High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

High Elf Allied Race would come with all the associated lore and story they already have and add new features like Voices/Emotes/Heritage Armor/Racial Mount/New Racials and potential new options like Dark Skin/Half Elves/Tattoos.

Blue Eyed Blood Elves or Normal Skinned Void Elves only let you pretend to be a High Elf.


Man, this handbook is pretty nice; it does offer a condensed version of the arguments. I think its a great-

Why you shouldn’t humor compromises, but then we do anyway.


Usually, this conversation is directed towards the other side of the discussion – what antis would agree on to make High Elves ok , or what High Elf fans would be alright with having but only if it isn’t actually High Elves.

Well, thats not actually true. The reason for why the things like tattoos and the darker skin tones were made in art form and talked about…was because they were compromises in how to differentiate high elves and blood elves.

The author links pictures of tattoos done by different people from the Internet, which was an idea agreed upon by antis and pros.

Including anything about tattoos is showing that this section is flawed, because the community already moved to including something that antis and pros determined as a distinguishing factor that does not exist in game outside one NPC.

So why have a section separated about compromise, when half the compromises are being hauled around as customization? If there was zero compromise, the high elf would be exactly as we see them now.

So this line:

there’s no reason to ever settle for a compromise.

Comes off as silly since the backers have used compromises to push forth new customization.

That being said, only two races in the game have added customization so far, and only one race in the game has unlockable customization, in 15 years of World of Warcraft .

Thats not true, if you consider that a lot players already consider a lot of the allied races as a glorified customization “what could be”. Frankly, I consider things like the golden eyes, Night Warrior, and the allied races all as trial runs for future customization.

And I also hate the idea of simply saying “no compromise” when people in the High Elf community have put forth effort to push these ideas as solid secondary options. It just comes off as…brash and setting your up for disappointment if high elves dont happen as a standalone.

Also, why a donate button? Carrd is a free website creator that requires no monetary upkeep. I understand donate buttons for the artists and giving them the necessary (and rightfully put) props…but a donate button for someone who just complied their opinion onto a free website template?

Next, you are going tell me that theres a store link that sells bath water.

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Why does there even need to be a compromise? High Elves have been Alliance since forever.


Why do you guys feel the need to cannabalize your own bases that have put time into coming up with those concepts?

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Im not “cannabalizing” anything. I am proud of the concepts the art people have come up with and I think some of them should be implemented because High Elves deserve the time and detail. NOT because players insist there needs to be a compromise.


Every allied race gets new features when they make a playable/PC model.

It’s not just trying to make them look different but trying to add to what is already there and explore options that aren’t in game yet.

Dark Skin/Half Elves/Tattoos are lore friendly options that don’t exist in game for the currently NPC race of High Elves.

Focusing on unexplored lore options like Half Elves/Dark Skin adds to player options and Tattoos like they had in WC2 establishes their theme that they have been with the Alliance since then.

Being more even different from Blood Elves is just a bonus.


Not you, but the article does. It basically says if you agree with compromising, then you are doing “wrongthink” to the community.

Hate to break it to you, half the reasons those concept arts exist is because they were compromises. Stopping your feet and saying no compromise, while parading art of compromises you made more than a year ago comes off quite foolish.

Absolutely, yet these ideas were also shared from the anti-crowd which a fresh pro-crowd agreed with. I was there and I agreed with the ideas of tattoos and skin colors.

But they also opened the door to the talks of half-elves. Half-elves are a cool idea that can be done and still heavily relate to the quel’dorei idea and plays in the lore threat given by Elisandre during Suramar.

But thats a ‘compromise’ and it served to help you guys to come up with more human-styled hair and human skin colors into the mix.

Which the page writer downcasts. Did you read the compromises section?

I doubt any race would be offended with extra customization, and this ‘compromise’ is really just “give High Elves more”. Again, though, it’s not necessary to differentiate High Elves in that way. We’ve seen in other Allied Races that merely the addition of tattoos and an eye color change is enough.

That means work and interest done on the end by someone like Talendrion is basically “not necessary” and kind of comes off as a waste of time to the writer.

You notice how that same writer doesnt show any of the art with skin colors or the human-adapted hairstyles?

If the game shows that High Elves reunite with Blood Elves, sure, that’d be a great solution.

Both sides agreeing on something is not an indication of swaying to the opposition.

New things for High Elves would have been suggested requardless.

Having something everyone thinks should happen is a bonus.

Half Elves do not currently stand on their own as Allied Race potential. They exist as part of High Elf society and almost always occur from groups of High Elves staying with their Allies like the ones we are asking to be playable.

Adding them as a customization option helps establish the lore of the groups even more. With the added effect of giving High Elf NPCs propor models.

