High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

People never had a chance to say no to Void Elves. lets be fair here. They were a surprise. They were already under development.

Theres a difference between deriving and plagiarising. High Elves would be considered plagiarism in the written world.

brb i need more coffee.

You’re presuming that when I mention playable High Elves, I’m expecting a copy/paste – couldn’t be further from the truth. :man_shrugging:


its the devs who did it. not my fault. but they were the ones saying we cant have a copy and paste of a belf (we didnt want a copy and paste, generally speaking. most of us were happy with them looking different in not just hair but also in silhouette but nope.

in the strangest decision ever, they gave us the exact silhouette of a belf while saying that couldnt give us an exact silhouette of a helf because its a belf model. they are protecting the skin color but they dont protect blue skin color. we got two blue elf races, no problem.

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Okay I see. “15 years” (because the WoW timeline as far as I know is actually longer than that and the timeline before it much longer) is not enough time for the elves that aren’t Blood Elves to be considered their own thing, but it’s plenty of time to erase all these bits that add up to what it means to be a Blood Elf. Makes perfect sense.

Where has Blizz ever stated this? Or is that something just stated by players?

I have asked about this many times. Show me where it specifically says anything changed about them genetically please. All I have heard is they have “changed” which implies something very different to you vs me. If one gets a growth from being injected with a substance they don’t just change.

Also, you should probably consider orcs with green skin vs orcs with brown skin and why that is and what it means.

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Then why not have a story written for them where they cast off their name and adopt a new name? Perhaps something related to druidism. You get your Elf thats radically different from the arcane sucking ones we have now. Whats a good druidy elf name? hmm/.

fae elves?
wood elves? haha. we’d be stepping on nelf toes. they are like drizzt.

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im trying to respond but it wont let me post with images? wtf, hunting down the offending bits is taking me a minute one moment.

15 years from the time arthas sacked Quel till now. Its cannon.

can u expand on this bit im not understanding.

Logical deductions based on the events of legion/bfa from players.

medusa void hair, purple skin, explosions, racials.

But they would be Alliance
 if its on your same side its not stepping on any toes. HM LF DI they all dont step on toes cus noone cares. They are on the same side.

It has been my contention, for almost two years now, that the best course of action would be for Blizzard to integrate the High Elves into the Void Elves – the specifics of how this is achieved are, largely, inconsequential.

If this were to occur, hypothetically, I decided a long time ago that I’m largely unconcerned with whether or not Blizzard introduces “High Elf Customization Options” for Void Elves. What I consider important is that the Alliance playerbase be able to easily identify the Void Elves as being socially and politically related to the Thalassians (i.e. High Elves) that’ve been fixtures on the Alliance for 15+ years, which isn’t happening currently.


This is a reasonable approach.


Well let me help you out then. The WoWpedia link says they are infused then says they are transformed then “permanently transformed”, but like I said if they were injected with void, but they are still elves according to the site. They were going to become something new until the process was interrupted.

All can be taken care of for High Elves as well. You forgot tentacles by the way.

So Blizz never said they were the compromise then? Got it.

Why didn’t they just add High Elves to the Horde without all of the fel and siphoning and story about their struggle? I think that will explain it if you actually think about it.

Before the High Elf request exploded I once asked what the timeline of WoW is and someone said approximately 30 or 35 years so that is the only time frame that I am aware of. Now I am not a lore or history expert by any means, but I am confused. Was the Scourge attack before or after WoW started? Where is it stated that it was 15 years ago if you don’t mind me asking?

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Do you understand what reasoning, deduction and inferring mean? I think you do cus you infer a lot from much less info than ive given.

There’s an unofficial timeline on the wiki tbat everyone more or less accepts is accurate.

Yes, it means that said conclusion was created by players.

And yet this is the first time I am hearing it vs hearing more than once about the 30ish years. Interesting.

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I think this accurately sums up the major aesthetic difference between high elves and blood elves.

High elves are disjointed. They have no central structure as it stands. Even if they are united that independence they experienced for such a long time would carry over. The various groups have their individuality. This comes across in their customization. Half elves, rangers, mages, ect.

Blood elves united from the get go. All their various groups came together. Their themes overlapped and largely became one. Mages, spellbreakers, farstriders, blood knights all have similar appearances and work together cohesively.

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No, it means that when presented with evidence where something is not definitively proven you can infer what the outcome will be. If i am walking a long a path and see an unfamilar berry, should i eat it? Or should i conclude that it’s safest to not touch it?

I do believe, as well, that it’s actually closer to ~13+ years between when Quel’thalas was invaded by the Scourge and today – based upon that timeline.


You are pleasantly surprising me this morning.