High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

which classes would you like to see? :slight_smile:

Holy smokes! Those pictures you found or did are so awesome! I love this idea! High elves, playable or not, are important allies and friends to the Allaince.

I hope the devs and fellow fans agree with this.


Lemme see.

Hunter, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Warrior.

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Ooo the DK’s coming back around, here’s hoping they finish off the Silver Covenant :slight_smile:


Well, I’m mostly a Silver Covenant fan, so Mage and Hunter are the two musts for me. Otherwise I’m not that concerned.

Shamans would be cool tho; it would make them the only elf able to be shaman which would be interesting.


Petsonally, I think they should blend magic and rangers. Summoned bows and arrows made from arcane energy, and that sort of thing. A whole new class.


Personally, I love the idea of high elves coming in in eight skin tones and have all hair colors and eye colors. I read on WoWPedia that high elf eyes are mainly blue but can come in green purple, or even brown.

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You havent debunked crapola. Same biological race for those called Sin, Quel, and Ren’dorei. Just one call themselves High Elf/Quel’dorei, one calls themselves Blood Elf/Sin’dorei and one calls themselves Ren’dorei/Void Elves. Now void elves I would say are biologically changed but still were High Elves so not necessarily wholly the same race anymore. Blood/High Elves is a difference in name and politics but the same race biologically so yes they are the same. Just different political factions. Stop with the ‘we debunked it with head cannon and fan fiction’ BS.


The “same biological race” argument is irrelevant. It became irrelevant the moment Pandaren became playable.

Pandaren are the same biological race and exist on both factions… and they dont even have any physical distinctions. Kul Tirans are the same biological race as Stormwind Humans yet the playable ones are plus sized.

We’re asking for the High Elves that already exist on the Alliance to be playable and for some different cosmetic options to differentiate them. The fact that they’ve been living with humans, intermingling with them and integrating into their culture is all the justification necessary for some new hairstyles (or sharing some with humans) and a new idle stance.


Actually early on the Blood Knights were not well recieved and faced a lot of scorn from the population at large. In Blood of the Highborne one of them remarks on how they are looked down upon when the people should be showering them with their thanks and appreciation.

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I am trying to find time to work more on some high elf art. I have a lot of home work to keep up with this term though, so I haven’t had much time for my own stuff.

I am getting decent-ish with acrylic paint though so maybe I’ll do a high elf painting.


That is very welcoming news. High Elves (or at least, the Silver Covenant) seem to have a connection with Northrend and the Lich King, so I think the possibility is higher than some may think.

Not saying High Elves confirmed, but I’m hopeful


Night Elves could Paladins but I doubt Blizz would let them be edgy.

Demon Hunters are a great edgy Night Elf class already though.

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A return to northrend/lich king themes could honestly set up the AR combo of High Elves and San’layn.


Definitely wouldn’t have The edginess of demon hunters, but would be a cool niche to give them and their order a bit more seriousness and retribution vs the Silver hand counterpart.

But for High elves I cannot see how they will make a separate group for them unless it’s a sub-SC faction we don’t know about… always the possibilities there.


The Silver Covenant, one of the most prominent High Elf factions, played a huge role in Northrend.

San’layn. Well, they’re undead vampiric elves that once served the Lich King. Need I say more?


Core race or allied race, high elves and san’layn are fan favorites among, respectively, the Alliance and the Horde.


I think the argument for High Elves as a core race would be a little weaker. Where would their Capital City and Starting zones be?


Nobody knows for sure. But there’s always pretend.

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To clarify the differences between blood elves and high elves I will attempt to give examples of what they are like.

Blood elves are like the high elves from warhammer. A proud kingdom with a strong and diverse military.

WoW high elves are like half elves without being actual half elves. They are a mix of both human and elven culture.