High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Jennella’s status as a high or blood elf matters because antis try to use every single detail, however minor, to undermine our requests for high elves.

Jennella proves that not all high elves had turned into blood elves during Warcraft 3’s timeline, despite multiple claims on the contrary that surfaced in these threads over and over.

I mean, there was already proof on the contrary in Vereesa and the Silver Covenant, as well as those high elves that went to Kalimdor or Stormwind, but getting a bona fide high elf appear near the end of TFT is a nice bonus.


No one is arguing that she isnt a high elf. She is literally introduced as such in the opening of the mission.

If they are, then theyre stupid.

No one is arguing that either.

Her real status has been argued for years. She being a high elf is an educated guess based on Occam’s Razor. And no, the mission does not acknowledge her at all. She’s just there in the map with her troops. You can even do the mission without bumping into her.

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I just felt like it was so odd that there was a troop of “blood elves” after they had just been kicked out/left of the Alliance so recent.

I really don’t think it was a “pro” or “anti” statement. It was a lack of clarity and the limitations of the game engine and graphics.

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And now it’s being finally clarified.


Hang on a sec - green eyes are from Fel, not mana tapping. Those who actively drained Fel/fed on demonic energy, became Felbloods, no?

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Yet, her wowpedia entry hasnt changed in ten years. So it must not be that wide or largescale of a debate.

Ah you are right. I had to go look up the mission, and see I was incorrect.

Im guessing it was since it was after the Blood Elf campaign, old Blizz didnt think to switch back the models since she was kind of optional.

No, felblood drank demon blood.

Yes, but Wowpedia isn’t written by the devs, it can contain errors. Jennella’s real status was always dubious (thought being high elf was more likely, thus Wowpedia’s stance). Now we finally got confirmation that the assumption was right.


Its been finally clarified for near ten years lol.

Even if its not dev written, the people who edit it have kept it as high elven for that period. Besides…it does not take a Ph.D to see why she couldnt be blood elven, right?

Blood Elves came into being after Kael renamed them following the Scourge decimation of the High Elves. If this timeline suggests otherwise it’s incorrect.

Actually, that was a good part of my argument. To quote myself-

`Yeah, this is something that has been bothering me for a while. I'm pretty sure she's a high elf, because it takes place in the Undead campaign, AFTER the blood elves left the Alliance. In WCIII TFT, priests and sorceresses are given a "blood elven" skin that replaces the old "high elf" skin from ROC.

This is also evident in the Horde campaign- human "chaplains" replace the "priests" but you'll notice that the "Kul Tiras Sorceresses" use the blood elf skin. They are presumably human or high elf due to the blood elves betrayal/absence.

Giving these facts, and the fact that she's with and surrounded by Alliance forces, suggests to me that she and her band are high elves, not blood elves.

Additionally "blood elves" in the campaign explicitly use the red team color, and she and the other elves in the area are using the Yellow team color. The only exception is the "Rescue Illidan" mission where Kael uses the orange team color in order to have the rest of his forces (red) act independently.
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See, I was thinking the context of this thread. In terms of an accurate wiki? Accuracy is a mark of professionalism I admire.

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Ok, fair point. It has, however, nothing to do with green eyes being associated to the action of mana tapping…which isn’t correct. Exposure to fel energy turned their eyes green, not mana tapping creatures who aren’t fel energy containers.

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Not everyone here has a one track mind.

I have TWO. XD

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Hence why I believe it is purely for aesthetics since they are assuming people know of warcraft.

Yeah, but not everyone is as open minded as you. Play to the audience you know?

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I mean, yeah, in the end I do want High Elves since I’ve loved them since Warcraft II, and every time I’ve seen one on the Alliance in Wow I squee. But I don’t try to be intentionally confrontational about it.

I love the lore, and I don’t actively hate anyone or anything. I’m pretty laid back about most things.

When things get really heated I tend to avoid the thread. I can’t handle really toxic debates.


Let’s be real, it’s because the green eyes look hella dope.

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Hear hear;


Yeah. To be real?

I have green eyes. My D&D character has green eyes. A lot of character’s I’ve made have green eyes.

The only character that I want to make that has BLUE eyes is my World of Warcraft character! XD

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No accounting for taste.

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