High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I read it too. No surprises. I hope we get the option to follow her.

Something tells me this truce between the Alliance and the Horde will be short lived

I don’t know, I feel as if Tyrande is gonna go the same route as Sylvanas, and represent the conflict from the Alliance’s side. It’s likely she’s going to operate on her own, and stage an attack on either innocent Horde civilians, or wind up killing Horde and alliance at the same time, prompting both factions to defend themselves against her.

You know, the idea that we might get a mirror of the War 3 factions next expansion sound plausible tbh. Horde, Alliance, Sylvanas’ Undead and Tyrande’s Nigth Elves. Not saying we are gonna get two extra factions, but now there can be a deep schism for both Horde and Alliance based on who we choose to follow.


Which would be the worst way they could go about it, so totally possibly :confused:


Yeah, Tyrande is likely going to feel like the alliance has betrayed her for making peace with the Horde, whom of which she blames fully for the act at Teldrassil. This is likely mirror the choices the Horde had with Sylvanas, and leave it up to the players on whether or not her actions are justifiable, or villainous.

We likely won’t fight Tyrande herself, but we may end up fighting her forces.

If they kill Tyrande off and Sylvanas gets yet another pass, I will not be amused. Anduin needs to think more from her point of view honestly.

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It really depends on what she does, to be honest. If she ends up murdering countless innocent lives in her quest for vengeance, I don’t think any amount of devils advocate is going to justify it in his eyes, especially immediately after Saurfang gave his life to “break” the cycle of hatred, a man he respected dearly.

TBH I hope both get to live and we get to “side” with them at different points of the story, like they become opposite forces as well extremes within their factions.

For real tho, even the possibility of following Tyrande against the rest of the alliance’s wishes is so compelling. I’m on for it.


It sure seems like Shandris is being developed into the next night elf leader.


She has definitely softened up recently, where she was once ready to kill Highborne happily, she is now seen often fighting beside them and Blood elves alike. She’s certainly become more level-headed, and measured than Tyrande currently is, and it would be interesting to see if she ends having to face Tyrande herself, and hopefully talk some sense into her.

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Wouldn’t that ruin the chance of Tyrande having her Revenge against Azshara since the War of the Ancients?

Honestly I’m banking that next expansion we can be Sylvanas or Tyrande loyalists, with them becoming different axis. But yeah, very likely both Forsaken and NE end up with new leaders, so Sylvanas and Tyrande can do their own thing.

War III Reimagined alright.

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I think Tyrande’s rage is more focused toward Sylvanas, and the Horde at the moment. It wasn’t the War of the Ancients that drove her to evoke Elunes wrath, it was the actions of Sylvanas. That rage has “blinded” her from seeing reason, and unfortunately will likely lead to her doing something drastic that ends up causing casualties among Alliance and horde both.

It’s unfortunate, and almost poetic as when Kael’thas and the Blood elves suffered a similar fate she imparted wisdom to him in hopes that he would not let rage, and vengeance poison his heart, and that he could still lead his people to a promising future. And now she’s traveling down a similar path, I just hope Shandris or Malfurion can bring her to her senses.

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Doesn’t bother me any, more playable races be they Core or Allied is fine by me. Always another time for the Alliance’s Quel’dorei to become playable. :+1: :grinning: :+1:


Now the real big question is: which races will form the last AR pair…?

I’m still counting on ogres/mok’nathal for Horde, but Alliance? I have no idea.

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Sig … nifi…. cant …. as in the few npc’s hanging around?

They’re …. significant?

As for the last pair of AR, if they stick with what they’ve been doing it’ll be a Foresaken and Worgen based pair …. so Lightforged Undead and …. ?

no, he has a point!
What about us VIKING ELVES!
…and axe-and-shield-slamming, to the tune of her fav sagas!

More significant than some, yes.


Why not? ONE NPC, and his beer keg, in WC3 was ‘significant’ enough for an entire EXPAC, complete with…EVERYTHING!