High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Yes, and those are all on the same faction as the race they are tweaks of.

Eh, or, an argument easy to twist if you pretend an internecine political conflict changes the fact that they are the same exact race.

That’s pretty disingenuous as the High Elves left the Alliance on not the best terms in WC3 and then got set up in the story to join the horde.

So wait, the fact that there’s a bunch of small isolated groups of high elves disproves that there isn’t unity in this scattered fragments that refused to join with Silvermoon?


So James Bond loses everytime he foils an evil supervillain’s plot and they blow up their base to destroy the evidence/James? Horde lost.

Maybe, but Blizzard has been horrible with numbers this expansion, it’s not like there’s any casualty reports we see, just vague statements. If I had more faith in the writing quality I’d say it could be that Anduin wasn’t able to pull out more people for a save the horde mission either because logistics or politics. As it is I assume it’s because it sounds dramatic.

Oh good, so the incompetent losers were able to foil every single thing that we did in our war campaign, that makes me feel better.


I mean I guess it’s funny if we ignore the context, and the amount of customization available to Night elves compared to Blood elves. That with fewer selections, the options that do exist play a stronger role in identifying the race.

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Horde only failed because they were divided like in Mists of Pandaria, Anduin himself said that he couldn’t stop Sylvanas alone.

Since Cataclysm Alliance is portrayed as weak all the time man. I wonder how did you get a different message from this game.


Possibly by playing Horde side, as even in BFA post BDA we were told the alliance was WINNING.

Thing is, Blizzard writes what is needed for their view/story.


There was so many terrible arguments in that giant C&P I couldn’t even take it serious after it tried to compare the similarity between allied races of the same faction with an allied race from another faction.

Sigh. :expressionless:


Rastakhan’s funeral was the only time Horde said something like that, which is funny because at the same time Alliance is concerned about Zandalari Trolls joining the Horde.


So far I get the message that the audience they’re writing for is Alliance as most of the characters we deal with at least come from those factions (except where the factions have different quests) Since you know, when Cata had Thrall give some quests (and Malfurion do the same thing) some people flipped their lids at how horrible it was.

I know there’s the line about liking to write for the horde, but plenty of writers have said how much they enjoy writing for their villains. And look, they even blatantly refer to the Alliance as really pure heroes in that statement.

Seriously, I feel like the intro the expansion was written to be the start of a heroic comeback story for the Alliance, and then after it was finalized they remembered Horde was a playable faction. Look, Teldrassil was a tragic heroic story that tugged at your heartstrings (or guilt tripped you if you played on the wrong faction) Lordaeron was the Alliance coming to get justice and overcoming every obstacle but the bad guy got away shouting “Next time gadget Little Lion! Next time!”

It really felt like it was set up for a come back, but then it gets changed because it involved a playable faction as the villain instead of just a combatant. That screwed up the story for Night Elves and the Alliance too.


Acting like Alliance players only asked for High Elves…

People asked for Sethrak and Vry’kul as well, and let’s not forget the Nightborne that both factions asked for. But since you’re an Horde biased player you’re not capable to see this.


blizzard listened to your requests. whether you want to admit it or not

you wanted vrykul? blizzard took that, reconciled it with where the story was going in BFA, and made giant kul tirans

high elves are already playable, so they specifically gave you a high elf variant minus the themes and aesthetics of a high/blood which are an intrinsic part of the horde identity now

lightforged draenei were asked for. you can argue people wanted the customization option but you got it as an AR

DID were asked for. you got it

wanna try again?

alliance won the battle of lordaeron whether you want to admit it or not

alliance also won the coveted naval battle

sylvanas is holed up in a fortress. shes in a defensible position ofc they have doubts. out in the open is another story its probably more equal

as for the mounts, alliance has access to the 1 unique model this expansion, the bee mount. everything else the horde got can be farmed or bought on the AH

overall horde had more major NPC casualties. they lost undercity, rastakhan, saurfang, and sylvanas. alliance lost a tree

but yea horde bias


I did get your point of Neutral characters most of the time coming from Alliance races, but these characters do not represent the Alliance, Tirion, for instance, was sitting idly while Sylvanas was plaguing Alliance cities with her blight, Khadgar/Magni ignored everything involving the factions in BFA, and Malfurion also ignored all the murder that happened in Kalimdor by Garrosh hands in Cataclysm.

