High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

It’s amazing how Ion’s word is undeniable. Except when he’s word gives us some form of backing, in that case, he was not expressing himself well.


Well, one thing I notice when it comes to Ion and him discussing things about World of Warcraft is he stutters alot. Either he doesn’t know what he is talking about or he just can’t put it all into the correct words.

But claiming that the Blood Elves and High Elves both had a different history is entirely false on Ion’s end. There history is even writen up on there own website for Blood Elves, and Ion is what? Making up something new now?

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It could also be that his programming is all jumbled, maybe he’s due for a reboot.

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technically, blood elves and high elves were all the same race, with the same racial experiences before the scourge invasion. eventually, some of the high elves started staying in dalaran. they formed bonds with humans, even passed the time when they taught them how to be mages. the ones in dalaran started marrying humans. had families and formed connections beyond duty. these became the high elves allied with alliance today. some were sunreavers who had to decide whether to follow kael’thas to outlands or stay with their friends and family in dalaran. some did follow kael and some didnt. the ones that didnt, became silver covenant.

it’s nuanced, definitely, but nuance is not a bad thing. its just trickier to do correctly. takes more effort.

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Ion is a mechagnome? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That explains a lot.


He must be the bad kind of mechagnome.

Well, the two groups most certainly have different modern histories – so he isn’t entirely false, but we have no inclination if modern history is what we was or wasn’t referring to.


but we have no inclination if modern history is what we was or wasn’t referring to.

he must be lol egads.

King Mechagion

“You cannot elude my dodging systems!”

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Ah ok. thanks.

let me see ya link a video with an internal timestamp. go for it!

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It’s probably the case, but like Sara said, it’s also possible that he just knows less about the game than he ought to.


Or his personal position is not exactly the same of the team, but he must uphold the team’s decisions.


And its amazing how after 14 years you still can’t take a hint.

Go ahead and Qoute classic and flying as your two main arguments of things being overturned. I counter with Pathfinder, the void elves of flying.

Oh, you are still there?

Sorry, but if we had no chance whatsoever, you would not bother to be here.


There’s nothing that need be “overturned”, because Blizzard hasn’t ever said they won’t be adding High Elves. :man_shrugging:

Time will tell, friend. Just under two weeks until Blizzcon.

Also, this.


look at my armory. i’m a blood elf. betcha couldnt tell. hehehe

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Let me preface this by saying I’m actually rooting for you to get them. I honestly wouldn’t care. However my thought process is too far grounded in reality to allow myself to think your request is ever gonna be possible. Too much red tape, too much muddying waters and too much hassle between the devs and divided playerbase. But lets be real when Blizzcon comes and goes, and no High Elves are mentioned, you are just gonna come up with another excuse.

I’m here because i like to argue. Idc if you get your vanilla ice cream elf. High Elves are like the hospital food of elves. Bland. It actually kinda fits right into the Alliance.