High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Technically Void Elves share 99.9% of their lore with Blood Elves. I understand that not everybody would be excited to see another flavor of elf, but no allied race will be exciting to everybody

Edit: Looks like I was beat to it. Feel free to ignore me lol


I could see both. The Cash shop option is remote, but I honestly would not put it past blizzard to do so as a cash grab.

Except blood elves have been a thing since wc3, and are high elves with a name change.
Your request is essentially complaining blood elves are on the horde and not the alliance.
Void elves killed the high elf dream.


Cool story bro, there are High Elves in Classic right now. So that means they can actually exist at the same time. Imagine that.


What does that have to do with anything exactly? High Elves came first. High Elves were NPCs for the Alliance day 1 of the game. High Elves have persisted even after Blood Elves were made playable.

Void Elves have nothing to do with High Elves. No one even asked for them.


Doesn’t change the fact that high elves came first, nor that we were asking for high elves before belves became playable.

Only things void elves killed were the reasons excuses given for not making high elves playable.


Excuses* (sorry I had to!)


Thanks. Fixing my post.


What is the BEST class for High Elves by the way? Thematically I mean. Is it mage, or is there something better?

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WC2 had Elven Rangers, so probably hunter too.


This response makes absolutely no sense dude.

[quote=“Kirela-arygos, post:14376, topic:182516”]
What does that have to do with anything exactly? High Elves came first. High Elves were NPCs for the Alliance day 1 of the game. High Elves have persisted even after Blood Elves were made playable. [/quote]
They are literally the same people, you can’t argue about who came first. So tht is a stupid argument in itself.
No one cares about what NPC’s you had, because that was over a decade ago, and the high elf race became playable for the Horde. All this nonsense about “well high elves were NPC’s for alliance” means nothing when those high elves were nothing but vagabonds.

Besides the fact they were blood elves, who were high elves. So I guess if you ignore the lore they have nothing to do with high elves.

They are the same people there is no first nonsense. Not sure what is wrong with the high elf community and these arguments which hold no basis, but they’re silly.

I mean, if you want to ignore the obvious truth of the matter I can understand, but it cannot be denied that they killed the notion of high elves. Along with mechagnomes.

Edit: Quoting system broke. In anycase, I am sure an inane argument is going to come in response.

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Which is better though?


Blood Elves spent a lot of time shaping themselves to Not Be High Elves anymore. It’s sad when players try to lump them together.

Like, that was the whole story of becoming Blood Elves and joining the Horde. That’s why NPCs say in game that they don’t want to be confused as HIgh Elves and vice versa.


By that logic, why have Nightborne, or Blood Elves? Everyone started off as a Night Elf


Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

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Guessing from your character’s level, you never made it to TBC and beyond so it is expected you lack knowledge in this aspect to make such a false claim.

I like how you haven’t tried to refute my statement of them being the same people, and just dance around it by going “well they don’t want to be called the same thing!”, even though they’re the same thing.
Sorry, a human is a human is a human.

Just play Horde if you want the high elf race, I’ll run you guys through the leveling process if its so unappealing. We also have lots of mythic groups. Come to the red side.

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Of course I would support vrykul so long as they are for the alliance. Sure their culture fits with the horde but it doesn’t contrast with the alliance either.

I think their shared titanforged ancestry would make them more likely to join the alliance.


Funny you should mention vagabonds. Goblins were vagabonds with no home when they blew up their island, yet are playable on Horde. Worgen were vagabonds after Sylvanas bombed the Gileans. Orcs were vagabonds until the Tauren helped them get setup in Durotar, etc etc.


Oh, the irony!

Fact: all excuses were crushed by void elves. Population? Settlements? Lore? Model?

What’s left? Faction favoritism?


You are absolutely right. I have never played anything above level 13.

If that’s the case then can we shove KT back in the box and get something I actually wanna play? Or how about NB… Or PLEASE let us shove Void Elves in a hole and bury it like it never happened… Since ya know they’re all the same thing apparently.

Which this means Blizz ripped off Alliance to hand Horde a pretty race ya know… if they’re the same thing and all that. How sad.


omg then who was it i grouped with for mechagon? >_>