High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I’d be pretty stoked if we had a new Alliance Race that could use Pallies. We should have gotten Night Elf Paladins, but I reiterate that I’ll /racechange this toon to a high elf as soon as that becomes possible



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Hello, Mowa.

I thought of this thread and how they went with Mecha-Gnomes over Helfs and had an inkling of the reaction to it.

They could at least add High Elves to the WoW Shop, just buy them. No insane gates or rep grinding. However, it’s so funny how BLIZZ is doing everything and even wasting time and money to allow High Elves. At this point the most logical thing would be to make purchasable Allied Races to recoup the losses spent not allowing them in the first place. Void Elves in example.

Let’s not go this route, I don’t fancy spending any more real money for things.


I wish I shared your optimism friend. That doesn’t mean I will not keep fighting until they are one. High Elves in the Alliance! Now and forever!

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It’s lighting from her staff.

This is very close to what I mean when I ask for “normal-ish” void elves: less blue tint in their skins.

Back to topic, Vereesa is in 8.3. No Silver Covenant units, thought, so probably it’s her with Alleria or just a small cameo. And Vereesa is still a high elf.

At least for now, it seems the idea of merging high and void elves won’t happen after all. If it’s not in this patch, I don’t see it happening ever.


Ion is totally clueless about the game’s lore, that statement was more out of ignorance.

Voicing my support for high elves


I know I’m very late to this but I wanted to respond regardless.

I never said that what was holding you from holding a conversation were your different opinions, but the double standards you seem to have regarding those opinions do. You seem to think your speculation that their addition won’t negatively impact the blood elves (and I also mentioned playerbase population) it’s somehow more valid despite being as baseless as the idea that it will have a negative impact… you even admit it could happen (when you say "I’m not saying that it won’t happen), and yet you still seem dismissive.

Where is the evidence that it won’t have any effect them? You call it alarmist, and yet, I simply see it as something that should be considered with the same level as validity as those that expect blizzard to listen to them when it comes to say it won’t cause any trouble.
If you have a way of proving me wrong, go ahead and please do. I’ve been looking for a way to get out of this argument, but I simply won’t due to a simple “well, you’re just fear-mongering, I say you shouldn’t!”.

Because you simply need to look at the history of both races to see how different they are. Do they have the same root of origin? Of course, all elves in WoW come from the same place.
But then in one hand you have the night elves that prohibited magic for 10,000 years, switched to moonwells and adopted a purely druidic life style; in the other you have nightborne that continued practicing magic in absolute isolation from the world to the point where they thought that the rest of the world had been destroyed and because of this rather than commuting with nature, they flat out manipulate it and spent 10,000 years being affected by a completely different source of magic.

High elves just like humans more than blood elves do. The fel influence has been retconned and in fact it’s been expressed high elves had no issue with how the sin’dorei coped with the addiction, only those in Quel’Lithien did and, ironically enough, they fell to wretchedness eventually save for two of them (or only one, who knows if Aurora made it). Then you have the Highvale that essentially took a “no magic” path similar to the night elves in Highvale, but those seem to be the odd ones out of the High elves, the rest don’t seem against doing reckless or even dangerous things to get their fix, much like a blood elf would.

So, summarizing, yes, I don’t see many similarities between two races that spent 10,000 separated and living under completely different circumstances while developing different culture, but of course I see them between a large group and some outliers that have not spend that much separated and are still influenced by the same source of magic for the most part.

It’s not just their biology.
And also, this is not a real life setting where things can happen organically, they have to consider many things when making changes like when it comes to adding new races, it’s not arbitrarty, it’s been decided for a reason, and they have mentioned faction boundaries for a reason.

And yet you see that the two races that were switched from one side to the other are modified, not only visually, but also thematically from their originals, while the ones that are closer to their originals are closer visually and thematically…

Just because the design choices evolve it doesn’t mean they should or will go against their wish of keeping the faction identities distinct.

… you already got a deal with even less changes than those.

But as I pointed out before, we’re back on “lore bending it’s only ok when it comes to high elves” territory.

As I said, you’ve seen how the lore that explains the changes of the void elves have been criticized, but somehow you want them to be different despite that the lore does not say anything about them looking different, and they’ve shared models since warcraft 3 with only the color palette changing.
Or perhaps it’s worse and you simply want them to look different just because like Kultirans.

