High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I dunno if I have heard this idea yet. Would you care to expand on it? I would like to hear about it. The last idea I remember is Dragon Isles and possibility of High Elves there. Is it tied into that?

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I’ll find them when I’m home. Just wait.

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If storm elves turned blue skin the idea would fail, isn’t it? Let me guess, pale white natural skin with ‘tattoos’. :laughing:


Well its been a whole day so I cant in good faith not show my continued support for High Elves in the Alliance! The fight continues on!


It’s an idea Alamara put forth a while back. I will try to find the post, though it might be one of the ideas listed in the OP somewhere. I am bad at summing it up eloquently enough.

Edit, found it from a thread on the old forums: Proposition 1: The Storm Staff of Antonidas (“Storm Elves”): Back in MoP, blood elves got access to the powers of anima (blood), while the Silver Covenant helped Jaina create the Storm Staff of Antonidas, with the powers of vita (lightning). We didn’t see the Storm Staff since then. What if… Jaina worked with the Silver Covenant to study the Storm Staff?

Now, away from Dalaran, the Silver Covenant use the Storm Staff as a new power source.

The high elves that pass a ritual involving the staff are cured of their magical addition. Now, they have lightning eyes and tatoo-like lightning marks over their skin. They also get new skin and hair colors (in addition to some of the normal ones), as well as access to the shaman class.

Their crest becomes a blue thunderbird rising from a lightning bolt.

They had glowing lightning patterns on their skin, lightning eyes. I didn’t specify which, but I did say new skin and hair colors.

Whats the fixation with blue skin? Void elves, draenei, night elves… aren’t there enough blue skinned options already?


Thank you for taking the time to look that up. It would be great when this thread has capped to get a new OP with updates that show some ideas and themes like this so that it is organized. Until then I guess we could list them and any new ones.

  1. So we have Dragon Isles and High Elves (I don’t remember all of the details, but it was a pretty neat idea and added to the number of them if I remember correctly)

  2. High Elves tapping into the elements using the Storm Staff (sounds good to me especially if it could possibly replace the Sunwell since I am really big on the idea of them taking High Elves on a whole new road with no magic or at least a whole different source).

Any other themes or possible stories (to anyone, not just Avarie) that I am missing?

This is the thread Alamara had posted, the other ideas in there are great as well.


This is what I find most interesting and possibly a good path to explore, would even provide that extreme culture differentiation and physical differentiation. Hopefully we go to the dragon isles next expac vs a shadowlands.


I think that’s a good route as well because reaching back to tap into a population that was undiscovered until now would mean a lot longer period of time of separation (undiscovered kind of like maghar were lost to the world of Azeroth before we went time jumping). Maybe take all of the High Elves that are “neutral” and seal them in as Alliance (like the Silver Covenant) once and for all and let them stay NPCs, but be the bridge between the “new” High Elves that would be playable.

Also to add to it: just because we get “new” High Elves from somewhere else doesn’t mean they can’t add customization to be a “plain” High Elf like the NPCs we have. I know some players want to stick to the High Elves that they have known and loved for 15 years, so I wouldn’t want to say that they are off-limits or anything just because there’s a new avenue like this.


How i didn’t knew about this before? I must read this when i get back home.


I know, right? I don’t even know if it was mentioned in the OP of any of the new megathreads which is a shame. Like I said, we need a new OP that reflects some of these ideas for fans to contemplate and keep them from getting lost! Then it would be updated and organized.


Here’s a list of what I would love

Reunification of the high elf groups.
Some sort of new magic source that allows them to distance themselves from the sunwell, while also being something they would accept (So not fel, the void, etc)
I personally would love a ranger theme meeting the magic theme (even if that particular magic is not arcane)
I would love to see the relationships between the highvale elves and the wildhammer explored further.
I would also love to see them become closer to the night elves and for the two groups to put their differences aside.

Aesthetics I’d like to see

Eye colors: (Non Glowing) Purple, blue, grey, brown (Glowing) Purple, Blue, White

Hair colors: Blue, black, brown, red, blonde,white, a few shades of each

Body type: More of a ranger look, more muscular. Talendrion’s mock ups are my favorite.

Hair Styles: Braids please! Long hair styles, ponytails, adornments such as feathers and beads for more of a ranger aesthetic, adornments that showcase whatever magic they end up using whether that be arcane, nature, storm, etc. Epic beards for the dudes please!

Skin Colors: Pale (Blueish tinted whites, light pale peach, etc, their own distinct tones, nothing that matches the pale options blood elves have) Tan (A middle range, with various tan options ranging from cooler to warmer tones) Dark (Tones similar to the dark skin the kul tirans have would be awesome)

Other customization: Jewelry, including necklace options. Tattoos, glowing and non glowing, scars

A different stance, different model, and different animations/dances.


I think the OP being too big was an issue in unlocking the first thread, though it was eventually unlocked so I don’t know.

One way around that would be to have a few people in charge of the first few posts. The OP can’t post multiple times in a row, so the op puts the thread up and is in charge of the info put in that post and coordinates with another poster who will try to post next to reserve a second post for information that they are in charge of updating, etc.


While yes we would accept “storm elves” if they were made from the existing high elves I honestly don’t think blizzard should go that route.

What they did with void elves has left a bad taste in our mouths. Many believe that blizzard should give us the real thing unaltered with some magic gimmick because of that.

Had storm elves or even void elves been high elves from the start this would have never become an issue. We would have accepted them as the natural progression of their story. AT most we would see requests for “normal” skin tones. and may also non tentacle hair.


It sounds painful, but now is the time before the next expansion to get ideas updated in an OP even if it’s just links in the OP to old posts with the ideas to keep it shorter (I guess I mean when this one caps and a new one is hopefully started). Is there any talk from the community and where things go from here? Any plans?

That’s fair. Void Elves left a bad taste for me as well and I think fans who want to stay true to the OG High Elves should have their own stuff because at the heart of all this that is what is wanted, but I am also a fan of seeing where High Elves can be updated because after all this time they deserve more than just being a counterweight to the Blood Elves. What have they been doing all this time and what new stuff can come? Blizz has endless opportunities to explore this little corner if they want. I know chances are they will mess it up, but a player can dream at least.

Yeah, links might be a good way to go. Maybe compile a photo album of sorts with art that people can submit to and maybe a separate one for story ideas that can be updated as needed.

I don’t know of any plans for the next thread, though at the rate we tend to go we’ll be needing one sooner rather than later.

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We can always just update the OP for the next thread with more resources that have appeared since the thread opened. Like this Moonli9gt’s site on Reddit, for example


What site on reddit exactly? Is it about High Elves?

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yah I’m interested too

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