High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I firmly disagree on this; It’s clear to Liadrin that the re-ignition of the Sunwell had a deep spiritual effect on the Blood Knigths, as they redeemed themselves from their past foul deeds.

They might be able to channel its energy, but the whole ordeal has made them of the most zealous paladins in Lore.


I’m not saying they aren’t devoted.

I’m just saying they don’t need it to wield the light.

I’m disagreeing with the “least interesting” bit of yer statement; I just don’t agree that they not needing devotion to wield the light -yet becoming nonetheless of the most devout- is uninteresting.

Sadly I think that goes for the Tauren; they had amazing potential for their faith system, but hardly anything has been done beyond making them another race than can be paladin without attention to their unique spirituality.


Just imagine for a moment… how easily Blizzard could turn this garbage fire of BfA around… with no faction lines that restrict players, but faction lines that define stories and participation in larger themes. Players should be free to do and act as they please with whomever they please.

I’d love to see the possibility of a neutral faction. Gobs had this for the longest time and I don’t think Blizzard ever really embraced it as well as they could have.

I’d also love to see players being able to choose who (what race) they start with and what allegiance they hold to the faction (horde, alliance, mercenaries) they want.

You could really make it easy to fix this whole - high elves on Alliance thing if you’d just nuke the faction restrictions.

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even if they nuked the factions they wouldn’t make helves though. you’d be able to be an “alliance belf.” which from my understanding is not what the people on this thread want. and why they don’t like that alliance got velves instead of helves.

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People have already said, in this thread, that would not be good enough.

At the start, sure, but it makes the possibility of this happening later more reasonable. Which is why I think it would be a good way to get there :slight_smile:

Still waiting on my edgy Dark Moon Sentinels (NE Paladins) I know some don’t like it… but tidesages somehow translate to shamans so?

But looking forward to an Alliance Elf Paladin tbh. If high elves cannot become paladins, then they simply wouldn’t have anything over on Void elves besides aesthetics really, which would be okay because lore-wise they are still different and gives us that access.


it’s the lore the people in this thread say that they want.

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I personally find a 180 in attitude kinda uninteresting myself.

Someone else fixed their problems so all that spite and anger just went poof.

If there was some kind of struggle or story of finding their way I would agree it was interesting. But they just said “We where wrong. We will change from now on.”

If it was an interesting story we would still see some people with the old mentality at odds with people trying to ‘better’ themselves and struggles to keep the new ideals over the old.

But it all went poof.


Well yes totally correct, I did fix my line, but in reality if they don’t have class differentiation, then why do it? Especially if lore is friendly to them being paladins… still looking at Kultirans and Night elves… lol

Having the High elves even without a different class from the Void elves would still be rewarding, because it gives that access to what we have been asking for. Certainly more rewarding than destroying faction barriers and allowing Alliance blood elves, we need separate factions for me to feed elunes vengeance still :crescent_moon:

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oh i get you. :slight_smile:

if helves ever become a thing i think either shaman or druid could be cool too if they didn’t want to make them pallies. which is a belf thing. what do you think?

I think Belves’ identity changed a lot after Sunwell’s restoration, they are more light elves than magical elves.

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Well we see High Elf Paladins in game. They aren’t common but they are clearly there.

I have a list of suspected classes.

Pretty sums up what I think of it.


Personally i’d be okay with it if their alliance “faction” was the Silver Covenant and it continues that story. Overall I’m open as many possibilities as long as they continue the Silver Covenant, or other already Alliance HE groups.


oh i’m not arguing that sc shouldn’t be utilized. i’m just saying if there were no more factions there would be no reason to make helves anymore because people could just use the belf model. i’m not saying i agree with it. but that’s pretty much what would happen.

I mean yes and no, I suppose if the Trolls, and worgen can learn Druidism in the timeframe that they did, anything is possible? The Blood knights are totally fine, so I imagine if they were paladins, it would be that they learned from humans.

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And if they get to be playable, Death Knights seems to be a possibility.

Well, yes, but actually no.

Check this out.

(datamined DK textures for Allied Races)


Sure, I mean I would have liked that if it had been the case, but I gotta say that I do myself find interesting the idea of the “wicked” being forgiven and becoming zealous, because by itself it does not make then “good” it just makes them fall into another just as absolutist -and prone to corruption- ideology.

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I get it, i’m just saying I’d be happy with that whole approach IF it’s linked to the SC or other Alliance HE groups in how it plays out. Cause what I want at the bottom is for a continuation of the Alliance HE’s story.

I think a lot of people agree that It’s in everyone’s best interest if HE’s have a different class kit than BE’s.