High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I would have applauded that, but if the majority of the remaining High Elves - or even the SC and KT High Elves - had been forcibly turned into Void Elves the forums would have been like…

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They Void tends to like to do all the talking… its rare that it listens to anyone else. :stuck_out_tongue:

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But it would have been SO MUCH FUN to have that drama.

You would have the HE community fighting ITSELF being either “these are NOT how I wanted them” and others being "Oh wow so because they look differently and their story is going other way you shun them? So much for caring about their lore.

Then pages and pages of debate of how actually light focused HE’s were in general, and people constantly arguing they should be able to be paladins, with others being “if Void is good enough for Alleria, is good for all high Elves”



And that’s is what just dating in in this day and age, I tell you.

Actually I have no clue I just dated once and here I am engaged lol.

It certainly would have been far more interesting than the current back and forth we have of pro’s vs. anti’s… and the in-game story/lore would probably have been better, made more sense, and not seemed like such a backside pull.

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Yea but it wouldn’t have the same impact now as it would have if it had been organically done from the beginning. Not to mention the intro is still “traitorous Blood Elves”.

It would just be taken as Blizz adding salt to the wound. The pro-side wouldn’t accept it as a natural evolution of the High Elf story at this point and the anti’s would just preen about it and shove it in our faces.


Babe 8.3 would have been perf for that but yanno.

But honestly I’d gladly welcome a change on the discourse. I’d be all in, but I’d like some de-saturated human like coloring so there’s a sort of spectrum of Void Influence rather than just Y’ALL GOT DIPPED INTO THE BLUEBERRY JAM!

I think the perfect mess would be going for it AND give VE’s a normal skin/hair option. So everyone is unhappy!

I’d call it Best-Worst Case Scenario


well, while nightborne are similar to night elves, you would definitively not confuse them. not only do they have different ear forms, they also are slimmer than night elves. you clearly can tell a nightborne from a night elf even from a further distance :roll_eyes:

What was done to nightborne (new idle stance, slightly different skin colors, small changes to proportions) could be done to high elves as well. The point is that Blizzard was able to make two same-model night-based elf races. Why can’t it do the same to day-themed elves?


because there is no reason a high elf would have darker skin tone options/posture than a blood elf, as they are the same group. if these skin tones/postures/tattos were available, then blood elves would have access to them too. if blood elves had access to them, they would not be a point of differentiation. and thus as a suggestion, they dont work

que the void elf angle


I’m sorry there’s “no reason for darker skin options/posture than a blood elf” Yet adding Void as the cause of differentiation is okay?

cause Void IS the reason VE’s look different; now, IMAGINE of there could be REASONS why High Elves looked differently.

Like a different lifestyle, intermingling, sociocultural behavior, etc.

Cause it just sounds like it HAS to be a cosmic force for you cause otherwise it doesn’t work.

And in that case, why not a cosmic/magic that altered the High Elves in as much a way NB are different from Nigth Elves?

Truly, if you are okay with Nigthborne, Void Elves and Ligthforged, then surely an outside force that changes High Elves in as much a way the Nigthwell changed the Nigthborne.


I’m seeing lots o people concerned about High Elves making Horde players switch sides, but we’re reaching the point where, even if High Elves become more than two or three times popular than Void Elves, wouldn’t make any difference.

Why someone would pick the elves of the weaker side when they can play the Blood Elves with the pros? It doesn’t make any sense.

High Elves will just give some joy for Alliance players, it’s not going to change the Horde dominance in every aspect of the game.

But some people and Blizzard are way too biased over Horde to see these things, and that’s why Alliance got shafted on everything this whole expansion and only received one Bee mount as a consolation prize.

The faction bias is so blatant that even Horde players are noticing it recently.


youve been informed multiple times that the reason for our opposition(and development) to playable alliance ‘high’ elves is to preserve the integrity of the factions and to respect the sanctity of the blood elf storyline

saying its all horde bias-ism is just a convenient strawman for you so you dont have to consider the other side of the argument

you know, the one with the all the evidence and developer support? :family_woman_girl:


Cause you know, “respecting the sanctity of the Blood Elf storyline” is just such a strong evidence based claim mmm yep.

Somehow High Elves being made playable will utterly destroy the BE lore and according to you that’s a total rational point. Oh man.

Awww heck now it makes sense.


no not fair skin and blonde hair. the fantasy of the ‘pale skinned majestic elf’ as ion put it, which is intrinsic to the horde now

Edit: the original post i responded to stated i believed ‘pale skin and blonde’ hair was exclusive. it was edited to now say ‘pale skin and blonde hair of the blood elves’

Pandas are literally playable by both sides and they ARE the same race… saying because one side has them the other side can’t is not a valid argument so long as the Pandas are a thing.

High Elves and Blood Elves have bigger differences than Alliance and Horde Pandas.


Thank you for this.


Yep. It became too obvious at a time.


You’re wasting your time on yet another flaming bush alt.