High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

But we knew the kul tiran requirements months before 8.1.5, and it could be deduced even before that. I think people just aren’t that interested in having a kul tiran.


It could just be low numbers of 120s. Honorbound is a whole 5% higher than 7th Legion Rep. And exalted was virtually required for the war campaign.

I have the rep, my highest kul tiran might be 50 something. My highest level AR is the nightborne I leveled for that heritage armor.

I like the void elf heritage armor too, but not enough to level one.

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I plan to make a feedback thread depending how well they are implemented.

There are still going to be lots of suggestions to make sure they turn out good.


when they get added I will probably go and advocate for another allied race I want. Simple as that. High elves would be here now it is time to go ask for wildhammer or broken or ogres or whatever.


I’ll be happy for High Elves too and make one myself as well if they are playable.

I don’t see a need to dump on Void Elves any further though, I’ll just be glad that whoever is still playing them are people who genuinely are a fan of void themes or dark races and not just playing them to pretend to be something they’re not.

Will still play one myself, have even thought about a Warlock I might make later.


I agree with you (and hi from Sargeras!). Void Elves isn’t what I asked for, and they seemed left field, but I do enjoy playing one and their soundtrack is very unique and cool.

That said, you could like Void Elves and still want High Elves


I’m pretty sure their lack of appeal is the main reason people don’t bother to unlock them.

This, I think this is important. If that day ever comes, let’s just celebrate and smoke the peace pipe with antis.


Oh man, if High Elves got added I’d actually bother to level a mage, priest and hunter. I’d probably race change a few characters, too

Not sure if I’d change Lorithyn here, I’ve had some fan art commissioned of him. I’d probably level another warrior. No matter what my family and I would have a field day leveling High Elf toons


I’d switch some toons myself, but level plenty of others. I’d be able to take advantage of the new recruit a friend though, I’d need another account.

Good morning all

Will you maybe support Vrykul? That would be so awesome.

How many family members are we talking if you dont mind me asking?


Two brothers and one of my cousins. We were all excited at the idea of High Elves as soon as allied races were announced

There’s a third brother of mine who plays Horde exclusively that doesn’t want us to get High Elves, but only so he can laugh at us because we exclusively play Alliance


Thats really sad. It makes me sad when things like that happen. Most of my friends are horde fans and I have heard so many teldrassil jokes it isnt even funny, but I try to be a good sport.

Its nice though that you have more family members than that who want to play them though! I… actually dont feel like I would play one, but I really want it to happen for all the fans out there who do. Sadly I am just not big on alts.

Oh and one of my dear friends doesnt like the idea of them either, but I dont think he cares enough to throw a fit.


Eh, I know my brother’s just lightly teasing us. If you can ever catch him in a serious mood he’ll admit that he doesn’t care whether we get High Elves or not because they wouldn’t effect him

Currently he’s laughing at the Alliance because we’re getting “diaper gnomes.” He doesn’t care for the Vulpera personally, but he finds it hilarious that we’re getting mechagnomes despite how requested High Elves are


Oh ye gods yeah… its pretty bad isnt it? Like its hard to even believe blizz these days.

But I am glad he can admit that High Elves honestly arent that bad. Its only a big deal for the people who love them heh.


Lol, it’s mean, but it’s funny because it’s true. :laughing:

Mechagnomes are an extremely niche race. That will always bring more criticism than praise.


I would honestly think one of our best chances to get them is as an expansion purchase feature or a cash shop option. That’s about the only way I see us getting them now.

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They share about 90% Lore with the Blood Elves, up to the point when they were kicked by the Night Elves for their pursuit of magic. I don’t think it would be a good idea, we already have what…4 Races that are Elven related, 5 if you count trolls.


I don’t see any allied race entering the cash shop unless they add an option to pay to wave the unlock requirements of existing allied races. The announcement of a new expansion is our best bet, honestly


Void elves share even more.

Blizzard cresting a fifth elven race no one ever asked for is not of our concern. We wanted the vanilla elves way before void elves (or nightborne, or even blood elves) were a thing.