High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

It’s mind boggling.

For blizzcon I hope there will be good news for us, and I try to remain optimistic about our chances, but I won’t be surprised if the next alliance ar is humanoid chicken duck beasts we’ve never seen before and like void elves will never be relevant to the lore again.

I do think the issue with Mechagnomes -and Kul tirans- is how niche they are in terms of appeal. It’s good those choices exist for the people who like them, but the numbers easily tell us one is the least played AR, and maybe will stop being once the later are introduced.

The only “popular” race alliance has gotten has been the VE, and sadly, they were just introduced in a very haphazard way.


all my horde friends love kt. and like mechagnomes. it seems only the alliance doesn’t like their allied races? i personally believe that alliance has gotten the better end of the deal with these and wish that we could’ve gotten some of them instead.

That’s pretty much the case.

Mechagnomes on their own are fine.

But, when you consider that Alliance got two niche races, two cheap tricks and only one long-requested lore-rich race, it feels like Blizzard was just making up allied races on the spot.

So many popular requests were ignored that each new niche race added feels like another wasted opportunity.

On Horde side, the only real “cheap trick” race was the highmountain, and even then got a whole lot of lore before they were added.

Did Horde also get missed opportunities? Sure. It’s far from perfect. But it does feel like their choices were more carefully woven in the setting or pulled from popular requests.

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Not every race is going to be the next big hype for the majority and picking races based on that, at least all the time, is stupid. People have varied tastes and crapping on Mechagnomes because it could have been something else or not to someone’s fancy is kinda crappy. To be fair, not everyone was going to like them but they aren’t bad at all at least in my opinion, and they like many of the other ARs are already making people extremely happy even if it’s a more niche audience.

It’s mostly an in the moment backlash of some people, don’t see it having legs in the long time as more ARs hit. Then again, I don’t take much stock in the backlash either.

What I’m actually hoping for Blizzcon for the Alliance is the reveal of Tyrande and the Night Elves next move, but IDK if it’s because I actually believe Blizz has been building it up, or is just me being “please say sike” about the way NE’s have been demolished.

Please let the whole “Blizz screwed over the NE” not be true :confused:

Unless there’s a reshuffling* of how factions work at this point I don’t genuinely see High Elves happening.

  • I mean this as either factions being downplayed and you can play the way “neutrally” or a lot of races get “cross-faction” groups.
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What I hope for Blizzcon that I think there’s a chance of happening:

  • Last two preorder allied races.
  • Improved character customization options, some of it will be enabled early through preorder. Rest of it will be unlockable through quests and achievements in 9.0. This will include some improvements to all races and especially allied races.
  • 9.0 having a huge leveling and world revamp. (Chance of a world revamp has gone down now that we know Sylvanas is still around and plotting, so period of peace to allow a timeskip, but there’s still a chance).

I don’t know man; numbers says that your friends who love KT’s aren’t playing them: They are quite literally the least played Race. Gnomes are the least played Core Race at 120 in US realms.

Again, the point is not that some people like them, personally I love KT’s, but we can’t deny they are niche races.

Conversely, all the Horde AR’s (including Pandaren) are on a 1-2% pop difference (With Zandas being the most popular), while on the alliance the diff between most a least played is around 6% with two core races on the middle. The VE are by far the most popular AR, yet are also the most controversial one.

i’d have liked it better if you guys had gotten HMT and we had gotten eredar tbh. i have a HMT shaman but i still think this. lol.

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I don’t think Alliance players would care about highmountain tauren at all. They’d complain a lot about it.

i see alliance posters all the time saying regular tauren should be alliance, so i can’t say agree. :stuck_out_tongue:

Doesn’t mean it’s the majority of Alliance players, not that’s the same as wanting to sacrifice a cool would-be Alliance race to have tauren…

you guys have gotten the coolest allied races though. kt, DID, velf, mechagnome, and even lfd is pretty good.

we were given zanda which are awful. the others are decent. the only really good thing is orc priest. which i still need to finish leveling mine.

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I suppose it’s time we start telling a few people about the dark naaru and the mind-controlled Nether Prince we have in the basement. We’ve pretty much figured it all out now, so; kill all you want, we’ll make more.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I think Zandalari are cool

i had race changed my pally and changed him back within a month or two. the tauren stuff was just 603498503958345xs better imo. i want to level one just to have one but nothing really is appealing about them now, to me.

A Kul’tiran talking about beauty? It has to be a joke, lol.

And you think it’s funny to laugh about other people’s unfulfilled hopes? Do you like, when people don’t care about your personal feelings and make fun out of it IRL?


i think nightborne are cool but since the males use the male nelf bow animation i can’t really make the toon i want to. :frowning:

Sorry, but you have weird tastes.

They are the second most popular allied race…

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my favorite of the allied races are kt and mechagnomes. both alliance. both locked behind awful mythic dungeon crap that i’m gonna have to do next expansion when i can solo it, most likely.