he aid Elyssaria If they were good money, they’d be a thing based on the logic. Therefore, the fact they haven’t implemented them in over 12 years, means they’re not good money.

They’ve literally stated why they haven’t done it.

well if blood elves came about because china wouldnt agree to the game unless the horde had a less monstrous race, we can assume high elves on the alliance might cause another international incident. :crazy_face:

that might explain everything, in fact. :bulb:


I’m neutral in this matter just as a disclaimer. If Void Elves were created to be something new, I must pose a simple question.

Why aren’t they unique? A race that has so many possibilities to be visually and narratively distinct only end up being overwhelmingly bland with lore that even falls short of being a fan fiction written up by a middle schooler in his My Chemical Romance phase.

This race I feel could have been so much more. No model modifications for a creepy look, same skin colours with slight shading, no shadow themes, not even remotely sinister or chaotic in nature; they don’t even try to write them to be controversial.

This race is not a product of compassion, no love went into creating them.


more drizzt. the foundation for night elves.



Directly from Warcraft 3 campaign:

Prince Kael’thas: It is loyalty and duty that bind me to him and to this
 failing Alliance.

Grand Marshal Garithos: I am not interested in your fanciful excuses! You elves are here to serve the Alliance: thus, you will obey my commands to the letter! Is that clear?

Prince Kael’thas: Yes, Lord Garithos.

Notice the capital letter in “Alliance”.

Because none of the original allied races was unique. Blizzard needed two Alliance races as quick as possible. Thus we ended up with golden draenei and blue blood elves.

I feel that as well. But it’s close to two years since their announcement and Blizzard still hasn’t done anything meaningful with it.

Yes, I agree entirely.

Void elves were just a thing Blizzard cobbled together in a few months. A race to fill up a vacant slot. If it had gotten care early on, maybe the entire high elf discussion would have ended two years ago.


yeah it was bad. i theorize that alliance was originally gonna get the broken draenei from argus and the lightforged draenei from argus, as their legion ARs. and they changed their minds at the last minute and gave us void elves instead of broken, which is why they feel so rushed and arent represented at all, till you’ve unlocked them, whereas all the other ARs have full zones with quests associated to them


That’s cool and all, but that’s the same as claiming the Broken are Alliance because they worked with them at one point.
That does not mean the blood elf kingdom joined the Alliance the same way the Gnomes,Dwarves, and NIght elves are a part of the Alliance.

If we go based off that logic, then the Defias were Horde because they worked with them, along with high elves working alongside the Horde in Suramar.

Pessimists would say its not happening. You are an optimist!

He pledged the force he had with him to aid the Alliance, he did not pledge his people dude.

The point went over your head and smashed into Jupiter.
Simply because SOME Broken joined the alliance does not mean the Broken as a people joined. You are being obtuse for the sake of holding onto a false narrative. The blood elves were never an alliance race. They worked with Garithos briefly, but did not join the alliance as a whole.
Why is it that at least once a week, some new, inane argument pops up out of the helfer group??

Doesn’t mean they won’t either, Iam a bit pessimistic, but that’s why we are all here.

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The freaking blood elf Prince, heir to the throne, the single leader of the nation then, pledged his forces to the Alliance.

“The broken” are not a single people. Some of them joined the Alliance and are Alliance (and could be a playable race if Blizzard cared).

BTW, from Wowpedia:

Kael’thas commanded his regent, Lor’themar Theron, to safeguard the elven homeland, and Halduron Brightwing was named the new Ranger-general of Silvermoon and general blood elf military leader. Kael himself took 15% of the blood elven race (including some of his most powerful and gifted magisters) to join with the Alliance fighting in the equally destroyed Lordaeron. However, this tenuous alliance would not last, and the blood elves came under the bigoted scrutiny of one Grand Marshal Garithos. Garithos, a human who had felt wronged the high elves’ conduct in the past, consistently gave the blood elves either meager tasks beneath their capabilities, or worse, suicidal missions devoid of reinforcements, in order to rid himself of the sin’dorei.


Never said it is happening, it’s on my list of features I want for the game
 but I am pessimistic about it happening.


Hey, it seems the political thread is already over 20k posts. That means the limit can be surpassed through some sort of intervention i imagine, but i don’t know how.

Would it be possible for that to be done here? If the mods allow this thread to go over the limit of posts it would be convenient and would avoid the creation of another separate thread.


The cult of pessimists is watching you closely

It was surpassed because they’ve been merging topics.

Wow. All this history revionism just to deny blood elves were an Alliance race as well?

BTW: https://i.redd.it/cng7pq5864x11.png

Why so afraid of the past?


I like how you made absolutely no attempt to counter my point, and simply tried to pack a strawman in there as if it wouldn’t be recognized. Counter the point or cede the argument.
Did Kael’thas only pledge the forces he had with him to Garithos, or did he pledge his kingdom? There is a very big difference.

Cool, that means we’ll see Anasterian withdraw the high elves in game. Will be great stuff.


The high elf there has green eyes. cackles

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