High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

It can’t be true at all that high elves came from quel’thelas. You can’t tell me that high elves that have been living in human kingdoms for centuries many millennia didn’t have families born and raised there?

The idea that didn’t happen is absurd. We don’t need lore stating that did happen. That is something that we can naturally assume. It would be like stating “well we have no proof kul tirans were born in kul tiras”


Reminds me of those in the night elf society that call themselves Highborne still. They are no longer in their Capital, their former homes are in ruins, so they reside with a different group now.


That’s why i said it’s very debatable, it’s not far stretching to think that many of the High Elves that are part of the Alliance today were born outside of Quel’thalas.

I mean, all of the first generation of the High Elves of Quel’thalas weren’t even born there, so saying that all of the High Elves are from Quel’thalas it’s kinda acceptable, but at the same time it’s just false.

For me, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t invalidate playable Alliance High Elves at all.


The most we have is Kael’thas who was the prince of Quel’thalas that stayed in Dalaran. It is not an incorrect assumption to suggest all high elves were citizens of Quel’thalas, as that is the only high elf kingdom in existence in the history of WoW.

SUre they would, why do you think if something occurs outside of the US borders they say “a citizen OF the united states.” or “Robot Mcgee who is a citzen of US.”.
The of statement means you belong to them, and all high elves are of Quel’thalas because they came from nowhere else.

Well we know they are small given it is a 9 to 1 ratio of blood elfto high elf.

Except that the entire ordeal states that 90% of the high elves OF the kingdom of Quel’thalas died. It did not state the high elves IN quel’thalas died.
Check the blood elf description.

Which occurred AFTER the slaughter and not before.

90% of the high elves of the kingdom of quel’thalas were killed. This is what is stated. It does not state IN, and there is no other kingdom of high elves. You’re looking for a specific that does not exist because it simply does not exist.

Let me put it to you this way.
When you look at the specifics of what high elves died, the only statement which suggests it was only IN the kingdom of quel’thalas comes from this very topic.

You’re trying to complicate things more than they really are dudes.

How many kingdoms for humans are there compared to high elf ones?

Like Kael’thas and severa other high elves who lived in Dalaran but are still counted because there is only ONE high elf kingdom and only ONE point of origin for all the high elves.

And many went with kael’thas to quel’thalas because they were amongst its citizenry.

And we have had many high elves who are not in quel’thalas count it as their home such as Vereesa and Alleria. Individuals who were counted as a part of the kingdom until they left it after the schism. They count towards the 10% that survived.
The lore is rather explicit on this matter.

Uhhh…if I don’t reply to him here, he gets a hold of me on Discord. Cause…you know…I like Leinadh.

I started in Vanilla but cute look at my armory.

I started as alliance and went Horde after WoD.

What does this have to do with my statement dude?


That isn’t being argued. What is being argued is citizenship, of which all high elves had claim towards quel’thalas.

Ah well, later, time for work and no more play.

I’m simply speculating on why Blood Elves could have had green eyes before meeting Illidan -when they learned how to Mana Tap demons- and not just being a gameplay/lore segregation.

Also it has been speculated for a long time that Mana Tap by itself is fel magic as it consumes not only the mana, but the life of the creature as shown on the BC cinematic; the whole fel as a corruption of arcane magic.


you said that pandaren can’t get heritage armor

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You must be imagining things.

looking back it seems you were talking about 2 different things in the same paragraph.

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A simple “my bad, I was mistaken” would be more appropriate than this response.

How’s everyone doing?

Hello! My name is Ravenhul!

/asks everyone

Hey, how’s it going folks?



Show me one - just one - post that says there are no High Elves, that they all became Blood Elves; because that’s what was said and that’s what I responded to. Especially after it was doubled down on.

I even offered an easy way out; saying myself that - and it’s a lore-driven fact - people have often said there are not many left. But no, supposedly, over and over, people have claimed there are no High Elfts because they all became Blood Elves.

And whatever this is supposed be…

Doesn’t support Alamara’s direct statement…

…and then, when all I asked for was one example of anyone saying “there are no High Elves because they all became Blood Elves” I got this:

And no one, not Almara, not you, no one can cite examples of that being said - let alone “Over and over” “multiple times”. And do you know why? Because anyone posting that would have to ignore Lore, the in-game existence of the Silver Covenant, and other easily validated High Elves. It. Didn’t. Happen. Almara made a statement that was not correct, got called on it, then doubled down…and you call me a liar?


What’s going on, everyone?


No one will search over 40,000 posts just to please you.

It happens, often enough to be annoying. But no one will keep tabs on names, dates or exact quotes in order to find it later.

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It’s never happened in these threads and you know it.

“Not many left”- check
“90% of the surviving High Elves took the name Blood Elf” - check
“There are too few to be playable.”- stupid position to take, but check

"There are NO High Elves left alive - despite us running into them in the game, and the fact that no one disputes the Silver Covenant still exists, because they are ALL Blood Elves now "- no one, and you know it.

Other than being unhappy at being called on something so obvious I have no idea why you persist and why you are no tripling down.


To be fair a lot of those comment have happened, but they are more of the “Blood Elves are High Elves” kind, with a dose of HE’s being to few to count as anything/they are not alliance.

Few people actually go the “There are No High Elves” route, but there’s a lot of people that dismiss them in practicality.


Hello. How’s everyone doing today? Has anyone here seen the Warcraft movie?

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Hey, look at that! Found one!

And another.