High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

That’s the big question indeed.

I’ll wait more 8.3 news, but so far it seems those players owe us an apology (that will never come, just like velf lore).


Yup. Right now there’s no velf stuff at all on the horizon, which in and of itself tells you that the velves were never meant to have any kind of role with void stuff the way others predicted they would. If we complain enough Umbric might get plugged into an invasion or two with some velves, not actually doing anything but just studying stuff.


Maybe blizz thinks that by giving us high elves they will kill the horde #s. But I think as it stands horde are out numbering Alliance at this point.

Might have something todo with most of the story content, toys, mounts, and other rewards going to the horde.

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There will probably be the random nameless void elf fighting alongside others in the background. But so far there’s no void elf lore or plot at all. A big disappointment.


It was very recurring of some of the antis to always say that the Void Elves are going to receive attention and become relevant to justify them as a substitute for High Elves, that “they have potential”. One anti was very confident on that, it’s a relief he isn’t around anymore, but i wanted so much to see him upset by being wronged.

In 7.3.5: “Don’t worry, there’s a lot of void stuff in BfA, the Void Elves will become relevant”

In 8.0: “I mean, 8.1 it will surely happen, just wait! Void related Raid incoming, they will be there!”

In 8.1: “We are going to Nazjatar, with a lot of Void stuff and the potential of the Void Elves will be on the spotlight! TRUST ME!”

In 8.2: “Of course 8.3 will be about N’zoth, they… they… are going to be there… they are much more interesting and better than boring High Elves aren’t they… Blizzard did the right thing… Void stuff, they are going to be there… THEY WILL BE YOU FANATICAL HELFERS”

In 8.3: silence…

Of course i want the Void Elves to receive attention, i like them and their concept, but they fell, just, Void. I wanted a comic, a short story of their past in Silvermoon, anything, even taking more important roles when the Void started to become more and more dominant in the story, but well, it didn’t happen. Now, i’m getting more and more convinced of this: it’s time for the High Elves.


Good to see you Dekkar! I don’t care for vulpera or mechagnomes, but I am happy for those who wanted them.


Vulpera are ok, but Mechgnomes? MECHAGNOMES?! It’s like the chicken broth of races. the low sodium version.

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I really wanted mechagnomes for a while. Didn’t care about vulpera as I didn’t think they could be warlocks. But they can! I race changed dekkar to it on the ptr and he looks fabulous this patch is gonna be so good imo

My issue with vulpera is mostly from an rp perspective. I’ve seen fox furry rpers in action before. Nearly every one I’ve seen makes even the gloomiest DK look cheerful.

You would think fox people would be happier.

Rp is important yes. Do you also play horde? Are you afraid of how it will hurt your own rp?

I’m sorry you feel that way, and I understand you. I do like both Vulpera and Mechagnomes, and I’d bet most of the Alliance players would like them at least to some extent if it weren’t for the fact that the Horde is receiving in exchange a whole new species to play with, not a Goblin reskin. I feel that’s really the whole issue here - if we instead received Gilgoblins and Mechagnomes, I’m pretty sure many of us wouldn’t have whined this much. Sure, there are always those who simply hate anything related to Gnomes, but I think these are a minority. The problem here was Blizzard equating Mechagnomes with Vulpera for some incomprehensible reason.

That said, I have to say I love Mechagnomes’ racials, they are quite OP. :slight_smile:


Zanda were remade male nelves and kt were a totally new model. I think that’s why vulpera are a totally new model but mechagnomes are a reskin with a bunch of customization

Dont think so. Last I heard is they were trying to find a way.

Dunno why anyone would want it though. Kind of like forsaken. No one volunteers for that bologna “yes please kill me so I can come back as the walking dead!”

“Yes please give me tentacles and voices in my head! It sounds super fun”

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(Can’t like your post cause I ran out of likes already :joy:)

Yeah but they’re still “subraces”, as in, they’re all related to a core race (Kul Tirans are Humans, Zanda are trolls, etc.). Vulpera however are not, they are a new “race” in literal terms, like a new species. They should have been a core race, if anything, and Alliance should have gotten another one too (Ankoan or Sethrak, for example).

That’s the way I see it :man_shrugging:t2:

Oh the lore would be stupid, but the devs basically flat out said they’re recruiting those who are interested in the void. The Blood/High Elves in the rift are probably supposed to imply this

I think it’s dumb, but there we have it

Hello Kirela my favorite elf! :heart:

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Researching the void and becoming a void elf are two very different things. Theyre recruiting more scholars or whatever, but until blizz actually makes up some rot about how they “replicate the process” or whatever… theyre just groupies.

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I’m just saying that Blizz will likely only ever imply that Void Elves are recruiting without actually showing us anything. Which would be a shame, Void Elves desperately need more attention

Void elves need to go in the scrapper (and yes my main is one). The only good thing they did was dismantle all the “barriers” for high elves.

You are so grumpy about velves :joy: