High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

you know what. Visual fantasy means nothing. There I said it. I don’t care how you feel. Go scream and whine all you want. I have been in these threads for 2 years. I am done with the same arguments that ultimately boil down to an opinion and not a real argument.

All the rest of you. I suggest we never speak to any anti again. Lets go back to posting fan art, mock ups, concepts, and stories. Once we do this for a few weeks these people will either leave or they will make themselves look so absurd the entirely of GD will be laughing at them.

But they don’t have to be visually identical… and it doesnt require biological or magical reasons to justify it either.

The High Elves being requested by the Alliance have been living among humans for decades… even centuries if you consider Dalaran. They have had plenty of time to integrate into those cultures and in some cases “dilute their bloodlines” as Elisande pointed out, which can explain differences in stance, hair styles, and even build.


Okay I have said what I wanted and I am going to bed for the night. Tomorrow I hope to see change in this thread. It is time we simply left the antis behind.


Visually fantasy might mean nothing to to you, but to the devs, and the players that value the themes that define a race visually, its very important. You wouldn’t keep getting the same argument if you, I don’t know, addressed it and offered an alternative. The devs iterated this same problem about playable high elves in the interview with Ion, and if you’re going to take the time to respond and argue with me about it, then you better come up with something better than “It means nothing to me” to convince me, or anyone else of your perspective.

Just “looking” different isn’t a solution, its avoiding crucial and key themes that are essential to defining a blood elf. (Fair-skinned, blonde haired, majestic elves) when Ion was asked why they chose void elves over High elves he didn’t say “Oh they just don’t look different enough” he stressed on the key themes that infringed on Blood elves, which was “fair-skin, blonde haired elves” to which he told players that if this is the theme you want to fulfill in wow, you should play a blood elf. It’s why void elves were changed in that VERY specific manner.

Change their build, give them different hairstyles, or tattoos, it doesn’t matter, if at the end you have a fair-skinned, blonde haired elf the necessary changes were not made.


softsong is not wrong. you are the one who has an issue with what she said, your only evidence is that she said things you didnt want to hear while continuing to deny the lore/development. your side is the one that cant cite examples or development

i wouldnt be surprised if part of the reason the horde gets cooler stuff than the alliance is that the fan community of the alliance insists on asking for something it cant have

so much wasted effort here. golden eyes for night elf females, upright worgen, tattoos for dwarves, etc. those are actually possible


Sorry I just don’t see that as a justifiable excuse. And I will continue to ask for playable Alliance High Elves until Blizzard adds them or WoW shuts down for good.

You’re going to have to accept that as long as this game is going and we don’t have playable Alliance High Elves, that we will keep asking for them and nothing you say or do will ever change that. It might be a futile crusade but it’s ours nonetheless.


Fortunately it’s not up to you to decide what is, and isn’t a justifiable reason, it was the one the devs offered, and you can either take it, or leave it.

I don’t mind if High elves are ever made playable, as long as those themes are addressed, and changed before they’re implemented. You can ask to your hearts content, and if those themes are important enough for you to wait in the hopes that Blizzard will one day change their minds completely and add them, more power to you. But if these are themes you’re willing to compromise on in order to play them, than that option is available to you as well.

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I have no choice but to respect that position. Persistence in the face of over a decade of not getting what you want is admirable. Destined for disappointment perhaps, but admirable nonetheless.

To be fair, we on the opposing side - those who, like you, debate respectfully but disagree with you - have our points as well. And they are as legitimate to us as yours are to you.

As I’ve said before, and will say again:


I chose to leave their excuse and continue voicing my desires as a consumer for a specific feature to be added for my consumption.

If I stop asking for what I want, all that does is tell Blizzard that I lost interest in that. If I keep showing interest it’s possible (however unlikely) that they could change their mind or come up with a creative way to give me what I want that both they and I find acceptable.

To that end, I continue to support playable Alliance High Elves and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.


I have some experience with standing firm in the face of adversity. :slight_smile:

I never thought I’d live to see the day that two people of the same sex could legally marry in the U.S., but hey it happened… and the world didn’t end and kept chugging on as usual.

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I never thought I’d live to see the day that two people of the same sex could legally marry in the U.S., but hey it happened… and the world didn’t end and kept chugging on as usual [/quote]

While there is no way on earth I would ever conflate the ongoing battle for LGBTQ rights with wanting a race in a video game, I take your point.

He he I wouldn’t equate the two either… I just tackle everything in life with the same mindset, no matter how big or small. I beat my head against that wall until either it breaks or my head does.

Which is the most bogus argument in the history of WoW since Horde got Nightborne, a dark-themed elf. There is no fairness in what Blizzard does to the player base and the divides they create - I blame them for putting us players in this position.

I still 100% support a playable high elf for the Alliance. Blueberries, while unique with their abomination lore, are not those elves.


Wow then I really must wonder what does someone who doesn’t play WoW think about the visual fantasy of Night Elves and Nigthborne.

Which again how fun that it happened for Nigthborne but it’s such a no no for High Elves.

NB and NE can have an overlapping nocturnal elf fantasy but HOW DARE YOU if Blood Elves and High Elves fell into the same place :confused:


How quaint to think there’s a negotiation table.

Let’s be honest here, we might as well be talking into the Void.

At least the Void speaks back. :wink:

Lies. If so at least VE’s would have been made out of High Elves instead of turncoat Blood Elves.

He he, I might be wrong, but I think Murgy was just making a play on the Void’s “whispers” not referring to the devs.

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I get it babe, I’m just saying even the Void wouldn’t listen to us hehe