High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I am not a newbie to the discussions on this matter, and I have observed quite a bit. Namely, the big stink you threw about people posting on their alts. Clearly though this bit here explains it though.

How it doesn’t apply with people who have the share opinion as you on a subject. So you’re being a hypocrite.

I may not agree with Lorithyn, Dekkar, or a number of Helfers in this aspect of the game, but I respect them because they are at the very least, genuine and honest.

I would agree with such a notion, if it wasn’t for the fact that the far striders were the premier force assisting to maintain the ghostlands and Silvermoon’s borders. So it is clear they are still a key force for the blood elves during the TBC era even with the empowered Blood knights and mages.
Even if they were opposed to some of the changes, it clearly was not such a large issue to warrant exile like the quel’lithien helves who were a mix of both magic and rangers.

In totalitarianism, the state follows the views of the person in charge, who is Lor’themar, a farstrider. See what I mean about it seeming so odd?
If they are totalitarian, then they wouldn’t dare speak out about the farstriders being backwards when their leader is one.
Particularly since Rommath and Halduron are both fiercely loyal to Lor’themar, and people whom Lor’themar respects enough to follow their advice on multiple occasion.
Someone should ask at blizzcon what the deal was in TBC and if it changed like Lotty suggested earlier.

Neither. High Elf Paladin ftw!


Yes, far away from everyone else’s eyes. Where no one sees their efforts nor hears their concerns.

What I like about blood elf lore is how nuanced it is. Lor’themar had good intentions but was willing to get dirty to make things work. He couldn’t rule a divided people, so each one was put in its due place. He hoped others would understand once everything was fine.

But to those who suffered under his rule, he was just a tyrant. Cue many exiled high elves.


I think ive changed my mind about human women!

He was still a farstrider though, and a respected one largely. Hence, why it seems odd. Particularly given that Halduron is also one of his supporters and advisors.
If you’re going to blizzcon you should ask. More lore is interesting, and it might get them to revamp the world to modern times.
THe zidormi thing is really neat for visiting past versions and I wished they would do it more.

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i’d just like to remind everyone that i’m not a helfer. i don’t really even like playing elves. o/

You prefer rangers over mages and paladins. This makes you an enemy of the people. Die orc!

uh paladin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hunter. i’ve been a pally since i started playing. it’s probably the best class overall. and would be the master class if it could range dps. i’d probably have never made an alt if they could.

His priority was to fix things, thought. Many exiles were once his own comrades.

Halduron played the part of trying to mend bridges and moderate things. But, once some of his men refused to shut up, he couldn’t do much as the farstriders were badmouthed by blood knights and magisters. Propaganda is a nasty thing.

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That is true, but given his authority why would they insult the group their Regent lord is a part of so openly? It seems odd given how dissent was quickly crushed in TBC.
Let us say I am the Blood knight Captain and Regen lord of Silvermoon and the farstriders called them backwards. Would it really be tolerated if I am trying to keep things together? I’d boot em. Or silence them.

I would have liked seeing more of this aspect of the storyline. It would be particularly interesting if it showed a subtle change in their views to each other as TBC progressed, but Blizzard lacked the means to program such a thing at the time.

WoW is just too big now =(

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Ah. The difference is I pointed out players who attempted to pretend they were someone else. I stick to one character, don’t hide my post history or my profile, and everyone who has come across me more than once knows who I am because I stick to one character. I don’t hop from alt to alt to sneak around. So… I don’t know what that has to do with hypocrisy or mains though. Posting on a main vs this alt are two different things. My main doesn’t have anything to do with anything except opening the door to trolls for harassment in game. Glad we could get that corrected.

No. I support High Elves and want to discuss them. I wasn’t speaking about anyone but myself. Nice try though.

Well then I guess you also have a problem with people alt hopping and making threads to troll pretending they are someone else too, right? Since that isn’t honest at all. I am glad we are on the same page.

I have always been honest about where I am at with things on the forums and I don’t resort to silly tactics like I mentioned above because it’s not honest. I don’t post on a 120 alt because I want people to clearly see that I am not on my main. I don’t pretend otherwise. If anyone has an issue with it beyond that then it really is their problem, not mine.

Is it strange that I find myself agreeing with both of y’all here? Lol

I don’t see you pointing it out on anyone who is a part of the high elf community while they pretend to be someone else. An alt is an alt, regardless of the level that it is, and you’re just looking for tiny ways to excuse the very behavior you abhor.
In any case, you obviously have no desire to be honest, so this is a waste of time on both our parts is it not?

Edit: @lorithyn: She makes a good point on it. I am in agreement with her on the BE societal changes during the time, I just disagree with how it was being shown in this aspect of their society. It just seems…odd.

Sort of like how Vereesa hates Lor’themar without reason.

Vereesa as a character is oddly inconsistent, to put it lightly

Because I haven’t paid any attention to them. Wanna know why? I haven’t watched them concoct entire threads just to cause a fight.

Just like old times. You come to me, reply to me, quote me and waste your time trying to depict me as something I am not and then say “oh it’s a waste of time”. Well duh, but you’re the one that brought it up.

Also, it’s fascinating that you are an alt complaining about me being on an alt and being hypocritical. The layers of absurdity are real. Now I know you aren’t worth the effort.

I believe it may be in part due to her origin. She was the last Windrunner sister to be created, and those depicting her tend to be different writers.

There’s no need to argue about alts.

I understand why some people don’t post on their mains. Depending on what they say they could end up being harassed in game

As for people swapping to alts in the same thread, it really doesn’t matter. It’s usually obvious when people do it, even if you can’t tell exactly who it is

No point in calling it out either when those of us on the pro High Elf side neglected calling it out when our people did it. Back when this topic was huge there’d be quite a few people posting on low level characters with little to no post history. They’d say things like, “Just showing my support for playable High Elves!” Alright Mr. level thirty human, alright…

I mean maybe some people did come to the forums for the first time to support the cause, that’s actually why I came to the forums, but hiding behind alts to show support/disdain is easy to spot and and hurts the side they’re supporting.

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Yes, let’s keep it positive and constructive. Let’s engage with people who counter argue in good faith, but remember, we’re all here because we share a deep love of this game and its lore.


I hate this game. I play it to spite everyone I know. Particularly my guildies, because being spiteful to them is fun, and necessary.

Edit: I do it to spite everyone who likes this post. Particularly Lorithyn who I plan to spawn camp repeatedly.


Are you the dastard who’s been camping me in Stranglethorn?!

I am not going to sit idly by while people straight up lie about me.

There’s a huge difference between bumping a thread and creating a thread purely to troll fans, or all the other bologna. It’s really not as simple as it seems on the surface.