High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

And there are already 2 options of pretty Elves in the Alliance. Those people don’t play Alliance because they prefer the Horde, and/or because the Horde have the more competitive players and guilds.


Faction pride is important and adding a new flashy race may appeal to some. But what attracts players to a faction, most of the time, is the community. Right now, the main faction for the players to be on is the Horde. That’s because of the leading guilds are mainly Horde or switching to Horde. Guilds that do dungeons (M+) and Raids. The economy of these realms are also very important as well. Races, they may influence the factions at times, but not on the extreme.

With all the Allied Races, more pretty and flashy races will be added to the Horde. The Horde has two elven cities, while the Alliance has none. Someday, it is my hope that Nightborn will get a little more work done so that they could be more attractive. It has been requested a fair amount, so there is a chance that they might.


I’m gonna be honest here; even in your worst case scenario do you think the alliance would be the majority in the way the horde is now? Like I don’t get so many levels of this concern, but the possibility of the scales even shifting to the other side feels like punishment, when it’s the alliance every day life.

Still, even by your own argument of shallowness of the average player, why would they switch race to what is tantamount to what they already have? It really doesn’t make sense with your argument of lack of faction loyalty.

Why would they switch to alliance if they don’t care about factions?

And again, it’s not “valid” because it’s utterly baseless. As baseless as me saying that whatever next AR the alliance get will totes change the deep seated faction imbalance.

Yet even the most shallow BE player by your standards has little incentive to switch factions when they already are pretty blood elves.

Let’s pretend your fear has validity: Don’t give High Elves paladins. BE paladins are the most popular class/race combo. What do you know, that’s a compromise babey!

That’s because you consider X and Z so intrinsic to your identity that A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and etc don’t matter even when we have made the case we could rach an aesthetic difference at the level of the Nigthborne.

It’s tantamount to admitting that the only thing that really matters about BE identity is their skin and hair color.


Faction-pride is nice, but it’s certainly not a deciding factor for most. Add a flashy new race that players want to experience and play, and faction-numbers can, and have fluctuated. End-game, and mythic raiders do not make up the majority of the active population, which is why blizzard is constantly trying to cater to the casual crowd with welfare epics popping out from every quest, or dungeon you enter.


But the whole mass of players that follow them and try to climb the ladder do. The majority of the active playerbase that keeps the game alive isn’t composed of “temporary” players, it is composed by all of the dedicated in the game. Those kind of people don’t change their faction based on an Allied Race, because they have guilds to play, friends to stay with, progressions to be made, and schedules to follow.


I understand your concerns, and like what Talendrion has mentioned, this is a problem that Alliance has been dealing with a lot. I sympathize with the concern that a lot of your friends that play with you as Belves might switch to High Elves. But let me assure you that it’s not going to happen. High Elves are not going to drain all the Belves out from the Horde. Maybe a few people might switch, but most of those people are likely on the Rp servers. But even then, most will likely remain with their Belf mains.


They are already done, nothing is replacing Mechagnomes. The design is done, the coding done, and they are on the PTR.


Yeah, at the moment the Alliance are suffering in terms of population imbalance, so Horde players naturally don’t wish for this same circumstance to occur to them. I may sympathize with someone suffering from a disorder, but that shouldn’t mean it’s insensitive or selfish to not want it for myself.

Because High elves would be “new” and would likely come with new customizations and content, new racials that completely outclass the outdated Blood elf racials. Players are constantly drawn to what is “new” and if you add what a comparable race in a brand new box, it’s valid concern that players might flock to it.

You can’t ask for proof, when proof would require implementing it, and then the proof is useless because it can’t be taken back. The most anyone can ask to go off for is speculation.

We’re ignoring the core problem I addressed in my first response.

And yet X and Z are the only things you’re not willing to part with? How can you sit there and pretend they’re not valid, important factors when they are the ONLY factors you refuse to change in order to make them playable? You cannot argue the insignificance of these themes while also acknowledging how important it is for High elves to have them.

I’m prettier than you, Granny’dorei.

Should the solution then be to not give them overpowered racials? Also, asking for the Blood Elves to be given better racials is a valid and agreeable request. If they are so outdated, then it makes sense to have them updated.

And what do you think that’s a product of? Why are Blood elves the most popular race in the game when their racials are arguably the most outdated out of all of them? If blood elves were never made, and the alliance were still the dominate faction, do you think we’d be facing the same problem today? Or do you think the roles would be reversed? There are more people to play with, more guilds to join, more content to experience because “more” players are on the Horde, not because everyone is a pro, mythic player.

So, do you believe the reason a lot of people playing on the Horde are dedicated and have aspirations is because Blood Elves are pretty and attractive? Honestly, that’s sorta, dumb.


And yet the Horde were completely outnumbered until blood elves were added. Strange.

That was freaking 13 years ago.


And here we are, Blood elves still the most popular race by a land slide.

I feel sorry for you for believing the addition of High Elves would destroy the Horde playerbase and shift things back to Vanilla stage.

It turns out, a shift did happen however, but it wasn’t the addition of Void Elves, it was a racial called Every man For Himself. (well it was temporary, but you get the idea).


It’s true that more had become Horde because the Blood Elves were included. But now the Horde has other attractive races. And someday, the San’layn, or the undead elves, might be added. More attractive races can be added thanks to the Allied Race system. And, if Blizzard decides to update the cities, especially Silvermoon, even more people will be attracted to the Horde.

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There’s a huge list of reasons of why we got into the current situation, it’s not only “blood elves are pretty”.


People suggest new hair colors, voices and animations for High Elves all the time, but for whatever reason fair skin is what makes them too similar to Blood Elves

Then Blizz says that adding fair skin to Void Elves may be a possibility, it completely dismantles the argument that Void Elves are blue for the sake of being different and unique from Blood Elves. They’d literally be Blood Elves with blue eyes then

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The skin we request isn’t even all that similar to Blood Elves either. We ask for human tones, from white to black.

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