High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

…or Viking!

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I read that as Ny’aloth Elves and got worried.

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Now, more than ever, we need High Elf representation on the Alliance.


I’d get worried about that because it would be another race of elves that Blizzard might give us, instead of High Elves.

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Blizzard. You want to know why so many are joining horde?

You give every horde race heavily requested as an allied race. Sure some dont like vulpies, but many wanted the cute little vulpies as a race. You never give alliance a race they request without corrupt a wish added to it

Thats why I switched to horde. we get everything we want and ask for without corrupt a wish :slight_smile:

At least kul’tiran are cool. The only good allied race for alliance


This is really incredible. These absolutely need to be added into the game. I don’t even care which faction, they are great designs.


I play both side, to try to get the whole story. However an mmorpg is the worst way to get lore… Anyways all I’d like is blue eyes. I made golden eyes, it’ll have to do for now i guess. Asking to switch to Alliance as a Fiery-blonde, blue eyed, fair skinned elf is asking blizz too much i know… i think they should get rid of Horde and Alliance thier goals are too similar and i don’t understand what they are fighting for now. There should be multiple factions with clear goals, Army of Light, Army of Darkness, or vegans. Something along those lines.

Gonna have to wait until it happens.

how did this void elf get that skin color

I believe it’s a lighting glitch.

Ooo I like the concept art.

Heck if we don’t get highelves can we at least get some of that yummy Keltic inspired tatoos and mog?

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The staff. Its has a lighting effect and that is white washing the skin a bit.

yeah but none of the skin tones have a peach base. they are all blue or gray.

That elf’s skin isn’t peach. Its grey. The light makes it hard to tell, but it’s not peach.

Please, and I mean this from the bottom of my slowly shrivelling heart.

Please stop dragging the history and dignity of my ancestors through the mud with this inane forum RP.


I’d be less concerned about your family and more concerned with all our collective comfort.


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Is this how the native Japanese feel about weeaboos?

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That’s how I’ve always felt about it. My favourite part is when people do stuff like say I should be upset with the historical inaccuracies in Thor.

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I don’t pay it any mind. It’s a fictional retelling, they can do what they wish. Just don’t pretend it’s the original.

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Except the next two allied races will have to contain:

Druids on the Alliance, a Paladin on the Horde. Alliance may also get a Paladin/Druid combo, to match the class balance.

Horde has 2 druids, 1 paladin, and 3 shaman ARs

Alliance has 1 Druid, 2 Paladins and 2 Shaman ARs.

Ergo, we need a Paladin/Druid on the Alliance, and a paladin race on the Horde.