High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I’m liking those icons a lot! Anestarian Sunstrider, the High Elven runner, BOTH High and Blood elven Dragonhawk Riders, the end to the long debate on whether Jennalla Deemspring was a High Elf or Blood Elf, High elven villagers, and do I spy a High Elven Archmage?!

I didn’t see Sylvanas’s icon from when she was alive though, and the emissarys icon was that of a Blood elf- so there are probably more icons we haven’t seen yet.

I can’t wait! :smiley:

Actually, she race changed. She’s the same NPC (same name even), just a blood elf wearing the red version of the outfit.



Think it could at least be implied that they were donated by the Silver Covenant to the war effort, this is hinted at by Vereesa’s presence in the scenario in general, actively scouting with Alleria.

Would be weird if she just came by herself and didn’t even bring SC weapons :man_shrugging:

You think they’ll add additional races or race skins for the 4 core races in Reforged?

Would be a complete waste to go through so much effort to recreate a masterpiece like WC3 and not add extra things to it, such as the planned Naga race.


At the very least they’re updating a lot of models that were mere “recolors” and adding more variations to the hero units. (I might actually use the Archmage more often if I have access to the High Elf variation.)

And they’re doing SOMETHING to the story since last I checked Anasterian Sunstrider didn’t appear in Warcraft III!

We’ll have to wait and see.


Huh, I had no idea War 3 Reforged was going beyond the original content. Maybe it’s just assets for people to play around with on the World Editor?

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I think it’s their chance to retcon a lot of the events of WC3 to make it fit WoWs story, as a lot of it was either missing or made 0 sense to where WoW ended up going.

Such as Anesterian not even being mentioned in WC3 but apparently died when Arthas invaded Quel’thalas.


If it were just the normal units like the Dragonhawk Rider and stuff (the high elf version only appeared in the story and in the world editor before the TFT expansion had the fully researchable Blood Elf version)

But Anasterian Sunstrider is a MAJOR lore character and was killed during Arthas’s invasion in Warcraft III, it seems likely that he’s gonna be involved with something.


So this is the equivalent of replacing Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christiansen as Anakin’s ghost? Oh dear… I hope the integrity of the story of War 3 isn’t affected

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They are adding the things written from the books or have already been retconned.

They are also making the maps more accurate to WoW.


That was before Deathwing’s rage changed the world. We do not want a repeat of his wrath.

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per screenshots we see a choice between the “classic” campaign and the “reforged” campaign.

I do think they will be have major differences between them. The classic would just be the old campaign updated with the new assets. Reforged changes it to fit canon. I suspect entire missions to be added such as the darkspear one where the horde saves them on the way to kalimdor.


Just occurred to me. Do you think the reason they won’t give High Elves is because they’re going to add blue eyes to the Blood Elves’ customization pool and do some kind of faction swapping/soft merge for the next expansion?

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no. Even if they do our request won’t go away because it is still unfulfilled.

Having something similar to what we want isn’t giving us what we want. I don’t make a habit of RPing things that aren’t true.


Yeah that isnt appropriate motors. Do refrain from mosquoting me as it does go against the coc, and this thread doesnt need you trying to get it shutdown again.

@rreifren: You do need to keep in mind the wow devs have neber wanted anything to be traditional like in other mmos. Demanding high elves is fine, but dont keep your hopes up.


Just another elf to add to all the elves already playable? Do you guys really just want a reskin with added tattoos? Just add tattoos to blood elves, done. high elves and blood elves look the same 100% just with blue eyes and tattoos…

Blood elves already have gold or green eyes which is more than a high elf has…just put a helm over their head or even wait they are getting blue eyes added in ant they? a DK has blue eyes.
WOW blue eyed elf ! must need! call it high elf lol. idk. this is why i hate ally, boring races. (but worgen is cool)
Whats the point in a fantasy game if its just full of elves, might as well change name to Elfcraft


Are you threatening me? It sure does sound like a threat. That is absolutely inappropriate. Do refrain from threatening me in any way shape or form on the forums as it goes against the ToS and CoC.



Anyway, high elves won’t happen on the alliance since they are on the Horde, and doing so goes against blizzard’s philosophy of flipping things around.


You are entitled to your opinion. Good luck with that. Toodles.


There was an (human) archmage defending the Sunwell in the original campaign. I bet they are replacing them with this elf archmage reskin.


Why the controversy?
Didn’t she get murdered by Arthas?

As much as I love playing alliance, id never do this :stuck_out_tongue:

Id get a kaldorei tat before an alliance tat… well maybe that lordaeron “L” the most under utilized logo in game imho.

Hopefully we get the entire Rexxar campaign… idk why i alway had issues getting the whole thing. that story felt like a test run for wow in a way.

its not completely about the Blue eyes as it is more about the non glowing eyes, would be great if they added blue eyes to the Blood elves that they glowed, and the high elves would continue to have a visible iris and retina. Maybe like the fem humans Blue, Green, and maybe even for those who want to see white eyes.

I dont really see a soft faction merger, some races it just would make sense. Like Humans, night elves, trolls, orcs and forsaken i cannot see them crossing a line. The dark irons, Highmountain, nightborne, draenei, blood elves, and mechgnomes… those are the most likely to be possible for faction swaps.