High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Who says we want the typical elven fantasy? If I want typical I would play any other RPG.

WoW takes classic fantasy races and puts a unique spin on them. Blood elves are actually very much like high elves of generic fantasy. The actual group called high elves however are more like half elves with mixed human and elf culture.


It is accurate.
It is stated 10% of high elves of the kingdom of quel’thalas survived.
All high elves are of the kingdom of quel’thalas as none were exiled until that occurred.

Those high elves who are not counted are those who were not in Azeroth at the time of this occurrence as they were considered dead or missing.

I do not understand where people believe this notion of it being 90% of those surviving IN quel’thalas, but it is stated OF quel’thalas in the blood elf description.

I just checked the Warcraft Encyclopedia and you’re right - it says there that only a 90% of the elves in Quel’Thalas survived the Scourge attack, and 90% of these 90% adopted the name of Blood Elves.[/quote]

uhhh…you made a mistake there bud.
The survival rate was 10%, not sure where you got 90% survival from.

Edit: hate this quoting system.


Are you saying you feel high elves are more unique than blood elves? Big laff.


How so?
In WoW, they are depicted as being slaves of magic, a people trying to redeem themselves after going off the deep end and being survivalist.
The high elves are literally “we are friends with the humans.” which is more in line with typical fantasy.

So I am unsure where you get this notion given that high elves, generally don’t ally with orcs, trolls, goblins, and other monsters.


wow this got 19 upvotes? weird, considering the pandaren argument is ripped to shreds in seconds

pandaren were conceived of as neutral, implemented as neutral and their entire plotline built around their neutrality and the balance between the factions. if they couldnt make pandaren work, making the high elf race neutral will be a far worse mistake. as evidenced by the fact they are unable to really do much with pandaren in the story going forward due to their neutrality :relaxed:

its just more fanfiction

only about ten percent of the entire race survived the genocide. the encyclopedia has a holistic view of the high elf race it counts the few off azeroth too. some were lucky enough to be away in dalaran, which is where their prince was, or in theramore. those who survived in quel’thalas did so by fleeing into the woods. lorthemar would gather them and later meet up with kael with the dalaran population and rename themselves blood elves

any ‘high’ elves who refused to evacuate dalaran with kael for whatever reason(cowardice?) died when archimonde attacked. and as we all know the ones who went with jaina to theramore died there as well

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And yet they’re still around even after all they’ve been through and fighting for the Alliance :man_shrugging:. And imagine trying to lowball them by painting them negatively cause of your bias, hilarious.

Asylum was also my favorite season of American horror story Fyre.


I thought it was pretty bad to be honest.

is the show good? i have a friend at work who keeps trying to get me to watch it but it just doesnt look interesting to me

It is good

Fair about the Night elves, but they truely are different flavor of elves almost unique to Warcraft. (even if the claim is that they are drow) They love nature, are its guardians, use the Demi gods of nature as close friends and allies, mainly use the cover of night. Reject (until recently) heavy magic use as mages. Have a whole Gender separate caste system.

The Draenei haven’t really filled a elven fantasy imo, they are kind of another unique Warcraft niche as well.

The high elves bridge a gap that they may have tried with the Night elven Highborne. They have a mage and ranger feel about them, and it not as much focused on nature as much as their Night elf cousins.


Just dropping by briefly to voice my support for playable Alliance high elves once more.


Common sense, actually. How can you survive an attack that you didn’t get to suffer? (High Elves in Dalaran or Highvale for example).

Yes, sorry, it was a slip.


by being a high elf and not being in quel’thalas, thus surviving as a member of the race

Uhhh, by running? As stated in WC3 along with literature where Lor’themar gathered survivors from the woods?
Come on man.

Again, it was stated the entire population. All high elves were counted.

LoL, we just had confirmation of another group that didn’t become Blood Elves and people are arguing that everyone has become a Blood Elf? For real?



Highvale and Dalaran were part of the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas? :thinking:

Pretty sure those High Elves were already living in those places prior to the Scourge attack.

No, I disagree. It was stated that a 10% of the population of Quel’Thalas survived the Scourge attack. This has absolutely nothing to do with the High Elves living outside Quel’Thalas.


if you can cite something that says highvale existed pre arthas please do, otherwise there is nothing to discuss there. dalaran was a city co founded by the high/blood elves and humans theyve always had a population there. its literally where the high elven prince spent most of his time and held court, even after its destruction and rebuilt

incorrect. The pandaren don’t get used because blizzard writers don’t know how to write stories beyond “fight the evil person”

They can tell that story good but they are not good at all when it comes to portraying other stories. There are multiple ways to use pandaren.

As for high elves becoming playable well their story is already in effect. Making them playable would only make that story bigger.


It is unknown when those elves arrived to the Hinterlands, a dev should clarify this point, if anything.

Exactly my point. Thus, those high elves shouldn’t be counted as survivors of the Scourge attack.


I have a better question. Can you cite something that says that Highvale didn’t existed pre Arthas?