High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Wow this community really went above and beyond in support of High Elves since the last time I checked these forums. I’m rooting for you guys.


Whether they call themselves that is irrelevant. The game itself identifies a High Elf as a High Elf, just like it identifies an Orc as an Orc, and not a Mag’har.

“We decided not to give you Mag’har since they are basically Orcs, here’s Void Orcs” - Blizzard


Which is pretty much what they did. They didn’t give us the Mag’har that were requested. They gave us the Iron Horde.

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Eh, that’s just one of my things I like to keep aware of. I picked it up in more serious topics, but it works anywhere. There’s always going to be idiots and malicious people in any group, and some people abuse the trust they can get by joining a group to twist otherwise benign or even beneficial groups into nasty bits of business. Just one of those personal mindfulness things with me.

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You think Mag’har is equivalent to Void Elves? Even if they aren’t from BC, they still had an entire expansion devoted to them. And you are comparing them to a race that never even existed until you actually roll one in-game? That don’t even come from High Elves Alliance side, but from Blood Elves, Horde side?

Really… Really?


But nonetheless, and even though their big brothers are my totem…

The Iron Horde is not only completely different from the BC Mag’har culturally but what makes them tic is very different, such as making use of the Void and having a serious beef with the Light.

Now you’re moving the goalposts.


Why do you keep calling them the Iron Horde? I’ve done heaps of quests with various Mag’Har in WoD and none of them were aligned with the Iron Horde.


I just wanna say how grateful I am for the people, whether or not they support the idea of playable high elves, keeping this debate alive!


Can’t say I am with you there because all the bickering is a waste of time and chances are this will end in another lock before too long because that’s usually how this goes.


I have it on some authority that the locks are not coming from the “antis” as they are popularly referred to.

Debate is healthy for us, it holds us to the mark, and it helps us to make sure our arguments are sound. Once again, the fact that they feel so passionate about high elves, even negatively, is a testament to how instrumental and important High Elves are to the World of Warcraft


Because they grew out of it.

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What authority exactly? Because the only ones who know are Blizz, and Blizz doesn’t discuss moderation.

The thing is that I don’t think snide and rude comments about players really counts as healthy debate. I don’t think attacking other players does anything good, and yet here we are. Because if you read a lot of this crap it’s riddled with sarcasm and snide bologna which always ends in nothing good… And guess where it starts most of the time?

Debate can be healthy (but not necessary honestly). Not whatever this childish stuff is. Go take a look around from even just today.


We’re just a few weeks from reaching our second year!

There are many people still in this thread that were with us all the way along, since the very beginning. I really like how we stood together as a community for all this time.

I hope High Elves become playable one day so we can all take one screenshot together with our High Elves characters, to never forget our brothers and sisters in arms. :slightly_smiling_face:


I don’t want to name him, but someone said that the antis agreed that not mass flag the threads. Sorry that I can’t provide more info

Good faith or not, they’re keeping the discussion alive. If they truly wanted to people from showing their support for high elves they’d ignore us and go on with their lives. That’s how I approach things I do not want implemented in WoW. Yes, as much as I detest some of the negativity expressed here, it still is bumping the thread, and I’m grateful to them for that.


I have heard this from both sides and yet… Locked due to community flags. So no I definitely don’t take players at their word when it comes to things like this, but I don’t get stuck on who is doing the flagging either. The nasty posting habits are the root of the problem, so I stick with that.

Bumping the thread is about as far as it goes, but the same silly arguments about “no you can’t have this because…” is useless. It’s ridiculous and they know it and that’s why it happens. Why else would someone post 20 times a day about how “High Elves are Blood Elves and they’re Horde so nah nah naaah”?


Hhahha I just saw it this afternoon and I was like “Lol if I could quote this thread on the official forums” XD!!


It looks like the Blood Mage and Kael’thas models (and icons) are slightly different. Kael’s model has blonde hair, and I think I saw his icon yesterday on the Twitter thread, and he was blonde too.

Overall it does seem like the named heroes have slightly unique models overall, not just some like Arthas, Thrall, Malfurion and Jaina.


I just had a brainwave. I used to be against the idea of High Elves as a Core Race, but a light bulb just lit up. Watch this space.


Don’t forget the fact that Void Elves have some pretty good racials