High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I think Blizz went with Void Elves because they ran out of time to do anything else with High Elves. Void Elf lore sucks, their introduction is laughably bad, and they haven’t done anything truly unique with them since they’ve been introduced. Why do we unlock Void Elves by becoming exalted with the broken?

It’s not as though other allied races aren’t rushed, right? (Looks at the Nightborne model). In fact, much of BfA was rushed


High elves would be even easier to “introduce” as AR, because they wouldn’t need any introduction. You’d just recruit them.

I think void elves were just the result of executive meddling. Devs were ready to introduce high elves, and then some high-up called and ordered plans to be changed. Void elves were the rushed unplanned result of a last-minute demand.

That’s why there’s high elves all over Legion, but no seeding for void elves at all.


Surely High Elves would get an introduction scenario at least. I just think they slapped blue paint on Blood Elves and called it a day because time was running out and the race needed to be ready for those who pre purchased BfA


By “introduction” I mean actual story introduction. Obviously, all allied races have a recruitment scenario. Void elf recruitment doubled as their (rushed) introduction, making it a very poor experience compared to all other allied races. High elves wouldn’t need introduction, just recruitment.


When you pay a subscription to a magazine you can give them feedback, but you don’t get to pick what its published in it.

Just because you’re a customer you don’t have the absolute control over what is good or what is not, and judging by the % of Velf characters Its clear that you’re part o a minority.

I fail to see how Helves can have different themes lorewise, while everything you guys suggest pretty much undermines Belves and Nelves.


If you are unwilling to see, then you are unable to see.

We suggested even two lore-based ways for high elves to become shamans and harness the power of the elements, something no elf has yet. Whenever ideas come around, first thing antis do is shut them down as impossible.


Im not unwilling to see, Im just not blind by my desires unlike a lot on your side.

You guys were the first to bash those in the Blue eyes for Belves and Half Elves threads because it was totally against the lore, and yet you want someone to back up something like Helf Shamans?.

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I actually quite like the Nightborne, and I admit my opinion is very uncommon in that I prefer the way the playable ones look to the freakish looking blocky clunky NPCs.

I just think NPC models in general have a different design philosophy-- they are big, bold and exaggerated to be easily identifiable as you never zoom in close to them.

Yeah, right.

I don’t even go to those threads.

That’s the solution for when you are cornered? Blame everyone for the attitude of a few?


Yup, where in there lore its stated that Helves are shamans?, the only real difference between Belves and Helves is that ones like the Horde while the others don’t.

Im not cornered, lol, you were the one posting a headcanon suggestion as a solution while not proving real lore to justify how they can be different.

And sorry but pretending that the ones bashing those and other threads are a few is not quite honest.


We are talking about new lore developments, not current lore. But both suggestions are based on lore:

  • The Stormstave the Silver Covenant helped Jaina create in MoP
  • The Highvale elves learning with the Wildhammer dwarves.

You are. You said you failed to see how they could get their own theme, and I said that there’s lore hooks for them to become shamans. That’s a new theme. I don’t care if you like the suggestion, it invalidates your inability to “see”. So, what did you do? Tried to make a strawman of us.


Disagree. They’d need a bit more than just “recruitment.”

How do you recruit a scattered people who have no sense of community or leader. Where do you “go” to recruit them all since they don’t have a capital city?

Any introduction of playable High Elves should come with a quest/story that resolves that point first before you just show up and say “Hey, wanna join the Alliance? And can you let all your people know since we have no idea where they all are?”

Now if you had to go to a few hubs where they’re hanging out … Quel Lodge, Outland, Dalaran and talk to Helves there, that might do it. It can’t be the same quick crapfest that recruiting the Void Elves was.

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Uniting them would be the recruitment. Plus, you had the return of Alleria, which could bring them together. I actually think this was the original plan.


A magical doodad can’t teach someone shamanism.

The Highvale elves who gave up magic?


If it was the original plan, it would have made a hell of a lot more sense than what she ended up doing.

“I want to unite the people of Silvermoon again. Instead of going for the scattered people who could use a sense of purpose, I’m gonna go recruit these Blood Elves dabbling in the Void.”

It’s a focus for the power of vita, which is linked to lightning and life. You just need to develop a story from that point onward.

Arcane magic.

Quest text in Hinterlands even say they are learning the ways of the Light with the draenei.


You guys talk about how rich in Lore the Helves are, and yet they don’t even have themes that make them unique lol.

My inhability to see its still there and is pretty valid no matter how hard you try to make it seem less important.

I really don’t get why they should release a “race” that doesn’t have anything new to offer lol. How is it different from the Velves that you guys so much love to bash because of how lackluster the recruitment and overall themes are.


Funny how you say that in response to me pointing out two actual lore hooks that are unique to high elves.

Here’s some other unique themes not shared with other elves:

  • A scattered people
  • Exiled
  • No home to return to
  • Finding a new place in the world.

Playable High elves are at least something that could reasonably fit into the game. I mean, we have space goats, pandas, and little furry Fox men.


That’s not how shamanism works. Shamanism requires the constant appeasement and cooperation of the elements. Otherwise it’s dark shamanism.

The quest text says the draenei are “training in the ways of the Light”. It doesn’t say they’re training the elves to be priests which you can see because the only priest or paladin NPCs in that area are draenei.