High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

“Pale” is a “Fair” and “Blonde” is “Blonde”

It’s a contradiction when your argument relies on the precedent that it isn’t a “fair-skinned, blonde haired” elf you’re after, while it’s also the only thing you’re unwilling to change, or budge against. If what you’re after is a High elf, and that “skin” color isn’t a priority like you’ve claimed than it shouldn’t be a problem to change that in order to achieve your goal, but the moment it becomes a “requirement” that you’re unwilling to agree to, than you’re also acknowledging the significance of that theme in defining the race you want.

You can’t then turn to the opposition and tell them that these individual themes are not important, and shouldn’t be what defines the Blood elf race, when it’s one of the themes you, yourself are unwilling to do away with. You can’t have your cake, and eat it too.

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Here Drede, not trying to show off my new forum powers but it’s nice :+1:


For the record I’d like Void Elves a lot more if they were originally comprised of the Alliance High Elves

Those last two pictures I could get behind, and support as they address the same issues that were addressed with void elves.

They also look splendid, mind you.

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while this is nice fan art, it is just that. fan art. it has no bearing on the game


This kind of customization would help make High Elves unique while not taking anything away from Blood Elves, yes?

Keep in mind people this stuff is just suggestions. Who knows what Blizz could do with a fully finished product?


So can Humans not have blonde and pale skin either? Oh wait, Dwarves also have pale skin and blonde hair… and gnomes. The only one here that isn’t budging when it comes to color of skin and color of hair is you. The amount of difference we will have doesn’t matter to you. It’s the pale skin and blonde hair that you are refusing to budge on.

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Thank you too.

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It’d be easily explained with High Elves having diluted their bloodline with humans. The possibilities excite me :slight_smile:

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Different visual fantasies, which is why Ion, and players specifically say “blond-haired, fair-skinned elves” It’s also prudent to mention that you’re also asking for the exact same race, and not a another race altogether with “fair” skin and “blonde” hair, to which I imagine most players would not care about because well, they don’t.


Right now, that’s the point of this megathread.

Discussion of future story lines, customization, and requests people would like to see. The viably has been debated over and over. There are legitimate points from both sides. overall in my opinion, if they can make them an allied race and not a core, then let the implementation begin.

We have a group, and virtue of the void elves it doesn’t take much to send them out on adventures. Also the feeling of ownership is precious… if that is the case then the nightborne wouldnt exist… since we have the dark skin magical elf theme in the night elves. But that didn’t matter


Can we please bury the dead?

Making what should be happening in the current MMO predicated on what happened in a game launched 24 years ago isn’t going to resonate with a lot of people because, frankly, the median aged player was 4 when it came out.


What about us using the night elf skeleton? We’re not asking for the blood elf skeleton. We want the High Elves. Yes, there similar skin tones that High Elves and Blood Elves share, but similar does not mean exact. Blood Elves have a redder tone to their skin colors. Some of our suggestions, as I have seen in the recent posts, could be adjusted. I’d be fine with no red skin tones. But they are just that. Suggestions. They can be altered and improved upon.

Doesn’t mean that the theme and concept isn’t liked by the current WoW players. Anyone that wants High Elves to be a playable race knows about what they were like in Warcraft 2 and like them.


It does have some relevance. I look back at Warcraft 2 and see High Elf soldiers, who can only be recruited by the Grand Alliance, shouting “For the Alliance”

Then I come here and see people say that they aren’t a part of the Alliance identity at all. I know Blood Elves are a core Horde race and all, but High Elves still have history within the Alliance


Which is a garbage argument when races like Void Elves are playable. We have literal precedent for a small “crack squad” to be playable yet a grouping with at least 3 different settlements cannot possibly be playable.

Garbage argument.

Oh I’m sure if they had actually shown in larger numbers like Legion, MoP and WotLK you would have had a perfect rationalization on how it also means they are extinct.

But yeah, pretty garbage argument to double down on they being extinct because they have shown up little in BfA while dismissing all the other expansions were they have shown up with more relevance.

