High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Whenever people say Blizzard can’t/won’t add high elves due to population concerns are unwittling admiting that void elves are a poor substitute made out on purpose to be worse and less popular than high elves…


Blizzard just needs to go ahead and add High Elf as allied race instead of Mechagnome.


i would unsub in an instant if that were to happen and i’m not even anti helf.

Honestly I don’t think “Population” is the real issue, but rather Blizzard’s go-to rational lore-wise, a stance that will likely be reflected in the game in the future the more the question is asked. We’ve seen that Blizzard has no problem pulling stuff out of no where to circumvent lore issues getting in the way of gameplay content, so the fact that they’re not willing to do so for the High elves makes me feel like it’s really something they personally don’t want to do, and the “Population” thing is really just their way of finalizing it in-game.

Although its worth noting that the narrative that high elves are very few in number has always been the case, and really their sudden proliferation in-game was sort of jolting as it sort of contradicted the Encyclopedia and what we learn of them in the novels.

Blizzard can’t and shouldn’t change something that was already.

It’s okay to say that Blizzard should have done X instead of Y, but I find of poor taste to say they should remove Y to add X. Mechagnomes, kul tirans and void elves have fans. I’d rather have high elves, but it’s best to ask for high elves than to say any of those should be removed.


there are already FOUR elf races for people to choose from. DID were not that popular given dwarves are not as popular as nelves but they still exist. gnome players deserve nice things as well.

Let’s just create a list of potential allied races and ask players to vote and see which gets the most.


I’d be all over that, if it was Blizzard saying it.


And you got it, so what’s the point of arguing? Blizzard won’t remove mechagnomes, just ignore the haters.

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if i were to say “no helves for you. if you want to play a fair skinned light eyed elf the horde is waiting for you” in a serious way i’d be flagged to oblivion in this thread and you know that.


I personally would say High Elves can go both factions because there are definitely High elves there that supported Horde cause without going blood elf green eyes.

The difference is that you got your mechagnomes. They’ll be available in January, maybe even December, so what’s the point of arguing over it? You won, you got it. No one will take it away from you.

Meanwhile, we didn’t get anything. There’s a big difference between being on top and worrying about angry losers, and being kicked while you are down.


Sure, as long s the vote works like this:

First, it’s at game logon not in the forums.

Second, it’s one vote for one race per faction per credit card #

Third, it’s mandatory - if you don’t complete the vote you don’t get past the login screen. (Retail login screen only, we don’t need Classic players with no ARs casting votes) Everyone has to either vote for one/faction, vote for “no more, stop adding ARs”, or an “Anything but XX” vote that adds a vote saying “I don’t ever want to see this race in this faction in the game”


Then what about the folks that would be brought back into the game for that AR? That’s another group of people that Blizzard will want to convince coming back and will use anything they can to do so.

did you guys stop to think of the reasons why people bash helfers so much? i knight you guys every chance i get. but you don’t make it easy, most of you, to do that. every few times i come into these threads there’s helfers crapping all over stuff other people want and seemingly entitled to get helves at the expense of what everyone else wants. not all of you do it but it’s enough that there are bad feelings with the general population and the people who are helfers.


We don’t take the opinions of one who doesn’t like other people having fun seriously

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All I’m saying is that you are getting mad over what angry people say, and that’s pointless. Why bother with what haters have to say? It’s a waste of your time. Go celebrate your victory.


High can still become a potential allied race. OP has pictures of the allied races close to the end and it shows Vulpera in the Horde. If not high elf then at least replace mechagnome with sethrak.

I just don’t think it can be called a rational concern when there’s no supporting tangential evidence and it’s all based on utter speculation. It’s fear-mongering, it’s irrational by nature, it dismisses all variables for the single, unfounded, fear that the majority of Belf players would gladly switch factions if they could.


Exactly, there are SO MANY variables at play here that get discounted because of a baseless feeling.

It kinda reveals the feeling, unfounded or not, that many BE players think they are being held hostage on the Horde and would leave the first good chance they got.