High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I really want to see high elves on ally. Who else here agrees?


Hey how’s it going? Has anyone here seen the weather today?

It’s rather chilly this morning, if I do say so myself. Not a good day to be working outside

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every example of them in game disagrees with that.

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No, Blood Elves are High Elves. Not Generic. Not Fantasy. They are.

Where did you get this logic from?

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The addition of high elves, along with undead high elves, could deepen the story for players. RPGs are supposed to be interactive story telling. And, like it or not, the high elf dynamic is a major part of the story.


No. We have enough elves already.

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It’s not, though.


The logic comes from the game itself

“Quel’dorei? You are peasants playing at nobility, all too willing to mingle with lesser races that dilute your bloodline. You are unworthy of the name high elves.”

Maybe that shade is being thrown specifically at Vereesa, but it’s some of the little info we have that specifically pertains to High Elves


Why are the Alliance allied races suggested by the community, with the exception of Sethrak, such a bad choice?

Why would we get dumb, dumpy blood elves but they have an awful, contrived faux-celtic apperance. Compared to the dark regalness of Void Elves?

Why would we get a bunch of dumb mutants that the majority of Draenei culture hates, and the broken in turn reciprocate said dislike? The glorious golden space marine draenei are far better, with their “purge it in holy light” theme.

Why would we get Vrykul, who hate humans and dwarves, have the grand lore of being a bunch of disgusting pillagers and slavers, only scream about death and odyn, and literally only exist to give the humans backstory. Kul Tiran humans have the physique of a Vrykul, while having more lore and being X10 flavorful.

It feels like they dont really care about the faction, they just want contrived and awful stuff that they can play dress-up with. Part of it also stems from a delusion that the Horde somehow has better races.

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I’m surprised that someone that hates elves as much as you would actually praise Void Elves. I won’t hit the punching bag that is Void Elves anymore than everyone already has, but if they had at least been made out of the Alliance High Elves they would be leagues better lore wise

LF Draenei just worship the light even more than regular Draenei. Did that really need to be a new race?

And c’mon, the Vrykul would’ve been awesome. I could see the Valajar joining the Alliance after Sylvanas allied with Heyla. The HM Tauren and Nightborne joined the Horde, why shouldn’t the Alliance get a race from legion as well?

Mechagnomes are diaper gnomes that will only be played by those who will abandon regular gnomes for them or people who want strong racials

Dark Iron Dwarves are sweet though. No complaints there


The whole “It’ll be confusing” argument is so lost on me.

Do these people not realize tooltips exist? When you click on a character or hover your mouse over them, the tooltip will conveniently tell you at-a-glance what race and faction they belong to.


Considering Dark Irons are really the only ones that were asked for…LF were not asked for, and could have just been a customization option. Mech’s were asked for by a very small group, and again could have been a customization options. Void Elves were not asked for.

High Elves were asked for by a large group of people, Vrykul were asked for by a large group of people. But because we are alliance we get the crap stuff.


I happen to be a fan of Mechagnomes but even i have to agree their appeal is to a very small slice of the population. It might not be as small as say fat people, but it will be small.

As far as LFD and Void Elves…no one could have asked for them since, well they were pulled out of thin air and even here 2 years later have done nothing and are mostly just placeholder “crack squads” masquerading as “races” while we can’t even get something that has inherently been in the game and on the Alliance as a no brainer in High Elves.

Hell they gave the Horde EVERY CLAN IN EXISTENCE while handing the Alliance DI Dwarves only so they can trickle us Wildhammers at some point in the future when they give the Horde some other awesome race. Even now just look at this round of AR’s. Vulpera, a brand new race handed to the Horde while Alliance get mechanical Gnomes (that i will probably enjoy although it is creepy they have to have mechanical limbs and can’t have some mechanical and some flesh with a minimum of at least 1 mechanical but that is Blizzard for you).

High Elves were an EASY slam dunk win-win-win for Blizzard and the Playerbase and the Alliance as a faction, especially from a story perspective…but instead we got pretty art assets that do nothing and have no meaning in LFD and Void Elves while the Silver Covenant go unused because…Blizzard is being obstinate.


Blame the horde focused dev team and culture. Hell even our “wonderful” game head has never played Alliance.

Culture is a big part of any business, and if the dev team culture is horde horde horde, then it is in need of a change to something a little more balanced.


There is no doubt where the problem lies. But it isn’t just something new, it has been a historical thing with almost everything in the game over time. It is getting quite ridiculous at this point and i can see why the Alliance is dying, the leadership is moronic uber powerful being that can’t make basic decisions for their own faction, but if the Horde need something they are right there to prop them up. Let’s all sit back and watch the Horde movie we got this expansion, it was beautifully done but WOW there was nothing for the Alliance, not even a cool FMV of anyone other then Anduin and Genn, just really sad how one sided everything is in the game.


I’m glad you’ll enjoy Mechagnomes, I really am. Personally I just can’t get behind them.

Literally. We’re going to be staring at the backside of our characters for hundreds of hours, once someone pointed out that any chestpiece they wear looks like diapers… Well, strong racials or not, I won’t be playing one


I cannot say for certain how true this is, but it does feel a bit like times that the alliance is written after the fact and kept “cool” enough to not get too much grief.

I have to admit, if they are horde focused then why do they put them through so many of the same villainous loops? Doesn’t make sense.


To keep it short.

You only believe those who agree with your agenda, and don’t like the fact that people disagree with you.
Pretty toxic view.


Blizz starts developing Horde content first and Alliance content second. I know the Horde aren’t happy with Garrosh 2.0 and all, but believe me I wouldn’t mind if Blizz passed us the civil war juice

I’d like to see a story about Anduin’s inexperience as king leading to a weakened Alliance.