But what it would amount to is a 1-2 Short Ear/Eyebrow options and that’s it.

Which is just straight wrong because it doesn’t give them more at all.

Every Allied Race gets its own features. Mag’har have lots of customization options that Orcs don’t have but it doesn’t mean they have more or are better. It’s just different options that represent different groups.

Basically he’s trying to write the whole thing off to his point of view and isn’t actually interested in the reasoning.


Hate to break it to you, but a compromise isnt needed regardless of why the art was made which goes back to the statement “why you shouldn’t humor compromises, but then do anyway”. High Elves as they are now could be added tomorrow to the Alliance and the world would not end. Blood Elves wouldn’t lose a single thing… Because they are Blood Elves and that means they did what they did, took the path that they are on, etc.

I keep hearing “High Elf fans just secretly want the fair skinned elf on their team” but the fact is that most of us recognize Blood Elves for what they actually are and that is Not A High Elf. How sad that the whole theme of Blood Elves and their story escapes so many people.

We say change the model and antis say “then its not a High Elf”. We say leave the model the same and it’s right back to “muh blud elvez”. That is part of the reason why there shouldn’t be any time wasted on “compromise” at this point. There is no sense in trying to cater to obstinate players.

For any artists out there who contributed to the OP: you all did good work and it is wonderful to see player ideas come to life in art like that. Im not saying the art doesn’t have merit and I dont think anyone else is, but thats not the point when someone says compromise isnt needed.


One of the main arguments back then (which reflects now) was “do high elves need to be made different” with a very staunt pro side and a very rabid anti side. The topic of tattoos was brought up by an anti as a lore option…which a lot of the pros agreed with during the time.

Hence, the pro side agreed that some form of customization had to be given to make the high elves distinct from the blood elves. That is a compromise from “high elves are good as is” which was pushed heavily back then during the spam of the threads.

Except it didnt happen until the consensus of the pro-side moved to welcome some new ideas to freshen and solidify the model.

To be fair, they dont really even exist outside of a select NPC group from the RPG. Such ideals had become basis for the introduction of the new skin colors and hair styles as a show of adoption away from the Silvermoon beautician styling to more of those focused on those from Dalaran/Stormwind.

Then if the point of view has problems and you guys have pointed out how he only focuses on one side of the ideas…why is it being focused on?

We dont need compromises, but here is some of the compromises we show off

No one is arguing that.

No, but the Horde would need an allied race to go along with it.

I think that comes from three things:

  1. People dont understand there is a long line of customization ideas you have come up with

  2. People dont want them regardless.

  3. Its a goading tactic.

No, the antis say “there is no lore-based reasoning and you would be making things up”. Its fluid lore, Blizzard does whatever they want to at the end of the day.

But you also just said that you dont want compromise, so ultimately why do you care what antis say?

Yet, you use them as the ‘boogie-men’ to stop theoretical progression. So do you want to cater to them or are you just using them as a mythical mechanism to halt any sort of discussions on models?

Sanlayn are perfect methinks. An elf for an elf and all that. Or if Horde would prefer to go back to their roots like High Elves do for Alliance then there are Ogres which have also been sought after for a long time. Either or, but I will leave that up to those players and not try to tell them what they should have.

I don’t know if you are aware of the whole picture, but the “bogeymen” are actually real in this case (see my reference to “no to changes, changes aren’t enough” example above for just one example). I can’t and don’t want to go into it. I do want to see players to discuss what customization they think they should have, but not to try and appease antis.


I dont. The simple reason is that Sanlayn need story; coming off as a one-time off villain for Alliance that Horde barely knows about or acknowledges is an awful look. Sure, that could all just appear; but in a realm of games where players are complaining about random appearances and shoehorned allied race playability – they need time.

“Horde get a brand new race, meanwhile Alliance gets another flavor of a Horde race”

I can just imagine the salt.

But you just move on to reaffirm this non-appeasement of the antis; which makes this statement seem as a farce. You wouldn’t need to make statements of these kinds if their opinions didn’t matter to you.

Look, you guys got void elves, what the hell else do you want? This is not world of elf craft for christs sakes.


We never asked for void elves.


Well you got them. That was the response to the demand for high elves. You’re not gettin em.


See: thats a major difference.

They got void elves, but didnt ask for it. If you ordered a cheeseburger, but instead got a hamburger…would you not feel unsatisfied?


THey are not what we wanted, why should we be satisfied by them?

We won’t shut up. If you are annoyed by the thread, feel free to not come here.


“If you’re annoyed by the loud music that came into your backyard don’t live there” lol

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Except there’s no sound, and this is not your backyard. And there’s a function to ignore threads, BTW. Your annoyance is your own choice.

“How DARE people come to the proper forum to ask for things I don’t agree with!”