High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

“Stop putting words on our mouths, nobody on our side said there are no High Elves left”

“All High Elves either died or renamed to Blood Elves in Warcraft III, go learn your lore!”


they get counted because they are part of the high elf race. its like when you read an obituary and they say ‘so and so is survived by their two kids and 3 grandchildren’

what arent you getting

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It’s one of Fyre’s alts, don’t bother arguing.


Maybe if you guys, i don’t know, stop proving those accusations true.

Don’t lie, people constantly say that there are no High Elves left and all of them became Blood Elves. Constantly. Most of the time it’s indirectly, by mentioning that outdated line that implies that High Elves are all but extinct, by saying that the Blood Elves are the High Elves of Warcraft, or that the High Elves became Blood Elves (while ignoring the High Elves that, well, didn’t became Blood Elves).


Sometimes I do just for fun.

I always find it funny, when someone makes an accusation without proof and asks the accused to prove his arguments. It literally makes no sense at all, but most people only notice it when someone points it out.


You are not getting that it was never mentioned that only a 10% of the High Elven race survived the Scourge attack - it has always been said that a 10% of the High Elves of Quel’Thalas survived the Scourge attack.

Not sure why you’re counting Dalaran High Elves there. It’s like saying Humans in Stormwind should be counted as survivors of the Theramore bombing.


I meant from the quel’thalas area.
I believe Dalaran was evacuated and I am usure about highvale.

All high elves are of the kingdom of quel’thalas and they were counted among it. This is why it was stated the high elf race nearly went extinct because of arthas alone. If this were not the case and there was a large portion of survivors outside of quel’thalas, then it would never have been claimed the race was in danger of dying out, nor the 90% figure would have been uttered.

Look, I get your view points, but this is reaching for something that is not there.
90% of the high elf population was annihilated and that includes everyone except for Alleria and her group in outland.

The heritage quests disagree with you.
They can’t write it because the neutral philosophy of the pandaren make it problematic

Dude, all high elves are of quel’thalas.
It was never stated it was in regards to those surviving IN quel’thalas.
It was OF quel’thalas, and there is only ONE high elf kingdom.

It is the same as saying 90% of the humans OF stormwind were annihilated. This would mean all humans OF stormwind, and wouldn’t count kul tiras and Dalaran who are their own kingdoms.


because pretty much any high elf worth anything left dalaran with kael and became a blood elf


Mostly because the high elves of dalaran were counted as a part of the kingdom and vice versa since the two kingdoms were very close prior to the schism.
It was never suggested that the high elves in Dalaran were not citizens of quel’thalas. If anything it states they were given the history of the sunreavers.

Do you still have the courage to show up here for a legit discussion by posing strictly false and pretentious statements as real?

There’s a reason people are stop taking you seriously Bro.


Are you joking?
So are you honestly trying to suggest that the high elves of WC 2 and WC3 were not a part of the kingdom?
The notion is a ludicrous one.

I already know the things that are said behind my back Mowa, and I don’t really care since its just a part of the helfer think tank.


They’re from Quel’Thalas, but not necessarily citizens of Quel’Thalas. I wouldn’t say High Elves in Dalaran followed orders from Quel’Thalas, although I’m not sure.

Ofc they were nearly extinct - the vast majority of the High Elven population were in Quel’Thalas. That still doesn’t mean we should count those High Elves outside of Quel’Thalas who were never the target of the Scourge attack as survivors of said attack.

Who said anything about a large portion of survivors outside Quel’Thalas? They’re probably a small portion, if anything.

And that is exactly my point - the High Elves that were not present in Quel’Thalas (because they were living in other kingdoms) shouldn’t be counted as survivors of an attack that only affected the elves in Quel’Thalas.


Yet some High Elves remained outside of Quel’Thalas, disgusted by the actions of their brethren, and to this day still support the Alliance.


It’s not much about that, but rather the specific line that states those events. The source that claim that 90% of kingdom’s population fell was written as a part of the description of the playable Blood Elves in the World of Warcraft site, so it was written way after Warcraft III itself, way after we knew that, well, not all High Elves are from Quel’thalas, or live there.

Another thing: The line make it obvious the Scourge marched into Quel’thalas, slaughtering almost ninety percent of it’s population. If the writer wanted to say that 90% of the High Elven population died, he would’ve said so, but he’s taking specifically about the kingdom.

It’s not collective Helfer think, it’s just that you brought this reputation to yourself, by distorting sources that don’t fit your views, taking incorrect conclusions and pretending things aren’t what they obviously are.


That’s like saying all humans are of Stormwind. There are high elves that have moved out of Quelthalas on their own fruition, the high elves that we are speaking of are of course originated in quelthalas, but that doesn’t mean it’s their “motherland”

We know many moved to Dalaran, also Theramore (though we don’t know who those survivors are) and Stormwind is known to be home to high elves.


all high elves ARE ‘of quel’thalas’

theyre called ex patriots

no it literally is and the leader of the SC considers it her home not her cramped apartment in dalaran

theres a few. there is no major pop in SW. dalaran and quel’thalas have pops


He won’t reply to your post, all because that image doesn’t fit his narrative. It seems like everyone that’s anti-helf have never played through wrath or played alliance in general and seen all of the Alliance Aligned High Elves in game and that continue to be placed in game. Every expansion has had a new Alliance High Elf NPC in it. But to them none of those NPCs exist and you’re just imagining them.


…what? You do realize we haven’t gone through all the core race heritage armor quests yet right?

We are just getting worgen and goblins in 8.3.

We still need human, orc, forsaken, night elf, troll, and draenei in addition to pandaren.


You know Vereesa came to Dalaran later than many of the other members right?


I think nobody here is denying that all of the High Elves did come from Quel’thalas (which is by itself a very debatable statement), but rather that none of the ones that still name themselves as High Elves still live there.

Another note is that a lot of them weren’t in the Kingdom during the Scourge invasion, so they aren’t considered in the Blood Elf playable race description in the site, which make sense, since the playable Blood Elves are specifically from Quel’thalas, just like the Vanilla Humans are specifically from Stormwind. If you are talking about the people that compose the demography of Quel’thalas at the moment, you better stick to them, and the writer did just that.


Big meanie High elves, I hate those dumb poo poo heads, they didn’t all become muh bLoOd ElVeS, so now the dumb dumb Alliance want them.