High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

This is a good point.

Tbh, I’m glad they announced 8.3 prior to Blizzcon because 8.3 could’ve taken too much time from WoW panels. Now we can expect a Blizzcon fully about 9.0 alone.

About, Vulpera and “Mechagnomes” (Junker Gnomes), I’m really not surprised, as I’ll also not be surprised if the next Alliance one is Lightbound/Lightforged/Redeemed Undead, bad Allied Races is the legacy of the Alliance. But let’s make some fun out it.

Place your bets!
Which one will be least played Allied Race:

Mechagnomes -Or- Kul’tirans ?

We’ll find the answer when the Next Expansion launches.


evolution. by the way, where’s your musical abilities? hehe. that’s part of the bargain.

what’s an elf? its not exclusively drow. but wow elves are all drow of various types. we dont have actual elves. we have different shades of drow.

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My vote is on Mechagnomes.

kul’tirans cause mechagnomes are cute and unique.

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I’d say light-based elves are probably the most majestic, and pure version of elves in the game at the current moment. Even the humans consider Lady Liadrin as one of the most holiest paladins in Azeroth.

Darkness cannot abide within the light!

I’d say mechagnomes. They seem incredibly niche.

it isn’t about dark/light in this case but the composition of drow societies.

Which really applies to all elves, high, and blood alike.

I hope so. Through I wouldn’t get my hopes up very high knowing what happened last time in 2018 at blizzcon. My 4 Cents for Playable Sethrak, High Elves, San’layn, Wildhammer Dwarves, Forest Trolls, and Ogres for Playable Allied Races.

I say Mechagnomes. Kul’tirans are still going to be played by Folks who wants to be a Pirate or Heavy from TF2.

Hi Avarie.

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blood elves come closest to traditional elves, but are still evolved drow. for actual elves, ya need a world other than drizzt’s.

Reno! How have you been?

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smart choices. also decursed naga. and if i recall, another popular one was vrykul, though they just seem like na zis

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Dead on the side of the road.

Wait, wrong forum.

Honestly, I’m happy with what I have atm. With the appearance of my elf, her mog, and her connection with the light, It’s exactly the fantasy I wanted to fulfill when I made her.

I’d revive you but I don’t have the proper spells. :frowning:

I have a DW inspired collar on, that qualifies me as a pet.

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I think Blizzard has trash allied races, there all recolors, even the newly announced ones. High Elf is a weird thread here when there are so many elf models playable in the game.
Factions need different character models so the void elf was ok for alliance.
But high elf… blood elf has white skin with light blond hair lol

Kul Tirans.

Mechagnomes have every profession tool built in. So they will make great Farmbots.

That was a pun and I will not apologise.


Then I have the perfect spell!

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