High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)


what if we want a butterscotch or chocolate or caramel ice cream high elf? and whys it always a point of derision if its fair skinned? i’m fair skinned in real life, though i have native american ancestors on my mom’s side. i’m getting a complex about people acting like melanin determines whether you should sound like you’re wretching when you mention the skin color.

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Cus fair skin is literally the oldest interpretation of these sub-race of elves. High Elves in literally all lore, movies, etc etc are show as this Light Skinned Elf with blue eyes and radiantly blonde hair. Changing that imp is not a High Elve.

Hence, the purpose of this thread – also, how the Horde feels about an Alliance race is largely inconsequential, as long as said Alliance race is made different enough from the counterpart on the Horde (i.e. plenty of unhappy Alliance regarding Nightborne, plenty of unhappy Horde regarding Void Elves – nobody, least of all Blizzard, cares about those folks).

An excuse for what?

I’ve merely contended that High Elves are a reasonable request for the Alliance playerbase to make – whether or not Blizzard decides to implement them, there needn’t be any “excuse” for their decision(s). :man_shrugging:


well wow has no actual high elves. all our elves are of drow descent. i think they just went with the title high elf, because thalassians or quel’dorei, genetically adapted to quel’thalas, to the point they kinda look like high elves. iotw, the devs wanted some drow that looked like high elves. they arent actual high elves thoigh. a high elf comes from another dimension, like the emerald dream concept, and are associated with faery folk.

all highborne are from night elves and night elves are dark elves (the name also gives it away 
 night = dark)

ion mentions tall in his description of blood elves/high elves. they aren’t tall. i think they’re shorter than humans. night elves are taller than them.

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Yeah id argue a fat no way to this. Horde get every considering it deals with Blood Elves, Which are High Elves, which are both insanely similar and the differences already outlined such as political, eye color, magical relationship are only important to decision making for Pros. To the Neutral and definitely for the against these are nothing.

An excuse to keep believing despite being confronted with reality.

Horde don’t own High Elves though.


Yes they do, its their most popular race.

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Tell me more about how Blizzard consulted with every Blood Elf player before implementing Void Elves.

Tell me more about how Blizzard consulted with every Night Elf player before implementing Nightborne.

And what reality is that? The reality I’m seeing is that High Elves are not only still openly aligned with the Alliance, but have been consistently utilized even after the introduction of a completely new Thalassian (Void Elves) to the game.

You feel free to confront me with that reality whenever you like, fam.

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The the Alliance owns NE’s, and everything is a wash. :man_shrugging:

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No, Horde have Blood Elves which were united under Kael, then Lorthemar, and were involved in various activities over the years that High Elves were not.


Political differences, they are still High Elves.

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Name change and cultural paradigm shift too.


Nightbourne evolved away from Night Elves in literally every since of the word. Culturally, physically, magically. You literally cannot get any different unless they go full spider elf.

So things like
 Siphoning from living beings and taking up the use of fel is political?

By the way, are you not very upset about Void Elves since they are actual Blood Elf castoffs straight outta Silvermoon? Steppin on that Blood Elf exclusivity and all. Ripping off their identity and such.

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Cultural not so much, only 15 years have passed which is nothing to an elf.

They no longer do those practices. Thats an issue long solved.

Void Elves were your compromise like it or not, not deducing that is kinda silly. You don’t gotta like it just like i don’t gotta like paying 3.50 for gas in seattle vs th 2.70 i was paying in Michigan but it is what it is.

Void Elves have literally been physically mutated by the void, if there is a procedure to reverse that then i’d take issue.

soooo, i’m here on the alliance. i’m a high elf/blood elf. the horde already gave us their blood elf. you’re too late to say its yours only. and we already were allied with high elves. made more sense to give us high elves or at the very least, made our void elves from high elves but nope, the devs insisted they give us an identical copy and paste of a blood elf, while declaring we cant have a copy and paste of a blood elf.

protecting that human skin color . we can be blue elves (velfs and nb) but we can only have one human skin color elf. its bizaaro world.

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What does that have to do with their derivation?

(Answer: Nothing, nothing at all.)


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