High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I love the implication that helfers are that significant an influence on the wider population.

Here’s an idea, maybe people just like void elves. :woman_shrugging:


Ahh yep, no idea then. The art is fantastic though, whoever he is supposed to be!

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Or maybe people don’t have a better option. :man_shrugging:


I think its a combination of things.

People play void elves because they want to play a pretty race like blood elves on the Alliance.

People play void elves because they’re as close to high elves as they’re gonna get and this is a compromise.

People play void elves because they like the idea of playing with aspects of the void and darker side of the Alliance.

People play void elves for any combination of the above. :slight_smile:


Honestly I don’t want to be a downer. High Elf would be cool, but a lot of the picture provided in OP, are kind of like… looking like Half-elf, being heavily influenced by human bone / muscle structure.

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They’re basically suggestions on how to make the model different while still looking “High Elven.”


The High Elves are not a culture. They are a loose collection of elves living under other cultures. Deal with it.


and? One of the points I have been making is that blood elves are the generic fantasy high elves. However WoW high elves are like half elves without being actual half elves.

Them having mixed human and elven culture is what they are now and is what we are asking for. Asking for half elves doesn’t make much sense when high elves are basically the same thing.


Uh, no it’s not.


So, you heard people talking about how the Blood Elves had the bonus that they weren’t generic high elves and you just decided that people must be talking about the Elves you like and you’d fix that for them?

Y’know, people keep bringing up the pandaren, and I think I just realized in a way that they are a good comparison to the current High Elves. They’re both not a people as a whole, but they are small groups who have joined up with a larger one. That could be one way the playable pandas are trouble to write. They aren’t a large coherent group. They are a group of individuals who wanted to see what it was like to join up with Alliance/Horde.

All the playable pandas have are the two leader characters and a vague stance on problem solving. They aren’t really a coherent group, they’re just the Pandas who have joined up and are finding their place in each faction, and while you can make great character studies on that, it’s not so great for writing them as a whole for the game.

And I feel like the High Elves are somewhat similar, there’s a few groups with a strong identity, but they’re each doing their own thing for the most part. But a lot of the High Elves are just there, mixed into the 7th Legion for example. You can do some fun rp with that, you can write a great small scale story, but it doesn’t lend itself as well to the bigger stories.


Y’know whats funny? High Elves and Blood Elves are seperate in WC3 reforged. How’s that for a kick in the nuts.


So did something new come out, or are we turning icons into lore now?


Ok, I’m going to respond to this while eating a large amount of richly deserved crow:

You are absolutely, completely, 100% wrong.

You’re 114 on this character and have never seen a member of the Silver Covenant? I don’t agree with playable High Elves but try not to utter this idiocy again.

You mean are we taking WC3 as lore? Nahhh


I’m going to ignore the second one, since he’s right and Stormwind did not come to the aid of the High Elves when the Scourge landed on their doorstep and he does not make the ludicrous statement that there are no High Elves.

As to the first: you now have the pleasure of seeing me eat a well deserved helping of crow. I challenged you to find that single idiot…and by god you did.


Really, I’m just going off of the wowhead front page articles, and the most I see are some icon labels. Is there something else you’re referring to beyond those?

Apart from what? Mousing over High Elves in WoW and it saying High Elf? Blood Elves and High Elves arguing near the Sunwell? Elisandre addressing the Elves at the front of the Nighthold as the Kal’Dorei the Sin’Dorei and the Quel’dorei?

I find it quite odd the last 9 years the game has been telling you that High Elves are a race of their own. But listen to one Q&A and everyone changes their mind. Even though the devs can’t even bother to make the correction in-game to what they say things actually are.

Sounds more like the devs were doing damage control that actually making a lore point. And most people just repeat it, even though the devs still haven’t done anything in-game to reflect what they said.

So I think it’s all a load of bull really.


So, I originally held off on commenting about how every group has it’s own idiots, and that one was like our equivalent of the people who label the high elves on the alliance and the high elves that call themselves blood elves as different races. But then, well, it happened right there.


Yes, but the point is that it actually happened and I steadfastly held to the belief it did not. I was wrong, Almara was right - and I’m going to let it end there since I didn’t challenge her on the “over and over” comment. I challenged her to find just one, and that she did.


As a native South Australian I consider this cultural appropriation.