High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

We literally have no way to prove or have an evidence based speculation that the inclusions of HE’s in any form could or would affect BE pop and you continue to try to say is a valid concern.

What I’m saying is that AT BEST I can neither make the argument that it won’t affect BE’s because I neither have any sort of evidence for that claim.

Cause again, that’s an entirely speculative argument with nor fact nor evidence to stand on.

And yet both they amount to very small physical differentiation; with the most striking ones, proportions and posture, being lifestyle based ones and behavioral.

It’s like you don’t link your idea of how different NB could be with how different they actually are, even with 10.000 years apart the actual physical difference is a small portion of their whole diverging aesthetic.

And again you dismiss the fact that High Elves currently live on a whole different cultural landscape be it as Dalarani or Highvale or Allerian and that BE’s have gone their own way culturally as well.

And the point is that we disagree with those reasons, specially when they themselves have only used it discretionally and not consistently, and that in universe simply goes against the notion of political affiliation.

There are NO lore wise reasons HE’s couldn’t be a playable race, we have addressed the population and ideology arguments countless time; it’s completely based on a design philosophy that has been already breached several times.

Whom’s wish? The current dev team, who has changed the game in ways the previous teams wouldn’t? The current dev team that will change someday, or could simply change their mind?

Nor you nor I can predict if even the idea of “keeping faction identities distinct” by itself will make it to the end of WoW -and this is even with me disagreeing with the whole sky-is-falling rethoric that High Elves cannot possibly be made aesthetically different enough-

Utterly disingenuous on your part.

You say that standing different, or being more/less muscular as a whole or tattos or adding a reason for slightly different skin colors is “lore bending”

But being literall Blood Elves turned into Void Elves, with no connection to the ACTUALLY DESIRED narrative background should be acceptable.

Genuinely I ask, how dare you make that comparison and pretend is a good faith argument?

Yes because “being more or less into fitness and a different attitude” and “being of a completely different narrative background AND merged with a cosmic energy known to render sanity asunder” fall on the same category of “lore changes”

Are you actually for real on this point?

Cause it really seems you have no concept of the difference of “small mundane changes that lead to a different enough model” and “completely different and disconnected fantasy from what is wanted”

No, i’m literally saying that player character models are an “idealized” version of a group’s median features.

It has nothing to do with body customization. Keep on Track.

Ah yes, the whole “Since they haven’t done anything before, they can’t do anything now” argument. Shocking that an NPC race hasn’t actually been given the spotlight. Shocking I tell ya.


I’m pretty sure that KT’s at least aren’t locked behind a mythic dungeon anymore and SoB is Heroic now, I have my KT and didn’t do no Mythics alliance side.

(yes, WoWpedia confirms this, so get at it!!)


Returning another day to give my support for High Elves in the Alliance! Never give up the fight!


Agreed; personally I find the idea of using AR for more cross faction options far more compelling that what we actually got :confused:


it would’ve been cool. i’d have given HMT more fur options though like regular tauren have so you guys wouldn’t get the short end of the stick. :slight_smile:

Ion and Alex are really making big mistakes.

Bring High Elves into Alliance.

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Let’s be quite honest here, Lack of High Elves is not even Top 10 in the list of bad design choices in BfA.

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We cannot be friends. Melt em all down for scrap i say.

i love regular gnomes too.

Well now you’re just being cruel.

top 3 favorite for alliance:

  1. dwarf
  2. gnome
  3. worgen

top 3 for horde:

  1. orc
  2. tauren
  3. undead
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I still wonder what they were thinking when they thought that void elves would scratch the high elf itch. Don’t get me wrong, i like void elves but that was never going to be a direct replacement.


That wasn’t their intention. They liked the idea of Void Elves and went with it, it wasn’t to appease anyone, it was to make something new based on all the stuff they saw going on with Alleria.

Besides, as many have said, high elves on the alliance aren’t going to be a thing especially after being told no repeatedly by the devs and the fact they added playable high elves back in BC.


How many people would be happy and buy race changes for high elf’s?

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Yeah, I really don’t think they ever thought that.

YES! I have been shown the mute thread button. High Elves begone! Ha ha!

The issue isn’t whether or not it can be “proven” but whether or not it’s a rational concern. In the end, there’s no real way to “prove” anything that hasn’t actually happened, or been put through, but the problem with that is once it’s done, it’s done; there’s no going back - proving it did actually impact the Blood elves after-the-fact won’t change anything. And I imagine Blizzard is extra cautious before potentially upsetting/impacting the most popular race in the game/their golden goose.

The only thing devs, and players can do before implementing content is speculate on how it’s going to be received, and which sort of impact it might have on the community, and certain groups of players. In the end I do agree, there’s no real way of knowing how High elves may impact the game, and the playerbase, but I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong to make decisions based off educated guesses within the dev team.

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Gameplay wise, let us not forget that the Horde has the most players and people are still switching to Horde to this day. Where I can only see the biggest change in numbers is if the High Elves were given ridiculously powerful racials. If not, then it will only pull a few people to play High Elves. So no, they wouldn’t have a negative effect on BE player population. The vast majority of players are on normal servers, while the smaller group of people it can effect, but still likely not by that much, are the Rp servers.

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I’m not sure I understand. You’re literally playing an alien with horns and hooves while saying a Vulpera is cringeworthy?

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We literally have COWS, and now Cow MOOSE, but we’re concerned about fox people? C’mon now.