High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

This is Avarie’s rogue. This character is dedicated to Quel’thalas, but has no loyalty to the horde. She’d stab sylv or nathanos before following orders from them.

She also shanks people who call her a high elf.


Oooh, I love the colors, the tabard is a nice touch too. You should definitely get the heritage armor, would look really nice with the hair and eyes. <3

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How about a thank you for being awesome!?


Thank YOU for being awesome

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But there aren’t dude. There aren’t even 100 High Elves in the game right now that are allied with the Alliance. And there are still npcs you can talk to that talk bad about High Elves on the Alliance side.

And a huge point I was trying to make with that other person was, if High Elves were added they would be literal copy pastes of Blood Elves except with Blue Eyes. And EVEN BLUE EYES ISN’T REALLY A HIGH ELF THING. Lore wise High Elves never had blue eyes.

Are there 100 vulpera that are allied with the Horde? No?

Time to get a better argument. You would be hard pressed to list off 100 named characters with any allied race.


Unlike Vulpera, Blizzard never came forward and told the players explicitly that there was NOT enough High elves to be playable. Which honestly is really their way of saying “No” in a very polite way.


Oh hello guy that picks out one sentence. How ya doin.

High Elves are Blood Elves. If you’re looking for the mass of (over 90%) High Elves. They joined the Horde. The difference between your dumb vuplera comment is we know there are very few High Elves left because lore states so. Try again.


to be fair, velves are a “crack squad,” and if there were really that many, they all died during the war campaign. but they’re still playable.


There’s not a single velf house in the entire game. They have no society, only a tiny comunity living in tents and leeching off Stormwind resources.

Of the original void elves, many died in the Nazmir Suicide Squad. Others presumably died in the various battles. There hasn’t been any confirmation of more void elves being created, but even if it happened, it can’t be that many.

And yet they are playable. Go figure.


There is one allied race slot left for both factions

That better be High Elf for alliance and Lightforged Undead for Horde.

This is going to sound unpopular, but I like Void Elves. I like the soundtrack and the aesthetic behind them. That said, they’re not high elves. It’s like asking for pepperoni pizza but they give you a hamburger instead. It’s nice, but it isn’t what you asked for.

I actually like all of the Alliance Allied Races, but it’s impossible to ignore that the Horde have been getting some cool races in comparison to what we’re getting. The Vulpera can flip for chrissakes!

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You can add a scrolling bar ( i don’t know how it is called) in the character creation screen and solve this limited race slot problem.

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Precisely, Blizzard did not specifically state a limit on Allied Races. There were only 4 slots for core races, but they kept expanding as more were added. I imagine the same could be done for allied races


With Calia looking like she may go to help the horde… maybe. Lol

i like almost all of the alliance allied races more than i like the horde one. but man, are ally screwed over with the unlocks. mythic dungeons for a lot of them? jeez.

With how ‘low’ the population of Void Elves is in the game and an untapped decent sized group of high elves in the Alliance a concern of mine is that Blizzard is gonna write them off as becoming Void elves as well.

Like seriously, there are probably more High Elves than actual Void Elves (especially after the war).

We will just have to see; but I’m holding out hope for yall!


For that, Blizzard would need to actually have a story about void elves…

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There is nothing we can do about non canon RPers

Thematically vulpera fit right in with the horde


mechagnomes are still better imo. but vulpera are cooler than i thought they’d be. :slight_smile: