High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

But they will not make multi-factions, too complicated for PvP and “oh yea’ balance

High Elves would depopulate horde, it’d be a ghost town horde side within weeks of allowing that.

So the easiest would be to add more customizable features for both Blood & Void Elves, easy and everyone wins.

There is literally no evidence to support that.

For one thing, you need all the rep and requirements to unlock them.

Blood Elf racials are still very good.

The Horde already has a deadlock on PvP and PvE so there’s no reason to switch. That’s not going to change just because of High Elves.

We literally got Blood Elves and there was not a mass exodus. So there’s no reason to think it would happen now.

Plus the idea that all the Blood Elf players are constantly refreshing the race change page because they really want to be Alliance is ridiculous.


No offense Arcainus, but it was just another lazy excuse as to why not to add them without knowing what they are talking about. Plus, the Horde now has other races to continue the Horde intrigue and two elven cities. There are more and more people going Horde. The effect high elves would have on the balance isn’t that much.

I’m of the opinion that High Elves isn’t a question of if but when. Don’t lose hope, it’ll eventually happen


Blizzard literally said you cant kill hope, months later they release mechagnomes who no one asked for.

They are laughing at us

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Perhaps Blizzard is testing our resolve


I can’t post links, but go to Distribution of World of Warcraft characters in U.S. and EU realms as of July 2019, by race, or look up most popular WoW Races or polls if players would re-roll and switch alliance if High Elves were playable. Yes, Blizzard is very aware of it, it would throw the Horde out of wack. Just search around.

100%. 3/4 of the Sin’Dorei would either race change, or roll new Quel’Dorei characters.

Vulpera will offset the balance for sure. Ogres will most defiantly do it. Ogres and High Elves perfect balance.

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And ogres will most likely happen, as well as amani trolls. The only race I want to see for the Horde, but has been argued against, are alterac humans.


Alterac Humans makes sense tho, lore wise. I could see it.



Press :negative_squared_cross_mark: to doubt


Let them!
*Begins a slow rhythmic slamming of axe on shield.
We will stand firm!
We will NEVER yield!
We will FIGHT ON!
…until our kin are returned to us!
MANY :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:

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If they had openly broken racials like mechagnomes, maybe.

If that ever comes to pass, Murg will once again be my main in game - regardless of the catching up I’ll have to do with him. I don’t think it’s likely though.

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Prove it.
(Goes back to repairing her shield)

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Tyrande refuses to sign that pact, by the way. The Night Elves are not at peace as of the signing.

As for no one wanting it, you don’t have to look very hard for threads demanding exactly that very thing; for Night Elves to rebel at the very suggestion that the blood price has been paid for Teldrassil.


I have an idea, maybe if everybody that want Quel’dorei for Alliance switch to the horde faction, they would see the imbalanced distribution between horde and alliance, so in order to get people back to the alliance, they would release Quel’dorei as an AR.

Done, Quel’dorei confirmed as AR for Alliance

…and Tyrande is far from alone, in this!

As a Night Elf player, I am SICK of the way blizzard reserves the more creative and engaging content for only a very few races; even most of the Horde is getting short shrift at this point.

BlizzCon had better be AWESOME!


With Shandris and the gossip text the NE’s get in Boralus there is some internal schism. Some NE’s don’t want to let go of revenge, others just want the war to be over, and Tyrande and Shandris seem to be representing either side.

So if a group of Nigth Elves want to follow through with a non alliance sanctioned war, there’s really not much Horde or Alliance can do if some NE’s go rogue.