High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Even if people in here don’t care for some ARs or potential ARs, most of us don’t go into their megathreads and crap on them, ask for their race to be killed off, or spam the same few arguments over and over.

No, I don’t like mechagnomes or vulpera, but I am glad their fans are happy and will get to enjoy playing a race they like.

And yet plenty of people come in here, spam the same few arguments, wish for high elves to be genocided, and the thread has been locked more often than not by people abusing the flag feature.

It’s pretty ridiculous how people treat us at times just because we’re asking for a race we’d enjoy playing, just like what others have done in other megathreads.


I think it’s unfair to require “tangible” proof, when the only way to actually provide that is to implement it and see, and at that point it’s too late to “take it back” if those fears do turn out to be true. I don’t agree that the concern isn’t valid, it’s one that the devs, and players share, and I think it should be taken seriously by everyone.

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That, or given to the Horde or all of them be made into void elves. Might be my bitterness talking, but that sounds selfish and cruel.

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velves didn’t kill off belves though and it’s exactly the same model with a pallet swap. they have better hair. better beards. start at 20. you can get the rep done in a couple of weeks.

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Velves fit a different thematic, and scheme, they fulfill a different “Visual” fantasy than Belves do. It’s why void elves were changed in the first place, Blizzard didn’t want to infringe on the Blood elf thematic, one that has become the most popular race for almost a decade.

It’s not even that I necessarily agree with the assumption, merely that I do understand the concern.


I think it’s more unfair to give weight to what is simply baseless speculation. Literally all you have is “It might happen!” and that’s enough to be treated seriously according to you.

All because you believe the Horde is filled with self hating Blood Elves who are hostage.


velves are cooler than belves though. and will probably be cooler than helves if they’re ever added. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not fair when it’s either speculate cautiously, or potentially damage and impact the most popular race in the game. Especially when the choice cannot be reverted or taken back, once it’s done it’s done, and the best response anyone can give to the party that feels cheated is “Live with it.”


I really do think a realistic request would be to add normal skin tones to Void Elves, and explain it away by saying the Alliance High Elves have joined ranks wholesale.

Being new to the Void, the corruption hasn’t imbued itself so deeply.

It would also allow players to choose the extent of the Void corruption, for aesthetic purposes in say the difference between a Shadow Priest and a Holy.

It IS extremely unlikely they will add in another race using the Blood Elf model.

It won’t be ‘pure’ High Elves, but at least it would be valid to call our characters High Elves direct from Alliance, and importantly they can retain important High Elf visuals.

This would all be invalidated if Blizz adds fair skin to Void Elves, which they’ve had a positive response towards

Believe me I don’t want it to happen, Void Elves would literally be Blood Elves with Blue eyes then

Point proven. Completely selfish and cruel.

Respecting a race’s visual identity is not “selfish” or “cruel”


More than ever when need High Elves to cut the global tension.

Well, that doesn’t make much sense.

Void Elves have unique hair, unique voices, unique hair colours.

Blood Elves are literally High Elves with green eyes. It’s a circular argument which gets no one anywhere and people really need to drop it.

I’m sorry but I simply cannot be simpathetical to the irrational fear that Blood Elf identity is so flimsy that they are all waiting to swap factions at the drop of a hat.

Your argument is basically that too many Blood Elves are just unloyal to their faction that the only think keeping them there is being the lack of compelling choices on the other side.

What does that tell you of your race then?


And yet you shot down any ideas of adding further differentiation to lessen the perceived identity infringement.


Not willing to compromise on this matter. All the suggestions up above are reasonable and really good.

To be told to live with not having something we have been requesting on for years. Yes, we quiet few erupted when allied races were included, because it became a solution to getting what we desire.

Blood Elves are there own people among the Horde. They have a completely different culture and life style compared to the High Elves. Blood Elves were once High Elves, but High Elves are not Blood Elves and never will be.


It’s the precedent of “Cool, pretty new race!” I mean, what do you think happened when Blood elves were originally announced? Do you think faction-pride was enough to stop most of the players from immediately switching over to the Horde? No, of course no.

I’m saying that many players really don’t pay attention, or care about faction loyalty, they play whatever they find appealing, or new, and if you add an identical, and yet new flashy race to the other side the concern that players might flock to that race from the other faction is a valid one.

I have pride in my race (in-game) but I honestly have very little faith of the average player, and most belf players know very little, or have any care about belf lore, they simply wanted to play a pretty elf character. If you’re trying to take a jab at me about the lack of player-faction pride, you’re barking up the wrong tree.

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No, we say “Exhibit X, and Exhibit Z need to be changed in order to satisfy the distinctions” and your continuous examples of “differentiating” customization are always “How about we change Exhibit A, and Exhibit B, and keep X, and Z the same” to which you continuously get the resounding no, and then complain that nothing is enough.


You’re arguing the difference in lore-fantasy, when the issue is visual fantasy.

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