Are you really using the lack of body customizations, a generalized problem, as an argument for this?
Yes, in WoW, every member of a “race” looks the same, that’s how WoW works.

And yet they haven’t done anything for their people or their history to the point that their whole thing was abandoning their own, but instead, they serve as stepping stool and canon fodder for humans.
Sure, they exist, but considering the history of WoW would be completely unchanged if those outliers didn’t exist… do they really?


spending more time with night elves, than blood elves do, would subject them to an alternate magic well source - namely the moonwells, which they could passively absorb by proximity in much the same way blood elves passively absorbed fel magic from fel crystals in silvermoon and its environs.

if we follow the trend of the magic source effecting eye color, high elves of the alliance would have like a pale blue eye color, with the rise of sunwell holy making it a pale aqua in some cases. the pale being due to moonwell white eyes, mixing with blue.

the fact they hang with humans, eat human foods, and have pretty much adopted and adapted to human culture, would differentiate them, though its certainly not a 10,000 year difference. itd be enough over a few generations

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This is a pretty sad pity party ya’ll got goin on in here

actin like blizzcon going to change anything ha


Actually with all the salt over the announcement of Mechagnomes, it wouldn’t surprise me if Blizz threw Alliance a bone and gave them some form of playable High Elf (either a new AR or customization for Void Elves). Alliance players are preeeeeeeetty unhappy (or at least the majority seem to be) about Mechagnomes. Not like they were a surprise or anything but still … FORUM SALT!

Also SPOILERS if there are going to be Forsaken Night Elves looking to Calia and Derek for leadership and that somehow leads to a new AR, it would be another elf race added to Horde … which would make me think Bliz would look at THAT point in time to give in to the clamoring for High Elves (or some iteration of them).

At this point, nothing would surprise me. I don’t want 'em but I can totally see Bliz caving on the issue at some point.

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I’m hopeful for the announcement of 9.0

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Well it could be the big feature of pre-purchasing the next expansion. ONly problem is it wouldn’t make sense unless there was some kind of story High Elves were a part of before that (Gods help them if they do another shoe-horned implementation like they did with Void Elves). Lord knows they’ve lost a lot of faith of the players with BfA and they’ll need something big to entice people back.

I’ve always pre-purchased but I hate this expansion so much I’m wary of pre-purchasing the next one.

In an effort to make money, I can totally see them throwing High Elves into the mix. I’d consider it essentially selling out on their part but at this point nothing would surprise me.

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High elves are an already-established race and don’t really a big excuse to be added. The recruitment storyline is all they need.

The thing about void elves is that they were a completely new group and have a ton of unanswered questions regarding them. We don’t even know how/if they can make more of themselves.


They are definitely making more Void Elves somehow, but I doubt we’ll ever find out how. Being the most played allied race, Blizz probably doesn’t feel the need to do anything more with them

I haven’t even looked at the forum salt. I think blizz was aware that would be the case after the reaction to initial speculation of them as an ar.

But hopefully next expac they take into account what alliance requests instead of just what the horde requests.


In your mind they are this big and established race. At present that couldn’t be further from the truth. So maybe back in the RTS heyday High Elves were the main focus but they never have been in WoW the MMO. So you are going off of 20+ yo events. Now they have been just used as cannon fodder for events. I think they should have to have a big excuse, this isn;t some run of the mill sub-race you’re adding here. Make no mistake, it’s literally a carbon copy but you wanna toss on some fake tats or visit the hair salon and a chiropractor. If you are interested in all at respecting others feelings i think you would have to agree that the High Elf would require a bigger event, such as Dragon Isles introduction.


I personally do not like the Mech gnomes, but some people seem genuinely excited for them, good on them, and I am happy for them. I just don’t see why people think it’s the end of all things for other prospective ARs until they announce the end of implementation of ARs. Maybe because the mech gnomes have been a more recent NPC race that they made them go PC. We just don’t know, meanwhile I just hope blizz doesn’t forget about our beloved core races for more customization as well.


i’ve been talking about wanting a mechagnome hunter since before i started to post in the helf threads. it just makes me sad that some of the alliance doesn’t seem happy for us. :frowning:

i understand that you guys want helves. i’ve mostly been supportive of that. just makes me feel bad to see so many people talking about how much they suck.