By definition the Alliance high Elf fantasy -you know, the one being requested- is unplayable so IDK what delusion you are living on.

If you don’t understand the relevance of the alliance alignment you don’t care to understand the request at all.

Yet not a single AR has surpassed the most played core race.

And it’s VERY disingenuous to say Blood Elves become the most popular race because aesthetics when evidently a huge part of their popularity is because they allowed the Horde to be Paladins. As well as dismissing the overall reason why the Horde became more popular and Blood Elves being the most popular race being separate issues.

No, it would be actually using some related evidence instead of simple fearmongering and saying “well I think that would happen”

Again, the fear that HE’s would be empirically “better” than Blood Elves is irrational and unfounded: Could you claim empirically that ANY Allied Race is “better” than their source race?


Yet somehow, with no evidence, you think High Elves would be just this.

Because every time someone tries to present another possible change you have everyone saying “Well then those aren’t High Elves” Why even present a personal idea that you have no way of enforcing or lobbying for? It’s nonsense to try to ask everyone to rally behind a fan concept. The only one that can decide to pivot HE’s to any other place is Blizz.

People have been saying since VE’s were introduced they hoped they came from HE’s. Indeed a large part had obvious issues as the Void itself is just such an out of the left field change thematic wise, but there has always been a conversation about it.

Again, you can’t as us as a community to come up with an idea of how change HE skin tones and hair so YOU feel confortable enough and then Blizzard lifts it up? It makes no sense.

I’m pretty sure Blizz could give HE’s skin tones that are different by two shades from HE’s for whatever reason. Again, that’s not something that’s up to us to decide and it’s nonsense to ask us to say anything but “Sure they could find a reason to change High Elves skin tone”


My blood elf does not have “redder” tones, she is pretty damn fair, as much as most High elves I come across.

“Fair skinned, blonde haired elves are not what we want” but you’re willing to change literally everything, even the model skeleton to achieve it. In the end, you’re still trying to make a fair-skinned, blonde-haired “thalassian” elf, which is likely going to present the same problem to Blizzard and the players.

If you want to suggest an entirely different race, with blonde hair, and fair skin, sure, have at it, but trying to jump different semantic hoops to achieve the same thing isn’t addressing the issue.


building on what murg said. i believe the problem here is your obsession with wc2

while it is clearly hard for you to accept, wc2 did not mark the end of the franchise. the storyline and high elves moved on, the factions and characters have evolved and progressed. they have had to, because wc2 didnt have the deepest lore in the world, it really wasnt good tbh. wc3 was the moment the modern warcraft universe was born, and a considerable amount of effort has been spent by blizzard making their IP unique from traditional tropes of the genre

you also have to accept that you are just incorrect in stating that alliance ‘high’ elves are different from blood elves. you are aware of all the evidence to the contrary, and just flat out denying that evidence because you find it inconvenient is your right, but the rest of us dont have to indulge that denial or take it seriously. high elves are blood elves now meaning the high elf race is already playable and cannot be an AR for the opposite faction they belong to


It’d be more accurate to say that Blood Elves generally have red skin tones. They aren’t quite the same as what’s available to humans, though

And for what it’s worth, Blood Elves don’t have access to High Elf skin tones, which are noticeably more pale. Just check them out in the dressing room


This isnt about blonde hair, fair skin and blue eyes and what not… that is squandering the pro side argument to make it easier to dismiss.

the Alliance has high elves allied with them (to what extent is debatable)… thats not stealing from the horde when we already have it.

Btw pre-conditional loyalty is a non-factor… all allied races have either been neutral or villains at one point.


“WC2 is over!”

Excuse me while I stand on a boat next to Alleria Windrunner while sending Falstad Wildhammer on a mission before queueing to help Danath Trollbane take back Arathi and later considering talking to Turalyon to recruit an Allied Race or Recruiting Kul Tiras for naval reinforcements.

Wonder how Khadgar is doing.