High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

That’s the point; every other AR either had a whole zone dedicated to them, or they have been relevant since far earlier; Most AR had zones dedicated to them on Legion and BfA, the only exceptions being Magh’ar, -who had Warlords as a whole- and DID, who have been relevant since Vanilla and have been consistently been part of the narrative as part of the alliance since Cata-

Void Elves had NOTHING but their introductory quest that left them stranded on a rock in space. It’s appalling.


Sorry to all Night Elf fans here, but Shandris is way superior of a character than Tyrande currently. I always wanted Shandris to receive attention and development and it seems her time is coming.

Blizzard ruined Tyrande after Warcraft 3 and i have no wishes to follow her against the Alliance. As a High Elf enthusiast, my heart is on the Alliance.


To be fair, nightborne and highmountain kept getting small roles during BfA.

It even seems that romance is brewing between Talyssra and Lor’themar…


Being fair, Thalyssra was the best character for Blizzard to use as the Horde “guide” in Nazjatar.

I ship.

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Well it was nice talking with you guys again. Even seeing Old Faces I haven’t seen in a long time. I only came back after the huge announcement of Patch 8.3 and see what’s going on.

I know things are very dire and not really great for the Alliance Faction as of late in terms of the Story with the Night Elves, Meh and very Brand Allied Races, and so on. Don’t lose faith and hope guys. I may have lost some of it after getting banned from the High Elf Community/Discord, losing some faith in Blizzard’s lack of respect for the Alliance Faction and their terrible comebacks of Allied Races poorly requested, and even dealing with too much Antis atleast on my account.

But I still continue to past forward and have pieces of hope left that someday the Alliance will not only get some good for once in Content such as Better Story, Cinematics, and Allied Races but also even the Big main 9 that I requested and I will still continue to support and fight for something iconic, original, and unique in theme such as Playable High Elves, San’layn, Wildhammer Dwarves, Forest Trolls, Arakkoa, Mogu, Broken Draenei, Ogres, and even the Sethrak.

Don’t stop the Request/Support. Continue with it. Who knows what will happen at Blizzcon. For me I’m going to lower my hype and see what Blizzard has in store. Part of me wishes something good and great after crazy 3 years of my life since BFA started but I doubt something great will happen with Blizzard unless I’m proven wrong or otherwise.

Now I don’t want to cause anymore issues and stress to the Official Mods or Officers of the High Elf Community but I will say that I am doing something else besides WoW and Forums themselves. I have been playing Age of Empires, other Blizzard Titles such as StarCraft, RTS Games, and etc. I also joined other WoW Communities as well through I haven’t been playing on the horde as of late. Also in terms of my hobbies. I create Videos for Fun, My own Artwork, and other things in life.

So like I have said with the San’layn Folks since some of them are losing hope of playable San’layn. Don’t Give up the Hopes and Dreams of Playable Iconic Warcraft 2 and 3 Races. That goes with Arakkoa, San’layn, Sethrak, and etc. Don’t lose the Dream. Keep the Dream Alive Folks whatever money you have in terms of dollars or cents.

As for me. I’m going to play some WoW for the Worgen Heritage Armor, as well as Vulpera on the Horde, Horde itself, and even Classic WoW. Until Blizzcon arrives. Take care folks and good luck to all of you.


One last thing I got to rid of this ridiculous haircut with the Paladin Armor. I look bit too memeable. I was filming Stupid Video I made about Orgrimmar and I just needed something Stupid in my life.

That’s just me folks. :grin:

yea i cant wait for blizzcon either. have a good night bry see you tomorrow

Huge night elf fan here, no offense taken because Shandris is amazing and I’ve loved her a long time. I’d be fine with her over Tyrande as a leader.

I just have issues with turning Tyrande into a villain simply because she doesn’t want to hold hands with the horde and wants to hunt the banshee down.


This is my biggest issue too, but I think she is going to be a driving force next expac to hunting down Sylvanas and Nathanos.

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Yeah, the whole “Actually no, I’m not over the genocide of my people and destruction of our home” as reason enough for Tyrande to be considered “evil” is a big yikes for me.

Teldrassil should be an unforgivable crime for some people both in and out universe; I’m sure there are plenty of players that would be happy to follow Tyrande on a campaign of revenge.

Maybe next exp we actually get to follow Tyrande and Sylvanas’ paths through our choices.


I’d be fine with her dying if she takes those two with her. It’d be a better ending for her than sticking her in a raid.

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There’s so many characters that have a right to claim Sylvanas’ head that I have no idea how it will turn out…

Alleria, Vereesa, Genn, Tyrande…

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It would be sweet to see that gang get together to hunt her down lol. Now THAT’S a faction I’d happily join.

Really TBH, Tyrande, Alleria and Vereesa (and Genn) teaming up to hunt Sylvanas down has been a dream of mine for a while.

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Banshee hunter faction. Calling it now.

Not playable, just rep earn

She can hunter her down on the Shadowlands if this is next expansion, but openly threatening and attacking the Horde would be a betrayal of the pact that was made, and it would, well, resume the cycle, nobody want that.

I hope we get a Night Elf faction on the next expansion that is dedicated on getting revenge on Sylvanas.

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I even say plenty Horde characters that have that claim just for being manipulated and used as foil for her plans.

The justification of Teldrassil by some people has been mind boggling and the fact that there’s talk of the factions dissolving and stuff, just meh. I would feel differently if the horde hadn’t continued to support her after Teldrassil. I’d be more open to peace if they hadn’t started blighting everything in darkshore and kul’tiras. I’d maybe be a smidge more forgiving if they hadn’t invaded a farm town in kul’tiras slaughtering more civilians.

Jaina shouldn’t even want peace considering it was kul’tirans that they were blighting. It really disturbed me honestly, seeing supposedly honorable orcs, and tauren tossing blight around.

It’s nearing the end of the faction pride expansion and I want to delete most of my horde toons and I am disgusted that alliance once again has to make nice with the people who committed monstrous acts against them.


Void Elves of all allied races need the screentime, though

They are worried about horde depopulation, thus Alliance will not get High Elves. I know it’s like 16%+ on all US servers that people play BEs, even if half switch faction which would happen they would still leave Blood Elves #1 race for horde. Elves in general are the most popular in RP/MMORPGs that have them. Blizzard knows this, and prior to BC they threw in Blood Elves to Balance the Horde to balance it. In Van PvP days Alliance dominated PvP. What was their solution? Blood Knights! Blood Elf Paladins… for balance of course. Blood Elves might as well be renamed to Balance Elves because that’s all they are doing is balancing the Horde to Alliance.

So, why not give Horde some cool races, like, I dunno… zandalari trolls or vulpera?