High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

And magically you appear, within 5 seconds, because you have nothing to do but sit behind your terminal and stir up unrest. It’s your career, after all.

Arcane was literally the component that caused their addiction, their entire society was saturated in magic. The Sunwell is destroyed and suddenly they experience withdrawals to the point that old and young were at risk of death. Are you seriously implying that which causes a junkies addiction doesn’t sate said addiction? Come on, at least put some effort into being pointlessly arbitrary.

Also, everything arcane is magic, but not everything magical is arcane.


The question is whether that addiction was to arcane magic or just to magic. Given the fact that the Sunwell is now as much Light as Arcane it would make no sense if they were using it to sate their addiction if it was just the latter.

I think you’re replying to the wrong person.

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Actually I’ve always had good civil conversations with Murgy, and he has listened to our points of view, as well as expressing his own respectfully.

And it doesn’t really help our cause to attack people, especially the ones that are genuinely here for discussion.


They couldn’t do so with the former because it didn’t exist as a component before Velen reignited it. Not to mention the addiction facet of their history is tied to old lore where all magic is addictive barring divine magic; by the rules expressed on Blizzard’s authority it is literally impossible to develop an addiction to any magic besides the Arcane because all magic was divided between it and Divine magic. Literally the first class quest you receive as a mage back in Classic - the foundation for the settings cosmology before Blizzard started maiming it with retcons - comes with a warning of how magic, specifically Arcane magic, not divine, is inevitably addictive. Even before WoW, there were notes in old lore that made it clear any magic that wasn’t explicitly Divine was a dangerous tool; Sargeras was initially drawn to the Eredar because of their abuse of magic, elves erected a barrior around Quel’thalas to conceal their use of magic, demons themselves are drawn to magic.

It’s only following Blizzard’s retcon of magic as an umbrella term and separating it into distinct fields of magic that we have this mess, and it doesn’t help that they’ve scrubbed nearly every mention of magic’s negative properties from the world. The Sunwell and blood elves’ addiction to it are the only remnants that persist and that is because both are intrinsically tied to their history.

All this to say that, no, Light had no bearing on their addiction. It didn’t before the retcons because that was literally impossible, and it didn’t after it because the Light, along with many other fields of magic, aren’t addictive.


I wonder how long this will last this time. I vote within a day.

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I’m going to ignore all the pre-retcon stuff sorry, it’s sort of superfluous.

However again, I’m not saying that they’re addicted to Light magic, it seems like they’re just addicted to magic full stop. They literally took the Naaru to suck on in the first place to help with their addiction. The void elves turned to shadow, warlocks and Kael’s lads turned to fel.

My point isn’t that they’re addicted to the Light, they’re addicted to magic and Light is just one way of feeding that.

Honestly, saying that everything about the High Elf request is intrinsically wrong doesn’t seem to me a genuine form of discussion. It feels more like bashing on the request than anything.

“High Elves can’t be playable because they look like Blood Elves… but you are not allowed to ask them to look distinct.”

“High Elves have no themes of their own! And by the way you are not allowed to ask for new themes for them.”

“Blizzard created a lot of new stories to introduce Allied Races in this expansion, but by the way you are not allowed to ask for them to do the same thing for the High Elves.”

“You just want to play blonde blue eyed pretty Elves! Now let me go back to request Blood Elves to get blue eyes in that other thread, i be right back.”


I definitely agree that some topics are done to death, and I will do my best to not get into circular discussions about the same things anymore.

I’d much rather discuss possible story options and customization.


And those people are here to exactly criticize every possible story, customization, and idea we come up with.

Just see how people were swarming Alamara for just suggesting a new theme for High Elves

If this is a discussion, it’s pretty one-sided.


And that’s why we just forge ahead with our discussion and let them talk to themselves.

There are some peoples posts that I don’t even read anymore.

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I agree with one thing though: I don’t think is productive and good for our cause to attack them, not going to fell down to their level, but i will ignore the unreasonable criticism of the idea.


Why not?
The horde gets whatever they want; better storylines, better customization, more attention as to game-play and faction politics.
What does Alliance get?
Frankenstein gnomes, blueberry elves, and OH BOO HOO WE KILLED THEIR KING.

And the Horde is ahead of us in civil wars, by 2-0!
Horde bias confirmed!


You can’t fault people for holding to the lore. To some people it’s an important part of the game.

Shamanism comes from a tribal community. Looking to the elements and spirits for guidance. High Elves have shown NO signs of looking to anyone but themselves at this point and are certainly NOT tribal as they are a massively scattered people without even a sense of community.

Druidism is an affinity with nature. Other than the ones hanging near the Wildhammers, most High Elves have opted to go to Stormwind and Dalaran. Even in Outland, they’re in the LEAST nature-filled zone there. Their affinity with nature would be a stretch beyond what their current lore suggests.


The blue eye thing IS 9out of 10 times purely a troll thing, I can guarantee that along with the tats attempts that pop up. No one would look at how far blizz stretched things to give them blood elves and make them fit the horde (they would have NEVER fit back in BC just as high elves) and seriously ask for it. Especially after how high elves fought against the horde before.

I wish they would hurry up and announce the next expansion since 8.3 is dead in the water to get the creative juices flowing though because without knowing what is coming I cant pinpoint possibilities currently.

Blood elves themselves are proof that blizz doesnt strictly stick to their lore, but following your class example I will point out tauren paladins and KT shamans just off the top of my head. In a creative world that changes over time anything can actually happen.



What those the 3 races have in common?

They have playable Shamans.

They are not tribal.


They have lore?

Sers, there have been Void themes in this game since the original: WC1 Orcs and Humans.
From Gul’dan to the appearance of the ‘Old Gods’ and until recently , there has NEVER been any indication of an incipient race.


Draenei are tribal. They, like the High Elves, were exiles from their homeland. Unlike the High elves, they wanted to stick together as a community. That’s essentially tribal.

Tribal doesn’t mean “primative.” It means a more rustic, earthen approach to community, not what you’d see in Urban centers.

Kultirans, from what I’ve read, gain access to Shamanism through their Drust ancestry. There are a lot of race/class combos I think fly in the face of lore (Void Elf Holy Priests, Foresaken Holy Priests, LFD Shadow priests) and I’m not saying it CAN’T be done. I’m saying you can’t fault people who look to the lore to refute your ideas because the lore DOES matter to some players and their tired of seeing things in the game that throw the lore out the window.


Then they should start with blood elves even being playable and the fact theyre horde instead of trying to depict how its “lore friendly”.


I would love to see the storm elves idea explored further. It would give the high elves something unique to distinguish them further from the other elven groups. Perhaps the staff could bring lore justification for aesthetic changes too. Glowing lightning tattoos and storm cloud eye options could be very cool.

There are a number of scenarios that could prompt them turning to the staff, or to the wildhammer for help. An event regarding the sunwell could work, they are cut off so they seek alternative magics.

Also lore is something that is expanded upon overtime. If we only had the option of being restrained to old lore, a lot of races wouldn’t be playable, and heck would we even have new expansions?