High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

quel’thelas was invaded in the year 21. It is currently believed to be the year 34. If it is still the year 33 it is at the tail end of it.

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of course it is, cause it doesnt address giving us high elves with human skin colors. you’re not interested in the lore either. you’re just satisfied if supposedly non existent high elves suddenly exist in large enough numbers to become void. hehe just the human skin colors on blood elves is important to protect. why?

i mean, i think that at least is a better solution than pretending they dont exist at all, while placing them all around the game world for 14 years. ion’s even said there are not enough of them left to fill a quest hub. they are a plot device that doesnt actually exist. and so on. they be there but -cognitive dissonance-, they actually aren’t there.

strange decision.

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It looks that way to me as well.


Well, if they are the “compromise” then why have devs said “don’t give up hope” and Ion stated things like “there are no current plans” or however he stated it?

Usually this behavior is learned from watching another individual do it first. I haven’t done any research, but I would guess that humans probably observed bears eating honey from beehives and learned there was something good in there. Berries? Well, that other animal is eating them so I should try them too. I think it’s a mix of observation with trial and error, but I don’t have anything concrete that states that is the case. Usually I would think there is a source though with decisions made like that. It’s why we test a lot of things on mice before we do human trials.

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Dead honest? Yeah its possible. Probable? No. But its lawyer speak (he was a layer) Never say no in case in the future things change.

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LOL yeah but that trial and error led to a lot of deaths. Only in truly desperate situations would you chance it.

Another reason to consider keeping the thought alive is the actual cash that they could bring in through in game services. Killing a potential cash cow isn’t a good idea in any book.


If Blizzard thought it was a guaranteed money maker they would have done it by now.

People have this weird belief that businesses sit on stuff until thry ‘need it’, but that’s just not how any sort of business works.

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Gotta keep expanding those profits every quarter, lookin at you Chin- i mean Blizzard.

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I mean there’s being a scum bag and overmonetising things, sure. But in this industry more money upfront means you can immediately re-invest it into new projects, profit from those projects, re-invest that profit into new projects, I could go on.

I’d wager that the extra $5 they make on every purchase of a WoW Token results in more income than they generation from Allied Races, just as a matter of volume – the implication being that Allied Races probably aren’t the most profitable aspect of their game.


Agreed. Not to mention the fact tokens have no ongoing or initial development costs.


Allied races could tip someone into buying an expansion and game time, but otherwise they typically result in people making some alts and that’s about it

Hard to say exactly how profitable allied races have been, or how much future ones will be. Would High Elves be a money maker? I dunno, maybe?

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IMO I think that’s a part of why I like High Elves and other similar groups; at the core, my issues are with the faction rigidity; for me, the faction grouping being racial when time and time again we see groups allying with factions regardless of race, because it IS a political and ideological decision obviously, doesn’t make sense.


It’s definitely more of a soft benefit for Blizzard than a hard benefit. New races are more of an advertising tool than anything if we’re being real. They definitely make money but it’d almost be incidental. I don’t think you could accurately predict or analyse it.

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Even then it would just be a blip.

30 minutes with no reply? Outrageous.

I agree, i hope they never tie any real character customization to money alone. I dont want any pay for play type stuff going on as far as unlocking races and so on with just money… kind of like recruit a friend… you know people are making alt accounts and spending tons of money to get their transmog gear. that is a scummy move, but alas business is business and they wont be doing anything free any time soon… nor should they.

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Frost, Shadow, Blood magic.
Blue/dark blue, green/black/, and red.
Hence why I want BE to have red eyes.

Different way of viewing magic. Many of them thought it was the very thing which brought ruin to their people.

hey nice thrread cool idea hope it comes out