High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Forgive me and you guys probably get this a lot, but aren’t these Blood Elves with blue eyes?

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yes they are the same race. the difference now is an officially defunct adjective if the faction peace treaty is true

Okay, just a divergence? I didn’t read the lore and such. I did look at the pictures, though. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m baffled, really.

I always said that void elves seemed like a last-minute idea to fill up a race slot, but I wanted for that to not be true.

I’m really disappointed right now. More than in the beginning. I’m finding my cynicism to be right all along, when I hoped so hard to be wrong.

There’s still more story to uncover. I’m pretty sure this patch will have more lead-in story events. The starting questline is probably not implemented. There’s still some unsolved whispers (“the hour of her third death will usher our coming”, “its surface burns bright, masking the shadows bellow”, “when the arrow strikes true, the last fetter will fall away”) that could give us something.

But my hope for that is quickly fading. It’s a miserable feeling.


Basically the High Elves that side with the Alliance are an under developed anti Horde hate group that we’d like to play as in some form


I am.



Delete this thread already.

Blizzard doesn’t listen.

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Don’t lose hope. :slight_smile:


You can’t kill hope


Ostensibly; High and Blood Elves are biologically basically indistinguishable from one another, but ideologically, politically and culturally, they keep only drifting apart. A big, if not the biggest, part of the High Elf identity is that they chose to remain in the Alliance rather than follow Kael first, and joining the Horde later.

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Blizzard listening is up to them, but taking aside all the anti toxicity, this thread is a good place to talk about our beloved flavor of elves and make like-minded friends.

So, regardless if High Elves will happen or not, I think this community at the very least deserves this small place to hang out.


It just really feels like Blizz cared for Void Elves as much as they cared for High Elves and indeed they were meant as a haphazard compromise that left HE players unhappy while making VE so flimsy and out of no where they don’t seem to even be relevant on the patch ABOUT the Void.

I really hope there is more, something, cause otherwise is just the biggest let down and VE will simply be the worst allied race ever.


Given how little thought was put into them in the first place, I am not terribly surprised that void elves are being ignored.


As am I…but some people are just hell-bent on thinking they speak for others. :slight_smile:


Given where Blizzard has put Night Elves now, if it’s not dead it’s on life support and someone’s inching over toward the plug with that " Yeah, I’m pulling this" look on their face.

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Hey Reno!

Well, why?

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Void Elves got no meaningful participation and roles and managed to surprise 0 people here.

Nothing happens feijoada.

Another proof Blizzard just shoved them in the game with absolutely no plans for them just to fill a slot left by the High Elves in the end of Legion after a change of direction.


Like pretty much all the ARs? I don’t think I’ve ever seen Geyah’rah out of Org


There’s that too, i mean, Allied Races seems to have no importance on lore for Blizzard after they become playable whatsoever.

But the problem with the Void Elves is that they didn’t had any good lore and appearance on the game before becoming playable, while every other AR got their time in the spotlight.


Feijoada is good, thought.

For a time I expected Blizzard to have some big plan for them in the N’Zoth patch. But now it seems my original hypothesis, that the high elves were planned over the course of Legion but dropped at last minute because of executive meddling, is actually right.