See THIS would be perfectly fine. If the High Elves were to ever become playable then the majority of their storyline should be devoted to them continuing to develop into their own thing (their defining moment is their split from their kin post the 2nd war; just like the BEs is the fall of Quel’thalas). There is a story to be told there certainly.
However, I just cant shake this fear that “what happened AFTER” the second war wont suffice for long; and eventually the HE playerbase will begin infringing upon the BE Racial Fantasy (even though the HEs have like no real rights to Quel’thalas beyond what the BEs allow them at this point). That history is denied them now, they as a people should move beyond it.
Well yeah, except the blood elves aren’t a re-colour of the helf model, because they got a new model in BC that has since been the basis of all subsequent Thalassians.
I cannot read minds so no, I don’t know what she means.
Let alone the fact I stated “rephrase that” so it comes across clearer. The most obnoxious thing to be is offended for someone else.
There are far more actual High Elves than there are supposed to be Void Elves. I agree that they would get a district in a city and not their own city, but there should be more than enough at this point.
Preferably Blizzard would develop them as their own thing, away from Quel’thalas and the Blood Elves, but what the people playing them would roleplay and idealize with their High Elf characters is not something to be taken as serious as cannon lore and not something for Blizzard or other players to control.
I’d love to see Quel’danil expanded into a small town, but if high elves just started in an area of Stormwind, like the Mag’har do in Orgrimmar, I’d not complain.
I love what you said in the first half, the second half i have to ask how the players directly would infringe on the Blood elf racial fantasy, if blizzard does not?
I want to see the continuation of the left over high elves who found themselves between a rock and a hard place… particularly interesting in the sons of lothar elves who went to outland and their kin are fighting for those whom they went (or to the best of their knowledge) to outland to fight. I imagine their initial response was like alleria’s. Those are the ones whom would be held or should be held with zero contempt, they assisted the alliance when they didnt have to.
Maybe they are stuck int heir old ways, as opposed to their blood elf kin who are constantly looking to the future.
Return to which debate? To be honest Mowa, you don’t really debate or debunk, you just state you’re right. All high elves came from quel’thalas. Stating otherwise makes you appear ignorant of the subject. Telling you to clarify that is to your benefit. If you took it as an insult, then you are being thin skinned to nothing.
Which was?
I mean, it seems pretty ignorant to make assumptions of people.
Sounds about right.
So about night elves…
Aren’t the highborne the exact same in appearance?
Mmkay, cool, then she means she doesn’t want the elves from quel’thalas. One can only go off what is written.
So, by the way, just wanted to ask. You guys dislike void elves so…why play them again? Seems a bit contradictory to hate them, and play them to the point they have 430+ gear.
Yeah, and Blizzard took a group of Highborne Night Elves from Night Elves past and developed them focusing on their key faction features such as their heavy magic culture around arcane practices and scholar environment. After that, they reflected those features in their models to make them more distinguishable from Night Elves.
Something that can be easily done with the remaining High Elves in the Alliance, that is also a group from the High Elves of the past, and Blizzard just needs to focus on their faction key features, such as their ranger/woodland culture around wild/natural environments, and then adjust their models accordingly with those key aspects to make them more distinguishable from Blood Elves.
But I’m sure Horde players will dislike this idea… "THESE ELVES ARE MINE!!! ALL MINE!!!"