Meanwhile, Thrall brought the Goblins to the Horde in Cataclysm and comes back to the Horde in Mists of Pandaria, something that only Velen did after being neutral in Legion.

Neutral characters and stories are a curse, where even cities like Dalaran do nothing while their brethren are killed everywhere.


Magni the dwarf that stole the Earthmother?

No. Velen was not neutral in Legion. He never stepped down, he just did that as well as remained racial leader on the Alliance.

But really, I’m not saying it’s good for the Alliance, just more that the story seems to be told through Alliance lenses. Horde tends to get pulled on to do things that cause a reaction, but the more personal stories and characters to relate to come from Alliance races.

Oh, and has Alliance ever gone 13 patches without a racial leader?

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Alliance wanted the High Elves we’ve quested with since Wrath

You know. The ones who abandoned the Horde and aren’t part of the Horde identity

You and I both know those aren’t playable at present.


And you and I both know that they are all part of the same race of elves, just with a minor political difference between them and that race is one of the core Horde playable races.


Apparently not enough for Blizzard to have made them a big part of the endgame Alliance experience for the higher rated expansions.

I’ve always been a supporter of a big model rebuild to them, to look like Nozdormu’s elf form (Which people have argued with me is not a High Elf but instead some sort of magical dragon elf that does not exist in nature), so, I’m sticking to that.

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Oh goody the let’s give the Alliance the same elves as the Horde has had for 12 years, but BETTER! argument.


Come to speak to me after delivering wrong orders to your customers in any retailer, like red shirts instead of blue ones, or strawberry ice cream instead of chocolate ice cream. I’m sure you’ll be really successful as a salesman.

Won the battle and lost the city, just like Teldrasill, but that time they also lost the battle. So, it’s 3x1 for the Horde side.

Wow, NPC casualties, just WOW. You mean those characters that are easily replaced with some books, comics, CGI’s and cinematics that btw is not a problem for Horde side, while actual Alliance cities lie in ruins for decades like you know: Southshore, Gilneas, Theramoore, Astraanar, Auberdine, Menethill Harbor, Nethergarde Keep, the list goes on… While the Horde ones are all untouched and still proudly showing the spoils of Hellscream’s and Windrunner’s legacy.

Btw, Alliance NPC’s are also most of the time dead since you know they do nothing like dead corpses.


I mean, its more the “Let’s give the Alliance Night Elves but looking more HElfish”

I honestly think they did that because they wanted to be creative, and wanted to make them distinct and tie it in with the whole void thing.

The thing is, because Blizzard are so hilariously out of touch with Alliance, they are simply ignorant of stomping all over popular wishes and how the Alliance see things. They’d never do that to Horde, because they are simply far more sympathetic to what they like in terms of races and stuff.

They gave them Blood Elves originally, on the pure basis that Horde players did in fact want a pretty race. This is the ‘powerful’ reasoning we have to dismantle, and the block as to why we can’t get High Elves. “The pink pretty elf is for Horde.” the end, and it’s comical that people attempt to argue it’s anything but that.

I just don’t see how it undermines the Blood Elf race? Just because they’re Horde?

I mean Nightborne are just Night Elves with a bit of arcane flavouring.

Void Elves are in fact very much a pretty race and are Blood Elves - but actually proper Blood Elves this time which is amusing - with blueberry skin.

Human skin tones certainly do not have a monopoly on prettiness, and it seems hilarious to me that Blood Elves will leave en masse to be High Elves; or somehow Blood Elf identity would be compromised-- on the contrary, I think playable High Elves would STRENGTHEN Blood Elf identity because they’d have this rival faction and all the bitterness that comes with it.

Indeed also it isn’t in fact only about the skin. Void Elves are corrupted; indeed as many see it Blood Elves are corrupted, with fel magic and BEING ON THE ENEMY FACTION; oh and also being BLOOD not High.

High Elves would not have the same racials, they would have a very different culture by now owing to being outcasts from Silvermoon living with humans. They almost certainly would have less affinity with magic so you’d see the ranger thing much more prominent.

The point many fail to see is Void Elves are in fact Blood Elves with a twist of void.


Ideally they’d have different themes, appearances and racials, so to say one would be better is subjective. High Elves would feel fresh, but only for a bit