High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Good to see the discussion is still ongoing! High Elves for Allied Race! Eventually!


It’s implied to be as such, but we don’t see enough of it to know for sure. It’s definitely how they should be if High Elves were to become playable though, we’d need to see them move further away from the Blood Elves

I have a feeling it may not be the case as I don’t see blizzard backing off the blood elves or the void elves for the foreseeable future.

I don’t really see why they would do anything else as they’ve kind of got their plate full and more elf ar’s don’t really fit. I’d probably wager anything not a void elf on the alliance side is mostly still just going to be side or secondary canon fodder story wise

Add me to the “Hunter” category. I’ve always seen Bladinas as a High Elf even back when I created him back in BC. You can bet I’ll race change him again if I’d get the chance.

I’ve been drawing him as one for nearly a decade.




omg i love you

Heh I think that makes 5 hunter 2 mage and 1 pally now. Thank you!

As for cities, I am sure Silvermoon isn’t the only place that High Elves ever inhabited over thousands of years so if they want to go that direction I am sure there would be something. Possibly something awesome that adds to the story.


Adding High Elves doesn’t have to involve backing off of Blood/Void Elves. They can have all the screentime while we also get the option to play as a Silver Covenant High Elf

Blizz’s plate has been full of a lot of stuff for a while now, but they’re likely to add more allied races when the time is right. Honestly it’s hard to come up with allied races for the Alliance that make sense

Other than High Elves the only thing I can think of is Wildhammer Dwarves, Vrykul and Jinyu. Anything else would be another race out of the left field, and lord knows we have enough of those

Edit: Because spelling


I think the best part about allied races is that they allow Blizz to give us new options without adding new cities, important racial leaders and leveling zones. It’d make more sense for High Elves to be an allied race rather than a core one


it’s very bad to see the blizzard being so blind

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I mean the true reason in my mind that they make sense as an allied race is because the skeleton exists already which is what most allied races have. They can have important racial leaders if that’s what blizz wants. The capital like I said could happen as well. I do think they make more sense as an allied race, but a core race has merit since we are talking about elves that have been around since vanilla.


Not saying they couldn’t come up with a way but it doesn’t seem to be their mindset or direction, you know? They seem content to keep going with the ones they’ve added and I don’t see that course changing heading personally. Things may change in the future but past history and more recent developments don’t really point to that at least how I’ve seen it.

We won’t really know for the future but I’d say it’s less likely than many people put forward less so for what people want as opposed to just what Blizzard has been saying and doing.

You know, as per the usual monkey’s paw that AR are for the alliance, I think if we get High Elves they’ll be a neutral race a la Pandaren cause they could just not leave Horde players out of it.

But to be honest if the H/A conflict starts to get downplayed, it would be interesting to see a batch of Neutral Allied Races where those options that don’t seem to wholly fit either side could be in, like Argus Broken, Eredar, Arakkoa, Vrykul, etc, and of course High Elves because of the monkey’s paw and Dalaran is neutral lol.


Add me to the hunters as well.

I don’t even particularly like hunters but the High elf aesthetic has always seemed more to be hunter than anything else.

There was supposed to be a Warcraft 3 hero with the Dark ranger model that was a female High elf hunter or “ranger”, so to me they’ve always seemed more along those lines.


I would love it a lot if they made them a core race with an awesome starting zone. It’d be great to see them all reunite and find a home.

But it’s more likely they will end up being an AR. It would be a nice gesture for them to be a core race with no rep grind, but I don’t expect it.


It doesn’t seem likely that Blizzard even want to do “core races” anymore. ARs are too much of a time and money saver.


Yea elves should be neutral anyways given the lore. They should start out in the Outlands and do a chain quest to choose their faction. During this quest line they should be force to gather felweed. At the end of the quest if they smoke the felweed they become High Elves and join the Alliance, if they placed it into a spoon then mix it with liquid and mainline it, then they become Blood Elves and join the Horde. Because we all know the Horde is filled with junkies.


Exactly the opposite

But ok.


Indeed, the original concept (and even model and texture) of the model that was used for High Elf Sylvanas (and later as the base of the TFT Dark Ranger) was called the “Half Elf Ranger”, which had a much more tribal look to her (war paint all over her body) and used the names of the TFT Dark Rangers.



And if they are hungover they should drink hair of the dog and become Worgen.

I mean for the rest of the comment it really didn’t seem to be worth it to reply lol.

But again, I was personally referring to the Alliance’s curse of never getting what we actually want so since the Kirin Tor High Elves are Neutral, we would get those as playable.