High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

You haven’t been to the mmochamp thread then, there’s a group of people there that refuse to acknowledge any high elf npc exist. I’ve seen them here too ignoring basic information.


so you found one quote out of 40,000? that doesnt seem nearly ‘often enough to be annoying’

Hey what’s everyone up to?

If you want to check all 40,000, be my guest.

Plus, there were another 20,000 that got deleted, from the thread that reached the cap.


Today I got Pureheart Courser with the achievement of 100 reputations. I was very happy because it is a unicorn, mount of the high elves.


I’m just enjoying the slow leak of icons for Warcraft III reforged. The newest one I’ve seen is Thalorien Dawnseeker- the original wielder of Quel’Delar and another relatively prominent lore character that died at the Sunwell.

So with the addition of Anasterian Sunstrider, the High Elven Archmages and now Thalorien Dawnseeker, it really looks like they’re shaking up the Quel’thelas portion of the Undead campaign. Makes me really curious of whats in store for the rest of the game!

Also the wiki has uploaded a higher quality image of Jennella Deemspring and I think its adorable they gave her freckles.



I’m watching TV right now. It’s good show. What’s everyone watching right now?

I want blood elves high elves on the ally side too. :slight_smile:

Congrats, it’s a beautiful mount and a time ago i was working on it too, i have to resume the grind, currently at 50/100, still a long road ahead of it.


I’ve mostly been paying attention to the high elven units, but I did notice that there is a new variation on the “emissary” that is a Blood Elf- so we have Human, High Elf, and now Blood Elf Emissaries.

Also for some reason, it seems like they changed Kael’thas’s hair to white. We’ll have to wait and see if that sticks since that seems really odd.

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Keep up the pace. In a matter of time you will succeed. Great! Halfway traveled. :slight_smile:


Give a drowning man something that floats and he’ll take whatever you give him. Same thing happened with void elves…

We alliance were so desperate to play anything close to High Elves that Void Elves became an automatically popular race. Not by choice, but by desperation.

Blizzard could have easily given us High Elves but they didn’t. They have forever eliminated that possibility by tossing us the weak lore Void Elves.

So people cling to the purple life preserver they tossed us. All the while hoping for something better.


I wonder if white hair will now be seen as iconic to blood elves and for the horde only like blonde hair is.

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I have and I don’t know what those critics were smoking. It was great.

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I dunno. It seems really odd to change Kaelthas’s hair since its been canon for so long.

Its possible that the icon is wrong since the name of the icon that is being used is “BTNHeroBloodElfPrince” and not actually Kaelthas unlike all the other icons which are VERY specific to their hero/unit. There is an icon being used for Hero Blood Mages already though, so who else could the “Blood Elf Prince” be though? Kael’s long lost brother?

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Yeah I was mostly just teasing since according to some antis blonde hair and pale skin is the theme of the blood elves.

I have no idea who it could be referring to if not Kael’thas, and his hair being white is an odd change.

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Might aswell ask and suggest freckles for our High Elves.


Well it might not be so odd since Anasterian’s hair has been depicted as white in his cameos in World of Warcraft. Although this has been (presumably) due to his age and not his natural hair color.

Making Kael’s hair white would make them look more related… but its a huge retcon.

You know a lot of female Night Elf players complained about one of their skins losing their freckles when their models went HD… that was one of my favorite Night Elf skins too.

I think I have a thing for freckles.


Maybe they meant king instead of prince and it is Anasterian? Who knows, I guess we’ll find out as time goes on!

Also I support freckles for high elves and night elves. My DiD shammy has freckles and I love them.


No, Anasterian’s icon is labeled “BTNAnasterianSunstrider” and looks very different- having a completely different hairstlyle, crown, goatee, and blue eyes.

The “Blood Prince” icon looks like Kaelthas/Blood Mage, just with white hair.

Here’s the Blood Mage for reference. Just noticed that it has a “2” on the end…