High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Sigh, fine, as you wish.



Here is what Ion said, in the video you just linked but apparently didn’t actually listen to:

“So, um, basically, Blood Elves kind of are High Elves.”

Here’s what Ion didn’t say:

“So, um, basically, High Elves kind of are Blood Elves.”


I’m sorry, what? I never backed their claim. What are you even on about? Down tiger down.

For your troubles. :man_shrugging:

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And “kind of” is used to make it not entirely equal, only very alike.

Ion also says high elves have a different eye color, different history, and different relationship to magic.


Yes, i read their statement like you would read a purposely misspelled sentence where your brain autocorrects it. So instead it would read Blood Elves are High Elves, not High Elves are Blood Elves though that is kinda true just not the Alliance side.

Since you missed it the first time.


Is this where i re-link the vid and we go in circles and circles cus you’re too stubborn and just wanna see everyone in the worst light possible?

So you think that it is a coincidence that the only people who make this “innocent mistake”, just also happen to be the 50-100 people that are consistently taking a stance against playable High Elves?

Are you one of those people that comes across a burning house, and 10 kids with gas cans and lighters in front of it, but still wonders who actually did the deed?


Then goes on to say if you wanna play balh blah blah that is a Blood Elf and no plans.

Considering i base most of my decisions on factual evidence I’m not gonna just grab a huge brush and say they are all guilty. I’m gonna investigate, pull any security cam footage, question witnesses. Why punish them all when i can find the real culprit? How do you normally go about prosecuting people for Arson? Do you just say “well looks guilty enough its good for me.”

You forgot “anything is possible in the future”.


you can copy the entire thing with the timestamp attached by going to that time, pressing pause, and right clicking the the timeline arrow that indicates where it is on timeline. it then gives dropdown menu and you can select copy url current time

They’ve said that for 14 years. Rings kinda hollow at this point. You know the skeleton meme? Here. https//i.kym-cdncom/photos/images/original/000/888/161/7c3.jpg

I thought i had it queued to the right time.

So, it’s still possible.

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So, then, what happens when we investigate the couple dozen people routinely making the “innocent mistake” of suggesting that High Elves are Blood Elves – and it turns out, it isn’t actually an “innocent mistake” at all?

Because if you were so inclined, you could find such philosophical examinations in the pages of this thread – the people making the claim are, 99.99% of the time, doing so maliciously and wholeheartedly believe something that is patently false according to both the game and the developers. :man_shrugging:


Technically i can be president, its possible. same odds.

Different Eye Colour though doesn’t make them really any different though.

That is really contradicting of Ion to say that considering they went through the same thing as the Blood Elves before the seperation all together.

Both are connected to the Sunwell though, so not sure on what Ion means by that when he says different relationship.

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there was no semi colon after https and no dot between youtube and com. also you listed the time stamp separately. dont need to do all that. you dont need trust level 3 to post youtube link either. hehe