High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

https://youtu.be/nuffMndkrys Your elves can be found here, enjoy.

They like to go back and forth between wc2 and wc3 themesā€¦ /looks at Dredes armorā€¦ wish they would just go back to the wc3 night elves.

They go back to the rts now and again because that is what the foundation of WOW is built on!


ARs require players to unlock, and then level or pay to level the character, which obviously is not going to reach population numbers for characters that people can make from the moment they pick up the game. Not to menion NO race has reached the popularity of Blood elves.

And yet they remain the most popular despite different races having access to the Paladin class, and have continuously kept that crown for quite some time - its not to suggest that playing a paladin wasnā€™t also an evocative addition, but that allure died long time ago, and the blood elf popularity has continued to remain at the top. Its far more disingenuous to say their appearance doesnā€™t play a large role in their popularity.

Itā€™s not ā€œsolidā€ proof, as the variables and context of past events are not the same, and no amount of data-diving is ever going to give us ā€œproofā€ of how players will react today, or tomorrow. Itā€™s strange to attack a concern for having no solid evidence, by offering a solution that also has no solid evidence.


There is no evidence of EITHER side, itā€™s cautious speculation. If you donā€™t agree, thats fine, but offering MORE theorizing on the other side of the court doesnā€™t lesson the concern.

Who says ā€œThose arenā€™t High elvesā€ The opposition? If you donā€™t believe those themes truly define High elves WHY do you care if they think theyā€™re High elves or not? If youā€™re referring to the pro side than that simply outlines the fact that those these are deemed essential to defining the race visually.

Then the solution could easily be ā€œAdd the High elves to the void elvesā€ You have the lore fantasy of High elves, without infringing on the visual theme of Blood elves, and all parties are happy, but instead the FIRST suggestion was IMMEDIATELY ā€œWe want fair skin and blonde hairā€ itā€™s been the alternative to High elves for quite some time, sending the message that in the end, those visual themes are the most important and defining themes they want in that race.

Itā€™s not JUST us, itā€™s Blizzard as well. Ion listed these VERY themes as essential in order to be playable, its the very REASON void elves were changed in the way they were. Horde players have been playing Blood elves for nearly a decade so how it might impact the most popular race is important to blizzard, itā€™s not YOUR place to tell us that our opinions are of no concern.

That was the entire point of void elves, thatā€™s why they were changed specifically to avoid infringing on the ā€œfair-skinned, blonde hairedā€ elf theme. It was his answer when players asked why they chose void elves over High elves. If you truly believe that those themes are inconsequential than thatā€™s an issue you can take up with Blizzard. But addressing EVERYTHING but the very thing the devs said were the problem with playable high elves is not going to get you any closer.

Itā€™s almost like this game was base off of the story and themes of an RTS. Weird huh?

Well said.

Khimaira, Mountain Giants, Fey Dragons, Keepers of the Grove/Dryads.

Just sorta associated with Night Elves now. Not part of their group.

Barely Nocturnal or Savage at all.


Hope they will become more nocturnal and savage with the direction Tyrande is going.


I donā€™t dismiss their argument, as its something Iā€™m fully behind IF those problems are addressed. Iā€™ve made this clear multiple times whenever different shaded skinned High elves have been presented.

Again the ā€œloreā€ argument has never been an issue, itā€™s the visual gameplay problem that the devs expressed that is also my problem. And if those themes truly arenā€™t the goal, then there really shouldnā€™t be a problem in addressing them as to avoid the problems Ion, and many players have voiced.

So it IS the skin and eye colors with you?


Ok, so for argumentā€™s sake; High Elf fans would be fine with the new appearance I used to show my support for the pummeling Night Elves got in BfA? Night-gray skin and near black eyes?

I mean, if itā€™s not about skin color or eye color, why not?


Tell me a good story and maybe I can accept a radical change.

If you have nothing, then we stay with our suggestions.


please provide citations where blizzard officials have said no to high elves being made playable.

You canā€™t. They donā€™t exist.


blood elves and high elves fulfill different ā€œvisualā€ fantasies too you know?

You keep saying they have the same themes but methinks you really donā€™t know what a blood elf actually is thematically. You just impose your headcanon onto them and have done it for so long you actually believe it to be real.


The grand visual fantasy of being blue eyed vs green eyed?


I understand this is an example but at the very least this will spend some time at the negotiation table.

You mean being different eye colors? Thatā€™s not a different ā€œvisualā€ fantasy. And different lore or culture is also not a ā€œdifferentā€ visual fantasy.

My boyfriend plays a dwarf for instance, because he loves dwarves. So when he started playing WoW he naturally made a dwarf - Not because he knows anything about Dwarven lore in WoW, or their culture, or their background, but because of the visual fantasy of playing a dwarf.

Blood elves, and High elves represent the same visual fantasy to players because visually they look identical. These are the points Ion stressed over when he was discussing just why they chose Void elves over High elves. That he did not want to infringe upon the identity of the Blood elves by giving it to the alliance.


Ok, Iā€™ll work on that - but at least itā€™s nice to know you didnā€™t go straight to:

Another thing to note is that only Blood Elves can be Demon Hunters on Horde side so that also pushes their numbers up even further.

The Paladin alternatives for Horde came later and Tauren and Zandalari Trolls obviously didnā€™t appeal aesthetically to the bulk of current Blood Elf Paladins since they are still the race with the most paladins on the Horde.

Paladins and Demon Hunters combined make up roughly 45% of all blood elves at 120.

Thereā€™s little incentive for Blood Elves to faction change if Alliance High Elves came to be. Just because they are ā€œnewā€ doesnā€™t mean people will automatically faction swap en masse. They didnā€™t do it for Void Elves and itā€™s ridiculous to believe they would have if VEā€™s just had a single flesh tone skin option.

Thereā€™s no actual incentive to give up your guild, friends, bigger pool of raiders and mythic+ population, and all the establishment youā€™ve made for yourself as a Horde character.

Anyone who claims that Horde Blood Elves would faction swap in any significant number just because Alliance got playable High Elves is out of their mind. The notion is completely nonsensical.


They have no reason to. Not now, and not ever. You will never see a flatly declarative statement to that effect because thereā€™s no need on their part to do it. Thereā€™s no upside to making that statement and no downside for not making it.

Not making it keeps giving people hope. Hope makes people keep paying to play and taking it away would cause some - but Iā€™m betting not nearly as many as some people would claim - to quit. And frankly, even if they did say it there are some who would create the next megathread with the starter ā€œWe know they said no, but they could always change their minds!ā€.

If youā€™re looking for a definitive statement that they will never put High Elves in the game youā€™re never going to get it.


well actually they donā€™t. Blood elves are the high elves for wow when we take the fantasy of high elves int he fantasy genre abroad.

WoW high elves however are more like human elves. Not half elves per say but they are basically humans but elves.

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If given the choice to side with Tyrande in seeking revenge on Sylvanas, you better believe I would take it. But if she decides to take her vengeance out on the Alliance, Iā€™m drawing the line.


What? This isnā€™t even a coherent response or argument.

Visually they are identical to Blood elves, regardless of whether or not they dress, or live with humans. That is arguing lore-fantasy against visual-fantasy, which are entirely separate things as players can dress, and customize their characters however they want.