High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I mean yeah. I don’t think the Horde needs more savage at this point. They are clearly trying to soften it up with things like NB and Vulpera, but Alliance could use a bit more.

Plus there’s that whole Legion thing with Eiyr which I think is an excellent starting point. I loved Stormheim and that whole theme.

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i hate stormheim and stupid genn. :expressionless:


I dunno. AN IMPASTA! Clearly.

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Well that makes sense. Just like it makes sense that I love it. I watched that cinematic EVERY SINGLE TIME I leveled there, and I usually skip those things after the first time.

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No need to be so hostile, people.

sylvie > stupid genn

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Wow I came here to chill and I am feeling so attacked right now.

Okay but seriously people. I wanna know which one wins: Mage High Elf or Hunter High Elf?

My support goes to this thread also, it would be rad if it happened. I myself would consider one also.


Northrend vrykul are way more barbaric and would fit the Horde better, but Stormheim vrykul fit the Alliance way better.

Maybe playable vrykul could come from another group entirely. Maybe somewhere’s there’s a civilized vrykul kingdom that kept loyal to titanic ideals of order and honor.


hunter is the superior class, obv.

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Probably hunter, it’d depend on how they’d be implemented

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Honestly even if we get half sized vrykul that are around the size of tauren that would be great. They are able to be clearly differentiated from humans.

If a lore reason needs to happen to explain their size all we need to do is remember that humans came from vrykul by having shrunk over generations until the point they were seen as monstrosities and banished in the face of death.

What is your point here? You focused solely on the word vagabond and thought it would create a counterpoint, but it did not make much sense to me.

How so?

Declaration of something being a fact doesn’t make it a fact you know.

The one cited by Chris Metzen way back when? That’s the only race that ever had such an argument against them so…still an argument against high elves.

They don’t have one?

Shared with the blood elves

No tentacles on my blood elf last I saw.

Oh, you’re one of those who perpetuate the notion of alliance being abused when they’ve had some of the best racials in WoW for the largest part of its history.

Glad we established this point.

What does this have to do with anything? If you don’t like what is available in any of the game, play a different game? I may not like Nightborne on the Horde, but they are there and if I want to play one I’ll have to be a Hordey.

Alliance never had claim to the high elves at any point. Anyone who actually cares about the lore knows this, but it is clear from your post and the other posts that it has nothing to do with lore. It only has to do with the aesthetics and not wanting to play the red faction.

You don’t belong on the Horde.
Anyway, its very clear you guys are just emotionally attached. So I shall allow you the final word.

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I wanna know why though.

2 for Hunter so far.

Alliance had a claim to High Elves since day 1 when they had High Elf NPCs and Horde had nothing of the sort. Anyone who actually cares about the lore knows this, but clearly from your posts it has nothing to do with the lore. It only has to do with attempting to claim ownership of something that has nothing to do with Horde.


i don’t belong on the horde because i like hunters more than mages? 0.o


Mages > Hunters

maybe in classic. but not for retail.

hunter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mage


Hunter, no doubt. Should be their defining class, with mages second.

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For example; if High Elves received development that allowed them to cut their ties with the Sunwell and overcome their magical addiction, then hunter for sure

I’d be making a High Elf character of any class they’d have available, honestly


Guys, we already debunked people coming here to say that Blood Elves are the High Elves a thousand of times, i don’t think repeating it would make things change.

Lets talk about suggestions and ideas for playable High Elves, i think it’s more productive.