High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Weak bait.

I wonder if the reason they did green eyes and blue eyes is to help people “see” when they change their names?
The entire thing seems rather odd given the storyline.

Lol, so, in the real world, people mutate their eyes by eating magic?

But the eyes are not even the point. The point is that they made a way to differentiate when it’s a high elf and when it’s a blood elf in Warcraft 3 Reforged, despite the changes only happening after the campaign. You yourself said it:

differentiate them more easily

differentiate them more easily

differentiate them more easily

You beat yourself with that. You don’t need to differentiate what is the same. Period.


Like your rant thread, bro?


The Devs play Horde and won’t do anything that would allow more people to go Alliance. So here’s how you get High Elves. Have corporate fire half the Dev team and then hire only people willing to get visible Alliance tattoos.

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Lol, so, again, are people different humans because they have different colored eyes?

Even though they were your point.

Not really because I also said,

If you’re going to try and pick someone’s quote apart, at the very least you need to ensure that the statements made can stand alone.
I don’t take you seriously anyway Alamara. Again, you don’t care for lore, you just want a pale elf.

Like your complaints about being unable to change your name on discord.


Says the pale elf with insecurities.


The issue is that Blood Elves had been broadly codified by their green eyes in WoW times, and as a result, blue eyes for High Elves -which before, had rather normal in lore, or white eyes in war 3-

The iconic look for Blood Elves is blonde, green eyed and wearing red, it’s what they have been most of the time; since their renaming as Blood Elves to their start of mana tapping thus green eyes it was only a couple months; by the time we see them on Northrend, they should have green eyes.

It’s an aesthetic shortcut for sure, even if they should majorly* keep their blue eyes until allying with Illidan.

*This is an interesting bit, Blood Elves probably started mana tapping at the same time they changed their name, perhaps inneficiently: the Blood Mage hero is introduced with the ability “Mana Drain” So at least a part of the population had the knowledge to do so; as well as Priests who went from having blue glow to green glow on their eyes.

I do think this implies Blood Elves had been mana draining -thus getting green eyes- before meeting Illidan, maybe not as efficiently or widespread.

Alternative, the Blood Mage’s Mana Drain ability as well as the Priest’s green glow are just the same that Blood Elves having green eyes at the begining of their arc, I just more recognizably Blood Elf -like, Kael thas didn’t know how to Mana Drain until meeting Illidan, but still his game unit always knew.

But yes, I understand why they are making the difference from the get go for something they reach when they meet Illidan.


Arcane torrent gives +1 holy power which is lovely for ret paladins.

That is not the case Talendrion. The high elves/blood elves did not learn mana tapping until Rommath came back from learning it through Illidan. If they had such an ability, it would have been used to protect Quel’thalas more effectively, or been used to reclaim Silvermoon.
It is explicitly stated they did not have the knowledge to begin siphoning magic until after those events which happened 6 years after the fall of quel’thalas.

The changes made were purely for aesthetic purposes, and not because they add or change the lore in a meaningful way.
Keep in mind the green eyes is also stated to be a result of fel contamination, something that was not present until AFTER they learned mana tapping and learned they could harness fel energy to power the buildings of silvermoon.


I already suggested it might have been an aesthetic and thematic addition in the part I talk about Kael having Mana Drain as an ability even as the start of the campaign -baseline-

But the fact is that green eyed and mana tapping WAS the aesthetic and thematic they were going for during TFT.

And again, we are talking specifically about Kael’thas group, who were taught to drain mana from demons in Outland by illidan when they met.

How the belves that remained in Silvermoon got their green eyes is entirely irrelevant.


Is that bro?

So that’s #3 of the antis character hopping and pretending to be someone else?


I don’t believe someone who pays for another account to dodge the code of conduct should speak about anyone.
Let alone, this alt of mine as well as several others is known.
I don’t really care about my reputation amongst your group, we already know you instantly despite those who disagree with you.

Except that it is relevant to those whom I was responding to, who are not viewing it the same as you.
Having Kael’thas have mana tap as a baseline ability makes sense, because it was an ability he needed to have after meeting Illidan anyway. That is a matter of game design, rather than lore. So again, I cannot agree with the theory simply because the timeline and lore are rather explicit on it.

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lol So it is then, only difference is i don’t character hop and pretend I’m someone else do i Bro? There’s a difference between being flag abused and actively trolling.

Then again the antis have always come across as sketchy.

You only add to the Fire, Fyre started, at least she tried to pretend she didn’t have Horde Bias, you just went right back to a Blood Elf.:rofl: :man_shrugging:

  1. How do you pretend to be someone else if everyone knows who you are and you make no attempt to hide it?

  2. This is what I logged in on, and I don’t swap so people are not confused. unlike you.

I mean, again, who was using a second account here?

You mean the one you started Kizzan.
I don’t really care much anyway.
You, and the those of the helfer community complaining about alts are just grasping at straws to defame those who disagree with you and not because you have anything of substance to really discuss.

I like how you also try to give me advice on alt hopping. The thing you do…while pretending to be someone else.

Edit: Anyway, I am going to do stuff more important in a bit sooo… toodaloo for now.


Exposing hypocrisy is different i’m afraid, you seem to always point the “They’re more sketchy” finger, yet your ilk pull this every other week.

lol Still on disagreement, like that’s ever been the issue, adorable.

We “disagreed” a long time ago, your continued activism toward whatever you see as “disagreement” from us anymore is us calling you out on actively trolling with your circle arguments for the sake of derailment, you’ve been told this.

INC. Another Blood elf :man_shrugging:


Don’t worry, they are worse at killing hope than Sylvanas. We will keep discussing what we like, and what we want to see.


You are welcome. Glad i could fix this one as well.


They used to be Horde players.

I’m still wondering why there is so many blue ballista in the War Campaign ending.

Since there are no High Elves on sight, I wonder if it’s some kind of easter egg from some art devs that are aware of us and knows that the upper scale devs are not even aware that Blood Elves uses red ballista. :joy:


The fact that they’re still present is promising, even though Ion flat out said there’s no plans to add playable high elves for BFA.

Also, the data mining for Warcraft 3 Reforged is amazing!


The War Campaign situation feels like the Arathi Warfront High Elf mage added in BFA beta. Sadly, that one was caught and “killed” before making it into the live version.

Those ballistae were probably not caught because the whole thing was encrypted, and only shows that the devs against High Elves have no clue about either what Blood Elves or High Elves are.

Those situations are proof that some devs working on Blizzard don’t agree with the most recent statements made about High Elves, which makes this whole thing really funny. :joy: