Guess what guys? Any post in regards to customisations about Blood Elves, goes in this thread as well, according to Blizzard, despite Customisations for Blood Elves and High Elves Allied Races are completely two different things.
Well, understanding from Blizzards point of view, it is virtually talking about the same race. But from a players point of view, talking about already a playable race, not a bunch of NPC’s.
But the funny thing with the Blood Elves customisation threads, the Pro Helfers were quick to jump in and call it High Elf trolling.
Wants me to keep any post or topic about Blood Elf customisations in the one thread, and as soon as he/she said “megathread”, this is the only megathread here.
There is a blue eyes for Blood elves thread in GD somewhere. If you really want to advocate for that, then use that thread or just start a core race customization megathread.
This mega is specifically created to discuss High elves as an allied race for the alliance. Not to be hi-jacked for use by the Blood elves for additional customization.
Maybe because the GD forum goers see it as a way to get the High elf crowd riled up. Like I said maybe a Core race customization thread is needed. I’d be happy to support that thread.
Asking for blue eyes for blood elves isn’t necessarily bad, I’d rather they be glowing blue eyes similar to the DKs, and probably would be. High elves for the alliance would hopefully just be blue/green/brown in the similar fashion that human eyes are.
There is no megathread about Blue Eye options for Blood Elves. The first one I created “original link on the one that I linked”, that has been around for quite a while, was flagged out and locked for a couple of months, and then the thread I linked, was a part 2". 2 months later, the old thread opened, and then boom, locked a short while later (Like either days or months). Then the second thread was bumped again, and sure enough, about a month later, now it is locked.
Those threads make me so sad. The same arguments have been being thrown out for 2 years. I can see why those are getting marked up as spam now. Where’s the actual discussion?
Well, sorry to disappoint you, but every thread in regards to Blood Elves and Blue Eyes, has been either locked, or deleted. Which means, either Blizzard can’t tell the difference between the two topics or customisation threads do not deserve a thread.
Olyria said, I have been focusing in the one specific topic, which obviously is this thread right here. And then says keep any comments I wish to make in that thread, which once again, is this thread right here. So, any post about requesting Blue Eyes for Blood Elves, according to him/her, must go in this thread.
while i somewhat agree with moderation that everything should be contained here. that this thread should be used to facilitate the fanfictions, art, and discussion. theres at least 5 other active alliance high elf topics so why arent they getting closed?
they are splinters of blood elves. high elves are blood elves and the race is already playable for you. if all you care about is an eye color then ask for blood elves to get them. after all, blue eyed blood elves already exist, even in the game. the sunwell is a holy/arcane mixture. theyve been feeding on the new sunwell FAR longer then that brief desperate time and its already on record its only a matter of time for their green glint to fade
high/blood elves are the exact same thing and there is no point in adding them. the race is already playable. its all about the looks and everybody knows it. after all, if they wanted to give the alliance a blood elf clone or even something that just had different hair styles they would have
I am sorry the other threads are locked. I hope a mod will look into it and unlock one for you guys. I know how frustrating it is for a topic you enjoy discussing to be locked constantly.
It’s possible that the flags and locks stem, in part, from any Blood Elf customization threads (and blue eyes in particular) routinely see an influx of posts accusing the OP of simply starting the thread to bash High Elves or to ask for something that should belong to High Elves.
I’m not saying that’s the only reason for the flag bombing, but I am saying I think it’s a contributing factor.
I think they should go with a general feedback thread. Maybe they have, but I don’t know. I’ve only seen blue eye threads. It might be helpful to expand it beyond just blue eyes.