High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

They have the inherent advantage of them not being currently on the books for the next allied race, and not being currently playable.

You cannot just avoid that when you say they are “wasting time”.

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Hi everyone!

My bad, I would have linked it, but for some reason the system won’t let me

Would it be so hard for everyone to just play a blood elf and be happy with what you got?

As a matter of fact, yes, it would, because I believe that the High Elves who have sided alongside the humans, dwarves, and gnomes in spite of the rest of the Elves leaving them, deserve a spot on the table as a playable race. I’m on the Alliance, and I want to play a tall, majestic, brunette elf, and I’ll wait as long as it takes


I suggest to stop calling high elves to the Quel’dorei people , this way all of the Anti-Helves community cant say there are already playable quel’dorei, because they are not.

Quel’dorei are the Alliance high elves from WC2 and WC3. Blood elves are Sin’dorei, and Void elves are Ren’dorei. This could help us to make the differences we need.

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I think it’s just done to troll at this point. It’s been explained several times over but that doesn’t stop people from bringing it up every day, often the same people.


Keep this tread alive til we get High Elves!


I look forward to the future when helves are added and you see helf posters start every post in any thread with, “Reporting in on my High Elf.” I just see it being a thing.


If we ever do get playable Alliance High Elves, I don’t plan on being a prat about it. I’ll be grateful I got what I wanted and not kick any hornets nests.


The Vulpera people started a Vulpera Celebration Megathread or something like that. I think that’s how the high elf movement will evolve once we get our playable Alliance High Elves.


It will be a beautiful day! I look forward to seeing the real high elves posting and will likely change my forum main, though I’ll actually be in game more than the forums for a change.


I’ll certainly celebrate openly and enjoy Alamara finally being decursed.

But I’ll also keep following race populations in Realmpop. I’ll love to see how many void elves change to high elves, lol. Would be awesome to one day make a thread “So void elves were the most successful allied race, uh?”

BTW, here’s my collected allied race data.


This is how Allied Races evolved at level 120 in US servers. I only started registering all allied races on May 21th, so I don’t have data before that.


And here’s just Zandalari vs. Kul Tiran. This data goes way back to their debut (March 12th). I originally started recording this just to see if my prediction (zandalari would be very popular, kul tirans wouldn’t) was right.

It’s interesting that Horde, especially Zandalari, was increasing really fast, but WoW Classic release came with a deacceleration of growth for both factions, and Horde was hit harder. On previous growth, total Horde Allied Race population would have surpassed Alliance already, but now it’s taking longer than I expected, but Horde is still growing slightly faster than Alliance.

I can’t wait to add vulpera and mechagnomes to it.

I’m also eager to see what will happen in 9.0. With all allied races released and months of drought between expansions, I predict we will see wild changes in racial representation once people have to choose their main characters and all races start equal (i.e.: not having to wait months until your chosen race is available, nor having to level up another character to unlock it).


I plan to celebrate it. I’ve enjoyed talking high elves in these threads so it will be the first place I come to post to congratulate everyone.


As an addendum, some comments:

  • Kul tirans still haven’t catch up to what zandalari population was by the end of their first month of availability!
  • Kul tiran growth is slower than all races save highmountain tauren. If that keeps up, they will only ever surpass HMT, and that will take a long time (maybe longer than 9.0, when the board will be reset due to new level maximum).
  • Zandalari were growing 50% faster than void elves until around Classic release. Now they are growing almost the same, with Zandalari only slightly faster (around 5% to 10% faster). At current rate, zandalari won’t be able to get near void elves before 9.0 releases, but their gap will keep getting smaller.
  • Mag’har were initially less popular than dark irons, but have picked up since may and were able to surpass the later. At current growth rate, their chasm will keep growing.
  • I expect vulpera to soar high and fast, while mechagnomes will stay low. The poor lil’bots risk being less popular than highmountain tauren, while I think foxes will have a performance akin to nightborne.

It’ll just get spun around. The truth is, the remark that “blood elves are high elves” is a gross oversimplification that does not show a good, nuanced understanding of the lore.


I would make a brunette High Elf Mage. I have so many tmog ideas to use.

Personally i would love Dalarani arcane markings/tattoos that i would use on her, but i don’t see many people here supporting this idea.


If/when we get them, I imagine this thread will turn into a celebration thread. I’ll be at Blizzcon, and if they get announced I’ll personally buy Ion (and any other dev I can find at the Hilton) a drink!

I’ll be over the moon, and I won’t gloat, I’ll just celebrate and toast everyone (yes, even the Antis) before hopping on the next race to lobby for


This might also be due to low number of people having the rep; Wargraphs has Proudmoore Admiralty exalted achievement on only 28% of all 120s.

Did you read that, devs? A free drink in exchange for high elves! :smiley:

But is that because the rep is THAT hard or boring, or because people have little interest in kul tirans to begin with?


Oh no, this isn’t going to be one of those reddit “pay up” posts I keep hearing about, is it? :smiley:


No idea, perhaps it may be because there was no original reason to level the reps outside of mounts before 8.1.5; and said rep grind was basically just world quests.

But it seems that reps with ARs score higher. And Horde reps have higher percentages than Alliance.